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Hornbill Staff DR

Hornbill Product Specialists
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Everything posted by Hornbill Staff DR

  1. Hi Keith,  thanks for your post. Which notifications do you appear to be having difficulty with? Is it just one type (such as email notifications to analysts when a call is assigned) or all of the email notifications? If it's all of them, I would check the mailbox sent items. If you can see a notification email in there, that suggests that Hornbill at least recognised it should fire a notification email and also attempted to send it which indicates the setting is active. In the above case I'd check your junk mail folder in your email client where you expected the email to be received, and also make inquiries with you mail exchange team. Perhaps it was blocked or discarded at that point. Please let me know if what you find. Thanks, Dan
  2. Hi Sean,  just to add further context to @Victor 's comment, the Advanced Analytics has since become an option in Service Manager where new Hornbill customers can opt to add the Advanced Analytics capability for an additional monthly subscription. In order to control the visibility based on an Organisations subscription, an additional "flag" has now been incorporated in the application. There's no need to worry as you have been a Hornbill Subscriber for some time, you will actually be experiencing a benefit of Hornbill's "Priced for life Guarantee" whereby the price plan in place at the time you subscribe to Hornbill is fixed for as long as you remain a subscribing customer to that service. As Victor says, updating your Service Manager App should ensure the Advanced Analytics become available to you again. If after updating, logging out, and logging in, you still don't have access, please let us know. Thanks, Dan
  3. @sprasad  thanks for your post. I frequently incorporate the "New" status in my BPM's to facilitate better visibility of requests that were recently logged. There is a Automated operation that can set the status of a request to "New". If this is placed at the very beginning of a BPM the status will be immediately set and the calls will be available to view in the "New" filter of the request list. If you then incorporate a second automated operation (somewhere after your response event) to set the status to "Open" this will move the request into the "Open" filter on the request when this point in your workflow is reached. In this manner, you can be assured that anything with a status of New has not yet had its response marked. Alternatively, the request list can be sorted by response target (if you select it as a requests list display column) which should show the requests that are closest to breaching. I hope that helps. Dan
  4. Hi Dan, Further to James' update above, the Customer Feedback enhancements that are mentioned to enable the inclusion of survey questions to accompany the 5-star rating that a customer can give via the portal, was released in Service Manager version 2.32 (NEW: Extended Customer Feedback including custom questions). Documentation can be found here: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Customer_Feedback I hope you find the additional capability useful. Have a great weekend, Dan
  5. Hi Bob320,  the message "SQL Query was unsuccessful" is typically experienced when the Hornbill Database refuses to execute a query. By default, database query operations are locked down. This lock-down can be lifted by amending the System setting: "security.database.allowSqlQueryOperation". Information on this can be found on the Hornbill Clean Utility wiki page https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Hornbill_Clean_Utility  in the troubleshooting section. Please let us know if the issue persists after amending this system setting. Thanks, Dan
  6. Hi Michael,  Looking at your instance, we can see that an incident was logged today at 14:27, which would lead us to believe the issue is only impacting selected users? Do you know how many analysts are effected specifically? In the past I have seen table rights issues like this occur after an update, and usually if the effected users log out and then in again, the error is cleared and they can continue working as normal. Would you be able to try this and let me know if that helps? Thanks, Dan
  7. Hi Omaha,  multiple emails can be selected by checking one email, then holding ctrl+shift and checking an email further up/down the list. In this case all the emails in between will be selected too. If you want to disable inbound email, then the system setting found in Hornbill Administration Home > System > Settings > Advanced and filter for  mail.inbound.enabled, can be switched off until you have dealt with the virus/cleared your mailbox. Do of course remember to re-enable this again. Thanks, Dan
  8. Hi Paul,  thanks for your post. I can see that you have correctly selected to move the mailbox to a folder which has exposed the mailbox related fields. The first things I would check is that you have completed these fields correctly in that the mailbox name appears exactly as it does in your list of Shared Mailboxes (i.e. the mailbox ID, not the display name), and that the folder name appears exactly as the folder name when viewing the inbox (including the correct case i.e. capital letters, and also spaces, commas etc). Let me know if that helps. Dan ÂÂ
  9. Hi Dan, the terminology that you're using is suggesting that you may benefit from attending some of our Hornbill Webinars to help you get a broader view of how the Progressive Capture, Business Process, Services and Catalog items all interact and hang together. Details of the webinars can be found at https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Hornbill_Webinars and I would recommend attending the "BPM and Progressive  Capture" and the "Service Catalog and Portals" sessions. It sounds like your specific issue was indeed due to a Service or Catalog item not being selected during Progressive Capture, which is why the BPM did not initiate. Thanks, Dan ÂÂ
  10. Hi Dan,  Thanks for your post. If you aren't seeing any red error pop-ups in the bottom right of the screen, it sounds like the BPM hasn't been associated to the request. This can be confirmed by the existence of the green BPM Heads Up Display (HUD). If this progress bar isn't there, then the BPM hasn't been initiated at all. It could be a rights issue, but this is unlikely on this occasion given that it sounds like you can access the request itself, although this is a good opportunity to mention that any role changes to your user account will only take effect after you renew your session by logging out and logging back into Hornbill again. A common one I encounter is in relation to the selection of a service during progressive capture. If the Service form isn't mandatory, or if this form is omitted in the pro cap flow being used, it is of course possible not to select a service or catalog item during the request logging process. BPM's are initiated based on the service or catalog item chosen, if there isn't one selected then no BPM will be initiated. I hope that helps in some way, but if considering the above points doesn't change your situation, please let me know. Thanks, Dan ÂÂ
  11. Hi Ben,  thanks for your post. It's extremely unlikely that these will have disappeared. Access to dashboards and slideshows is not only enforced through security roles, but also through the concept of "Sharing". The creator will always have visibility of the item and it is up to them to Grant access to other individual users or groups through sharing. Your Product Specialist will have used the Admin user account when creating these with you. If you log into your instance using the Admin user can you see your dashboards? You can then access each dashboard and share it with the necessary Users or Groups. Information can be found here: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Dashboards I hope that helps, however please let us know if you still are unable to find them and we can check your instance. Dan
  12. Hi Both, Taking one example from the information provided above, although the field "Development Reference" appears twice, interrogating each of these fields shows that one is pointing at "( relatedEntityData.record.h_custom_c)" and the other is pointing at "( relatedEntityData.record.h_custom_d)" . There only seems to be a duplication of field labels. If you amend the field label using the translation string: ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.requests.customD to "Development Type" (which is what I believe you want it to be) then this should address your issue. Currently its not possible to amend the field labels via the User App once the field has been created (I have requested this be Changed), but we do have access via Hornbill Administration through Home > Service Manager > Translations and filter on "ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.requests.custom". I hope that helps, Dan
  13. Hi Martin,  thanks for your post. How many Services have you configured to date, and do each of these services contain all of the fields listed above, or are certain fields only relevant to certain services? Thanks, Dan
  14. Hi Kelvin, thanks for your post. Unfortunately deleting timeline entries is something that we can't advocate doing. Information relating to the timeline entries are contained across a number of tables and it's frequently not just a case of deleting a single record. Removing these records directly from the database can have significant consequences. I understand that there is sometimes a need to remove certain posts from requests and workspaces and I'm an advocate for some sort of moderator functionality that will give only the system administrator this control. However, this is not currently planned. Sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion. Dan
  15. Hi Adam,  yes, I have an appointment arranged for tomorrow afternoon to take Vishal through the Hornbill configuration. Best Regards, Dan
  16. Hi Gary,  thanks for your post. This feels like a defect to me as I recall working with you on this at the latter stages of your Switch-On where we actually tested the branch expressions, so I'm confident there's nothing wrong there. It looks like an issue with the authorisation task itself where the design canvas is validating on the outcomes (specifically the ones that are passed to the database). As the workflow designer you have no control over these outcome values in an authorisation task, you can only specify the display values. Our BPM engine developer comes online shortly so I've asked him to take a look and address this one. Dan
  17. Hi Derek, Thanks for your post. Samuel is indeed correct and the task is failing to create because the user specified in either the Assignee or Owner fields of the node properties does not exist. Alternatively, If you are using a variable (perhaps "Owner (for Tasks)") to set the task assignee I would check that the request does have an owner when you reach that point in your process. I typically advise that if you are relying on this variable for task assignment at any point in your process , ensure that you have a "Suspend - Wait for Request Owner" node configured close to the beginning of your process, this will then pause the process until an analyst has taken responsibility of the request and only then can the workflow progress. The other cause that I can think of is if it's an authorisation task, and you are using the OOB EXAMPLE Change Process, then this will have the "Customer Manager" variable set as an authoriser and it is likely that there isn't a manager specified against each of your Users. Hope that helps, Dan
  18. Hi Adam,  thanks for your post. Service Manager already contains Auto-routing functionality which allows requests to be automatically updated and logged from email. This can be found in Hornbill Administration > Home > System > Email > Routing Rules. As Martyn kindly points out, information can be found on the following wiki page https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Email_Routing_Rules but a simple Update rule (assuming the standard request reference is being used) would look like the one in the image below. Of course you may like to add additional criteria in the Rule expression. In my mind there is scope for improvement in terms of the call logging operations but whether this effects your implementation will depend on your auto-routing Goals. Hope that helps, Dan ÂÂ
  19. Hi Ralf,  there have been a couple of defect fixes released recently which have addressed some small aspects of this behaviour. We are aware that this is a key piece of functionality for many of our customers and are working on an alternative design to eliminate the skipping and ensure a better experience for all. This is being looked at with urgency. Whether the recent minor fixes will improve your experience is dependent on how you have configured your Progressive Captures. To have better control of the form skipping, a workaround can be to mark the Standard (Blue) forms as being mandatory. This is done on a per-form basis via the Progressive capture design canvas. With regards to the Custom (Purple) Pro Cap forms, where possible we advise including at least one mandatory field on the form which is set in the field configuration. I appreciate that there are a few forms where it may not be relevant to enforce a value, but at present this is the best solution until we deliver an improved design. I hope that is some help for now. Dan
  20. Hi Adam,  we'll make contact with Vishal and arrange a time for next week. Has any configuration bee carried out in Azure as per https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/documentation/articles/active-directory-saas-custom-apps/ ? The "Sign on URL", "Identifier", and "Reply URL" can be obtained from the Hornbill metadata which is downloaded via Hornbill Administration (see image below). In your scenario you should only need the information contained in "User", "Admin", and "Service" Thanks, Dan  ÂÂ
  21. Hi Tina,  with regards to this thread, we haven't been able to identify any issue in presenting/selecting the customers assets on the "Asset Details" form at the point of logging a request through progressive capture or when searching to associate assets to a request via the Asset Action button. Customers assets are returned in this area also. As cchana indicates, for an asset to appear under "Customers Assets" in the progressive capture form, they must be associated to a user via the "Used By" or "Owned By" asset attribute fields. These are part of the general asset attributes. if you want to see how many currently have users associated you could run a report or query the table "h_cmdb_assets" via Database Direct in Hornbill Administration. Based on you current success plan, this entitles you to raise an issue directly with support so if you still feel you are experiencing a technical problem I would advise you pursue it further through that channel. Hope that helps, Dan
  22. Hi Samuel, there are things in the pipeline to improve the management of the BPM and Pro Cap flows in the Admin Tool. At the moment, the only approaches I can offer is that you review your Services and catalog items to understand which are currently being utilised. When creating new BPMs or Pro Cap flows, adopting a naming convention can be very helpful. I typically prefix any new flow with the service name (or abbreviation of the Service name) which allows processes to be naturally found together in the list. In Admin 2.0, there is also the Category column, which can be populated via the design canvas in the Process properties. This could be used to help with the organising of your processes. Hope that helps, Dan
  23. Hi Martyn, just to wrap this post up for the benefit of other forum users, the Hornbill Cleaner relies on the relationships between the request-related items (Members, Connections, Questions and so on) being accurately defined in the "Requests Entity" in order for everything to be deleted correctly. Prior to Service Manager 2.25.x, there were omissions from the Requests Entity regarding the tables where historic updates and attachment references were held so the cleaner would leave records in these tables behind (as well as the actual attachment files). The entity definition corrections were shipped with Service Manager 2.25.x and now when the cleaner is run these tables will also be addressed as part of the clear down. In terms of the orphaned contents of these historic tables, as you know I addressed those directly in the database for you.This issue with the cleaner will not reoccur from SM2.25.x onwards. Thanks, Dan
  24. Hi Martyn, Thanks for your post. when an analyst has the rights to multiple shared mailboxes, there will be an additional pick list that becomes available above the "To:" field when sending an email from within a request. The analyst can select the mailbox from which the email will be sent. It is also possible to specify a "Default" shared mailbox which will ensure this pick list initially presents the mailbox most favoured by the analyst. This can be set via the main Mailbox view, click on the desired mailbox and click the "Set as Default" button that is located beneath the list of folders. Dan
  25. Hi All, there is a way to configure a field on a Progressive Capture custom form that could satisfy what you're looking to acheive. Create a read only single/multi line text field and supply the informative text as the default value for this field. The only perceived negative with this approach is that at the moment the default value will always be passed through to the request questions section, but depending on the scenario this may not be a bad thing. Hope that helps. Dan
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