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Everything posted by HHH

  1. Disregard this thread, I have found the root cause for the issue. It was a problem with "Assign to owner (variable)" in the BPM. I cannot delete the post. I am creating a new email template where the owner and team are filled in {{owner.H_name}} in {{.H_fk_team_name}} but the team name shows in the email as {{.H_fk_team_name}} I have chosen the variable in the list called "Team Name" The same seem to apply for {{.H_fk_team_id}}
  2. Thanks for the tip @James Ainsworth but in our instance it does not seem to work. I have created a number of activities and assigned to others but clicking the button makes no difference in my view.
  3. This would be an enormous improvement to the FAQ functionality. +1 for us.
  4. We get mails from Jira which are a pain since they have them styled ad nauseum
  5. @Martyn Houghton I just started testing using ESP conditions as a workaround. Some text in Swedish and then the condition '{{Customer Contact.H_language}}'='sv' then another text in English and the condition '{{Customer Contact.H_language}}'='en-GB' This works as expected but is a bit fiddly so proper translations would be preferred. https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Email_Templates
  6. Most definitely. Thanks for clearing that up.
  7. Is there an implicit "services supported by me" filter when creating views? I created a custom view with the only criteria being that I'm a customer. When I, as an analyst, look in the request list I cannot see this ticket. I assume it's because it's on a service I am a subscriber to but is not supported by my team but want to verify this.
  8. From experience they don't seem to need to be of the same type but there seems to be a limit of 50 at a time, at least that's how many I've been able to select from the list. BTW Shift+Click works so click top item and shift+click a bit down in list makes it a bit faster to go through many items.
  9. How about letting the intranet email Hornbill and then set up routing rules with routing rule templates to raise a request with the appropriate CI.
  10. A nice feature to have would be the ability to email customer and linked ticket customers using a single email, much the way you can resolve them now. Additionally having this feature for timeline updates would also be a big usability improvement. So 2 new features requested. Email linked ticket customers and update linked tickets. Thank you
  11. Please add us as interested as well
  12. Sometimes customers respond by email to a closed ticket We then tend to respond manually from the email mailbox. Is there any way to let the system then send an autoresponse to the customer telling them that the ticket is closed, and to please create a new request?
  13. I got the answer from Hornbill that if a clock is stopped it's basically gone and cannot be restarted
  14. In https://admin.hornbill.com/{INSTANCE}/app/com.hornbill.servicemanager/requestsettings/ You can set which fields are displayed in the customer section of a request. Since we work with customers all over the world it would potentially save a lot of embarassment if you could display the customer's local time through adding a setting here and thus prevent phone calls in the middle of the night.
  15. You could probably in the BMP add an Automated Task, Update Request/Details. Use the Flowcode variable for description and add it as summary. Question would be how to cap it at 50 characters
  16. @James Ainsworth Is it possible to set up the BPM to automatically add for example a manager as follower to the requests?
  17. Some kind of "Snippet Admin" page, and a role that allows access to it?
  18. Is there any way of setting up routing rules so requests are raised towards a specific service and catalogue item depending on fulfillment of these rules?
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