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Daniel Dekel

Hornbill Developer
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Everything posted by Daniel Dekel

  1. @samwoo, expanding a bit more. We will be adding two separate new features. 1. Integration with Working Calendars. You will be able to select a Calendar (defined in the Admin Tool) as default and use it in Activities and other areas like Progressive Capture. 2. Add Date restrictions (MAX and MIN) when selecting a date in the Progressive Capture. The days will be relative, so you will be able to define +5 days. Also, if the Working Calendar is used, it will use the these details to calculate the 5 working days. So it will exclude weekends and bank holidays for example. I think it will be a very good feature, Thanks for your suggestion! Daniel
  2. @Martyn Houghton, yes, here it gets tricky, the best way is to have the manager of each servicedesk to set the default categories. That way that person will only see the categories he is supposed to see. Now, if you want to configure it in advance for these service desks then you will need to give yourself access to these categories so that you can select these in the actual area (not in the defaults view). you will need to go the individual areas (like request) and set the defaults in there. After that you should remove yourself from these categories sharing otherwise it will pick up the first default category it finds for you and that will be a mess. Hope I wrote it clear. Cheers, Daniel.
  3. @Martyn Houghton, The way it works (at the moment, I'm thinking on changing this as it is not very escalable) is: Each area (like task, incident, email...) can be linked to a default category. So, if user 1 has visibility to categories A, B and C, if he accesses for example Email, the default category for email will be selected automatically. If user 2 has the categories D, E and F, he will have another default category for Email. But if user D has categories A and D and both are default to Email, then the 1st one will be taken. You see that is not very good for large organisations with many teams. I will have to think on a better solution for this, but need to still keep things simple. That's a challenge. Daniel.
  4. @m.vandun, Managing categories is only available for Group Manager (like team leader). Setting default categories is part of the categories view and therefore setting defaults (even from the actual category selector) can only be performed by the manager. The reason for this is to have the team manager to manage the categories for the team. In your case you are saying that the analyst dealing with a specific request doesn't necessarily belong to the same group (team) the request is assigned to? This means that the analyst will not even see the categories? Is that correct? Perhaps you should have more generic categories to be shared with a role rather than a group? Still, defaults can only be assigned by the Team Manager. In your case as you mentioned, you might need defaults per user. Thanks, Daniel.
  5. @Martyn Houghton at the moment there is no such option. The only thing I can think of is crating different categories for each service desk, that way these will not be shared and you will be able to assign each category a different team and therefore a different default. Thanks, Daniel.
  6. Hi @Martyn Houghton, Will the requirement in this forum post help you? Per user basis?
  7. @m.vandun, The way it works is based on the group (team) that category is assigned to and not on a user by user basis. Can you explain a bit more why dio you need this configuration? Thanks, Daniel.
  8. @sprasad, I can confirm that your instance was patched successfully. Thank you, Daniel.
  9. Hi @Claire Holtham, no need to log a ticket. Is 17:30 a good time for applying the patch? @sprasad, sure we can do it. Same time? 17:30 is OK? Daniel.
  10. Hello @sprasad, The patch has nothing to do with Service Manager, is Platform. If you require multiple contacts to have the same email address, then this patch will allow you to disable the validation. Daniel.
  11. Hello @Claire Holtham, Are you importing Contacts or Users (co-workers)? Because the email enforcement was only applied to Contacts (used in the Customer Portal). If is related to contacts: We still do not have a build date for the platform. If you need it now we can apply the patch to your instance. Please let me know if you are happy with us patching your instance we can do that straight away although that will require a restart of the instance making the service unavailable for about a minute. Thank you, Daniel
  12. Hi @Lyonel, The new operation for the Routing Rule is done and should be in the 2nd platform build. When you get this, you need to select in Application: Hornbill Collaboration , operation: postToWorkspace and the Reference is the Workspace ID you can get it from the URL: https://live.hornbill.com/YOUR_INSTANCE/workspaces/urn:buzz:activityStream:2181c9df-dc04-4764-8491-373c5eac8f30/ Enjoy ;-) Daniel.
  13. Hi @Dan Munns, I spoke to the Service Manager team and they have a change for this but no time to deliver yet is allocated for it. Once is there, either they or I will give you an update. Thanks, Daniel.
  14. Hi @Lyonel, We do have a planned change that will provide a similar functionality. Is a more generic delegation option in the actual user's profile. That will work for activities but also with workspaces, documents and more. Is not a high priority change but we do have it in our list of TODOs ;-) Thanks, Daniel.
  15. We've just added Templates to the Activities. Soon you will be able to create templates for Activities which will be available to all users. These templates specify the outcomes and checklists that will appear on an Activity and a list of available templates will appear when creating a new Activity. To manage these, you need the "Activity Template Manager Role". Some of the template functionality, such as the outcomes, were previously handled by the Categories. Now it's been separated, but don't worry, we've created pre-defined templates for you based on your existing Categories. Those categories will still be there, but now will be much simpler. You can also now create and change Outcomes when editing an Activity. Hope you like it!
  16. HI @Martyn Houghton, Is now in Live - Enjoy ;-) Daniel
  17. Hi @HHH, I can confirm that your instance was patched and the new flag is available for you to disable this new feature. Please see the instructions in the following comment Thank you, Daniel.
  18. @Martyn Houghton that would work, yes. units are in minutes. Daniel.
  19. Hi @Martyn Houghton, The change is now done and you will be able to see this in the next Timesheet Manager build. Probably on Monday. Thank you, Daniel
  20. HI @Dan Munns, I'm checking with the Service Manager team to see if there are any news. We'll come back to you. Daniel
  21. @m.vandun I can confirm that your instance was patched with the new flag. You can disable this feature by setting the Application Setting "app.view.contact.disableEmailDuplicateValidation" to ON. In the Admin Tool -> Collaboration -> Settings Thank you, Daniel.
  22. Hi @m.vandun, The new feature can take some time to be released. We can patch your instance with the new flag for you to disable the feature. Please let me know if you are happy with us patching your instance we can do that straight away although that will require a restart of the instance making the service unavailable for about a minute. Thank you, Daniel
  23. Hi @HHH, The new feature can take some time to be released. We can patch your instance with the new flag for you to disable the feature. Please let me know if you are happy with us patching your instance we can do that straight away although that will require a restart of the instance making the service unavailable for about a minute. Thank you, Daniel
  24. @Martyn Houghton, the query: SELECT SUM(val.h_minutes) as sum FROM h_timesheet_values val WHERE val.h_related_urn='urn:sys:entity:com.hornbill.servicemanager:Requests:PM00000048' * PM00000048 is the Request ID That should give you the amount of minutes that were spent on that specific request. Hope that helps. Daniel.
  25. Got you now @Martyn Houghton, The entire panel is a plug-in from Timesheet Manager app and the Service Manager doe snot have that data. I can show you how that query works, but it will have to be a JOIN probably to get that Total Time. Let me know. Thanks, Daniel.
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