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Everything posted by Gerry

  1. Hi Jamie, Ok so I had a fairly detailed discussion on this subject today and not sure how we can best approach this. Discussions are still underway to continue tomorrow so I will post further once I have more to update. Gerry
  2. @Everton1878 you might also find Bookmarks useful... Gerry
  3. @David Calder I would say the WebCall will work a treat for that, the SMS text API's tend to be very simple. You should be able to enable this on your instance, see the screen shot, basically go into the admin tool, navigate to System -> Settings -> Advanced and search for "WebCall", enable that option. Then in BPM you should find the new node. Please remember this is experimental so please feel free to ask any questions here and we will do our best to answer them. Gerry
  4. Jamie, Would it not be better to have a Planned Start Date and then Planned Duration as a drop down so Starts 2017-02-12 ends in 30 days.... or something along those lines? Or perhaps I am not understanding the question (entirely possible today as I have man-flu). Gerry
  5. HI David, Its not something we currently support but I would very much like to add support for it at some point in the future. This is not likely to be in the next 90 days but its on the list of things to be looked at. Gerry
  6. @David Calder We have recently added a new *experimental* node type called "WebCall" to the BPM, which does *exactly* what you want - but with some caveats. Please review the following thread for more details. The main problem I have with it is you need to have some basic programming skills to make use of it, and thats not really what the BPM is about. Integration with other systems within our BPM is high on our agenda right now and we have some interesting things in the works. Could you give me an idea as to what you are trying to achieve? (all input at this stage is very useful). Gerry
  7. @PSG Jamie, Thanks for the reminder. I am not sure how much progress has been made to support this, but it has been considered. I will ask engineering and post an update tomorrow to confirm the current status. Gerry
  8. @samwoo Thanks for the clarification. I will look into what is possible and see what we can come up with. Its not likely to be in the next 90 days but I will post back as soon as we have something more to tell you. Gerry
  9. @derekgreen As David mentioned that behaviour change was unintentional and will be put back to previous behaviour for the next update, I will get someone to post back with an expected update time. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. Gerry
  10. We have added a couple of features to our collaboration platform to help you express yourself when collaborating using a simple "/" slash commands. We have added support for Giphy, Emoji as well as the ability to easily mention Workspaces, Organisations and Contacts within your posts and comments. And of course, because our applications like Service Manager, Customer Manager, Timesheet Manager, Document Manager and others are all built on top of our Collaboration platform, these applications get these new enhancements too. I hope you enjoy using these features as much as we enjoyed creating them. These features will be available in our next update this week. Please see a recent blog article describing the new features here: https://www.hornbill.com/blogpost/hornbill-plugs-in-giphy-and-emoji/
  11. @samwoo Thanks for the response. OK that makes more sense now. Yes I can see from the screen shot this is a separate application/plugin for Outlook. http://www.360-systems.com/applications/protective-marking/ That application does a little more than just put stuff into the subject line, it also has auditing functionality - so I presume somewhere behind the scenes all of the emails you are sending are getting tracked/audited against their classifications. So us just putting in a drop down box to let you mark the messages in the subject field is not likely to satisfy your compliance team/people. Perhaps you could confirm this? We could implement such a capability, what I don't know though is what is behind the scenes in terms of the other functionality. Gerry
  12. Hi Samuel, When you say appended to the end of the email, do you mean just like a signature, some additional templated content appended to the end of the message body? Also, you said Outlook has a feature for this? (sorry I am not an outlook expert). On the face of it, it does not seem like an unreasonable request, I am just pondering on the best way of specifying an implementation for this. Obviously if it gets appended in edit mode then a user could remove the content before sending etc.... so I am wondering what your current workflow is if you can share that would be useful. Gerry
  13. @samwoo @gingib Upon investigation, it seems that our own recent move to office365 has meant we added another include which pushed passed the 10 limit and had not realised that. We will make changes to our DNS in the next few hours so should propagate through the DNS caches and the problem will be resolved tomorrow. Gerry
  14. Hornbill signs Manag-E as a Strategic Solution Partner In line with a recent announcement I made launching our Global Partner Program, I am excited to announce that Manag-E, a ITSM solutions company based in Norway, has signed up with Hornbill as one of our Strategic Solution Partners to help expand our footprint in the Nordic region. With a long and mature 15-year track record, Manag-E has delivered ITSM solutions, support and consulting services to customers in Norway and Sweden. The team at Manag-E have a great deal of experience delivering ITSM solutions based primarily on HP software products. Up until the end of 2016 they were offering HP Service Anywhere as a SaaS service desk solution to meet their customers’ ITSM needs. However, as part of the sell-off by HPE of its Enterprise Software business unit to Micro Focus which is due to complete by March 2017, HPE made an announcement confirming it was doing a bit of housekeeping and will discontinue new sales of the HPE Service Anywhere SaaS solution. You can read more about this story here: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/12/15/meg_whitman_hpe_saas/ Following this somewhat unexpected announcement Manag-E found themselves with a hole in their product portfolio and set out to find a solution that could fill the gap. Rolf Frydenberg, , adm. dir. Manag-E Norge AS said “When we received the notice from HPE last year we had a hole in our product portfolio and needed to find something to fill the gap. We reviewed and evaluated a number of solutions out there including Service Now, Cherwell and some local alternatives, but chose Hornbill Service Manager because it is a modern SaaS solution with some very good unique selling points, good regional language support and very powerful enterprise features. Hornbill Service Manager is a very good alternative to HPE Service Anywhere, which we believe our customers will really like. Hornbill are thinking differently and we really like that.” We are in the very early stages of developing our global partner program and I am delighted to get the opportunity to work with Manag-E and welcome them to our Strategic Partner family, they are a professional team with a thorough understanding of their local market, I could not have wished for a better organization to represent Hornbill’s technology, brand and culture in the Nordic region.
  15. Gerry

    Road Map

    Hi Kelvin, We don't publish a roadmap because our development effort is fluid and driven largely by customer need. In reality, when doing continuous deployment things get done quite quickly and as a result things can change change almost daily so of we tried to commit any kind of forward plan beyond 90 day execution we could be penning ourselves into a corner and removing our ability to be agile. We do of course have running themes, and we do have a general strategic direction when it comes to under-the-hood architecture type development but we look at these as themes rather than a "roadmap" in the more traditional sense. For example, one of the current themes is looking at a broader spectrum of integration capability, that is plugging into other systems (both cloud and on-premise) for the purpose of automating IT, this is a very high level theme which is currently driving both under-the-hood technology developments, BPM changes as well as plugging into other integration and orchestration tools. Another is expanding some of the less demanded ITIL capabilities around release management and integration with change management, and yet another is around knowledge management and there are yet others - but in 90 days time these will be done and a new set of themes that drive our efforts will have emerged. When delivering on-premise software we always needed to provide a clear (as best we could) date bound roadmap in order to allow our customers to plan/align their upgrade cycles/projects with our roadmap. With our cloud platform there is no need for upgrade projects because we keep everything up to date and do not make changes that break what you already have running. Can you expand a little on what you are trying to get to? Are there specific things you need from Hornbill that are currently available that is having an impact on your ability to move forwards? Gerry
  16. All, We have had the new email view in place for a while now so its coming to that time where we need to transition and remove the old view permanently. Thank you to everyone who provided the valuable feedback during the preview phase. Next we are working on a complete re-work of the email events system - this is the mechanism under the hood that deals with dynamic screen updates when things in the mailbox change. As this is a fairly big change we will not be applying the changes to the old email view so we need to transition in the next 30 days or so. The next update will switch to the new view by default and we will probably be announcing a 30 day countdown next week for the old view to disappear. Gerry
  17. @Dan Munns I am not sure how we set the default font to be honest, I will ask someone to post back with an answer, I cannot see why it would not be possible to have an option to set the default font but there might be some complexity involved, one of the dev team that work in that area would be better qualified to answer. @Daniel Dekel any thoughts? Gerry
  18. Hi Keith, What sort of presentation are you talking about? It might be possible with something like prezie or slideshare... Also, are you talking about a link in a workspace post? Gerry
  19. Hornbill is launching its Global Partner Program At the beginning of 2015 Hornbill launched Hornbill Service Manager, a Collaborative Enterprise Service Management solution that brings something fresh, innovative and new to the ITSM and ITIL solution market. Our technology is intuitive, modern and easy for customer to adopt while offering an exceptional level of very powerful functionality. We deliver features continuously and our platform is always up to date so our customers never need to worry about upgrading or the cost and disruption that upgrade projects bring. No code is required to customize the solution and all customizations are guaranteed to work after every update. Our solution has proven to be very disruptive with No Contract Tie-In, scale up and down as you need and Priced for Life means once subscribed our customers never need to worry about price increases and the icing on the cake - Free Implementation! We designed our platform with the international community in mind. Our cloud platform is global with our front end applications being served locally on all continents in 49 countries and 100 unique cities delivering local performance globally. Our platform and our applications handles language, translations and localisation exceptionally well which makes it easy to bring global teams together seamlessly through our powerful collaboration foundation. Our initial product launch has been focused on our flagship application Hornbill Service Manager and via a direct sales channel led out of the UK; we have gained good traction with the solution now being actively used every day in many countries. The graph below (not to scale) was generated from our cloud platform user data representing all subscribed users, so gives you a sense of where in the world our solution is already being used daily. With a proven foundation of customers, a proven business model and a unique market proposition, we are now seeking to expand our footprint globally. Our strategy is to identify and work with just a small number of strategically aligned partners to represent our technology, brand, values and our open and transparent ethos. Our partner program starts with two levels of partnership: Solution Partner is vendor agnostic/multi-vendor reseller where they typically offer a choice of competing products and have the capability of delivering services and first line support wrap arounds as well as having the expertise to advise customers on best product fit in the pre-sales phase of the customers buying cycle. There are many of these kinds of organisations that may wish to add our offering to their product portfolio so we have designed a program that fits. Strategic Solution Partners have the same sales and services capabilities as a Solution Partner but are strategically aligned with one vendor and do not offer other competing products/solutions. We think about SSP’s as an extension of Hornbill and as such have greater access to our internal systems and people including insight into our technology and product future roadmaps and so on and of course more generous revenue share structure. Our business model is quite unique which offers some very compelling commercial advantages to our customers. Our offering is very disruptive but when we talk about innovations like Priced for Life, No Contract Tie and Free Implementation it may be difficult to understand at first glance how a partner can make money. Our proposition is disruptive and does not “just work the old way”, we have developed a revenue share model that enables partners to build good revenue streams while still being able to offer customers all the benefits of our unique offering. We are still in the early stages of our partner program development which we will be formally rolling out during the first half of 2017. In the meantime, I am particularly interested in finding a small number like-minded organisations who would like to consider joining our strategic partner program and even helping us shape our partner strategy. I am particularly interested in organisations that could represent us in North America, Canada, Australia and of course the EU (especially Germany, France, Italy and Spain and the Nordics). If you want to find out more, please get in touch Click Here
  20. All, Further update, this new feature has been implemented and is now working. As I mentioned above my biggest concern with this is how one maps input and output data to web calls, really the only flexible way to do that is with code and we specifically do not want our customers to have to "code" inside the BPM, because not only does that make it more complicated for less technical people but it makes it more difficult for us to guarantee customisations will keep on working. We are rolling this out as an experimental feature in order to solicit feedback and suggestions so keep in mind this behaviour may change or might even be replaced with something more rounded in the future. Here is the latest screenshot This will be available in the next platform build 2693 (or higher) which will be some time before the end of next week. If you want to use it you will need to enable the experimental flag in the advanced settings, just search for "WebCall" and you should find it. Gerry
  21. Hi Dan, There is currently no support for personal mailboxes I am afraid, I am not sure where we are in that regard, I will try to have a look and see where we are and what the likelyhood of us being able to support personal mailboxes for outbound. The implementation for personal mailboxes in the cloud is no where near as straightforward as it was for Supportworks and on-premise deployments - not insurmountable but just not easy. Gerry
  22. @BenKeeley, Its pretty simple to set up SAML and you can do it in stages, you should be aware that you can use SAML just for authentication you do not have to merge or auto provision/update account info, you can add that later. So I would start with your own accounts, set up an SSO profile, make sure your Hornbill account ID matches your SAMAccount (or other such field in AD that Hornbill can associate to your account), and just verify that you get logged in. If anything goes wrong you can simply login with the 'admin' account and turn off the SSO profile. Its a good idea to keep the admin account logged in for this purpose, but if you have to log in with the admin account and your SSO profile is broken you can bypass the SSO stuff on the admin tool by adding the following to the URL: ?ESPBasic=true this will force the front end on the admin tool to ignore SSO configuration and let you log in with the admin account. Gerry
  23. Hi @Dan Munns I doubt that would be a very complicated thing to add to the Supportworks call importer. @Steve G would know a lot better than me but it does sound both simple to do and a reasonable/useful addition Gerry
  24. @Dan Munns According to the error message, the BPM is trying to send from a mailbox called 'munnsd' and given the error message says that it does not have a valid address I assumed that the specified mailbox exists and that its not correctly configured. That was my thinking anyway, but I guess there is more to it. I am sure @Victor will be able to give you more insight once he has seen the BPM Gerry
  25. Hi Dan, Thats a mailbox configuration error, each mailbox needs to be given at least one email address so it knows its own "from address", you can add an email address via the admin tool Gerry
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