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Martin.bowman last won the day on October 14 2023

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  1. Thanks @TrevorHarris for the confirmation
  2. Hi, Apologies if I have missed this elsewhere, but when using Live Chat and wishing to finish the chat at the end there doesn't appear to be a means to finish, when using the preview new GUI. There is either Cancel or Raise Request, I don't wish to do either. Is this a known issue or have I missed something. Thanks Martin
  3. Thanks, @Gerry, sorry for the delay in replying. I agree with the not setting status and this is where we have the issue as we use auto-assign. I'll take your comments back to the team. Thanks
  4. Hi @Gerry We have been talking about having a users status in Hornbill to be based around a shift schedule as we have a number of teams where users work different times, and manually resetting one's status more often than not does not happen. Is this the same thing you are talking about here?
  5. @James Ainsworth Hi James, Do you have any update on this RFC please. I have also raised before and suggested the results perhaps could be presented in request list format with all the functionality that provides.
  6. Hi @James Ainsworth - Sorry to chase, any advice on this would be much appreciated. Thanks
  7. Thank you @James Ainsworth The joins are always the challenge for me when it comes to organizations and contacts :-) We have been asked for a list of the job roles of the customers who raise incidents with us. So we're not really interested in incident refs. I was kind of thinking that we maybe have a filter by (between) logged date so we can restrict the numbers returned. Then just produce a list that we can use in Excel. I don't think it's going to provide must use IMHO as there are likely to be lots of roles that are effectively the same but called something different. Thanks for your help Martin
  8. Hi, I'm trying to write a report that lists the name and job title for the Organization contact that has raised a request in Service manager. I've tried the links between h_sys_Organizations and h_sys_contact and h_itsm_requests but to no avail. Can anyone help please? Thanks Martin
  9. Hi, This would be a huge benefit to myself and our team. Surely this is a very simple development, have a up/down around that switches between chronologically descending order to ascending order. Pretty standard functionality IMO Martin
  10. Hi @TrevorHarris Thanks for the reply. That certainly would help although it still falls short imo. Would it be possible to provide a mechanism for the global My Documents area to be applied by service category perhaps? We have a number of different business areas that we wish to only display the relevant document libraries to on the customer portal. That would enable the tags and filtering to be used to a far greater effect. Thanks
  11. Hi @TrevorHarris, Thanks for that, I can see that on the My Documents link in the Customer Portal. However, we have various documents spread across multiple Libraries that have been linked directly to a Service, so that only documents relating to that service are visible. There is no way to search, use tags or view documents in an organised structure when viewed this way. Martin
  12. Hi @TrevorHarris, You say you do not have the concept of hierarchical folder structures, this is at the current time, however can this be put forward as an enhancement please? We also have a large amount of documents that would benefit from being able to be placed in sub libraries for Portal display to customers. Using tags is fie internally but I can't see anywhere that a portal user would be able to search by tags, or search at all to be honest. Thanks
  13. Hi, Is there a known issue with global searching? I have tried the profiles below with no results found. Thanks
  14. Thanks @Victor The template used in this example is 'RequestMessage'. It's only when the number or bullet icon is selected that the font specified in the template is ignored. The template source is below, I have removed footer info to make it easier <basefont color="black" face="tahoma" size="11" /> <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma, Arial; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: black">Hi {{Customer Contact.H_firstname|empty}} {{Customer Coworker.H_first_name|empty}}<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Kind Regards<br /> &nbsp;</span></p> Thanks Mrartin
  15. Hi When using the Email action from within an incident and typing in the comments field, if you use the Bullets or Numbering the font changes and is then retained for the remainder of the email. Is there a setting to control this or is this a 'bug' Thanks
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