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Everything posted by TrevorHarris

  1. Hi @HHH This fix has been done and is currently undergoing Quality Assurance, I expect it will be available within the next two weeks Thanks Trevor
  2. Hi @shamaila.yousaf You can install the boardmanager app through the appstore in the admin tool, just go to https://admin.hornbill.com/[YOUR_INSTANCE]/ login with an admin account if necessary and click on the add more apps panel, you will see a list of applications including Hornbill Board Manager, just click on the Install button and the app will begin to be installed. This will take a few seconds to install. Once complete you will need to assign the Board User role to any users you want to see the Boards App, to do this go back to the admin home screen - you should now see the Hornbill board Manager panel there, click on that then click on the Roles panel and select the Board User role from the list of roles that is displayed. You can then assign users by clicking on the assigned users tab and clicking the user icon in the top right of the screen and searching for the users you want to add and then clicking Save. Once you've done this the users should be able to access the Board App from the main menu in the collaboration tool, note they will need to logout and log back in before they will see this change. you can then start creating your boards by clicking on the Add Board button. Hope this helps Let me know if you have any questions Trevor Harris
  3. Hi @dwalby I don't have a timescale for this at the moment, this is one of the features we will definitely be looking at in the next large release of boardmanager, but unfortunately I don't expect we will have time for it in the next couple of months Sorry Trevor
  4. We are not able to share documents with teams, but this can be done through a library as libraries can be shared with users, groups and roles. you can do this by creating a library and sharing it with the required team(s) and then publishing the documents you want to share with those teams to that library. Documents can be published to libraries read-only or with write access the same as when sharing to individual users Hope this helps Thanks Trevor Harris
  5. Hi @HHH I have raised a defect for this issue, will let you know when we have a fix Thanks Trevor
  6. Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone Unfortunately, we don't currently have notifications for changes that occur in a library, the only way to get these notifications is by sharing the document directly Sorry Trevor Harris
  7. @samwoo Just to update on this, we are working on a fix at the moment which will hopefully be available soon Thanks Trevor
  8. Hi, We currently don't have any BPM operations for publishing/unpublishing documents to the libraries but are planning to add this feature in soon, I will let you know when its available Thanks Trevor H
  9. Hi @colind Can you make sure you are logged in with the default admin account (username admin) when trying to do the upgrade as you will only be able to do it from that account Thanks Trevor
  10. @dwalby just to you know, we have just made a new release of document manager, the latest release should contain the source button which will allow you to view and edit the HTML directly. Hopefully, this is what you need. Thanks Trevor
  11. Hi @colind We have tried to fix the rights on your instance, could you try and do the upgrade again and let me know if it's still not working Thanks Trevor
  12. Hi, In the document list page, you should see a panel on the left-hand side which shows you which libraries a user has access too, this panel might be closed so you will need to click on the chevron to open the panel (as shown in the screenshot below). You will then see a list of the libraries the users has access too in this panel, so you will be able to see if this user has access to the library from there. Then by clicking on the library, you will see all the documents in that library in the main panel and then you can access them from there. Not sure what the problem could be with downloading the document, you should be able to download it directly from the download link and if you have access to the document you should have access to download. Do you get an error when clicking on the download link? The file might not automatically be opened in Word so it could be being saved somewhere unexpected, which browser is being used. Thanks Trevor
  13. Can you make sure that you are logged in with the admin account before doing the update and let me know if you still have issues with the admin account Thanks Trevor
  14. @Tavi Ade @colind Sorry for the late response to your posts, are you still having issues upgrading docmanager? I will investigate why this could be and let you know. Thanks Trevor
  15. Hi, Bookmarks are only for internal links but any external link you put in a bookmark will be clickable and open the link in a new window, so you could post your external links onto your Buzz or a workspace and then bookmark the post. The URLs would appear as links which could be clicked on Hope this helps Trevor
  16. Hi, How is the configuration for adding the request to the board? You need to set the application to Hornbill Service Manager to use the template supplied by servicemanager and the key to the request id as specified in the following post.
  17. @dwalby this will be available in the next release of doc manager, I will let you known when it's available Thanks Trevor
  18. Hi @dwalby, The text editor we are using in docmanager is a HTML editor, do you mean you want to manually edit the HTML? I can add a source button to the editor so that you able to switch to a HTML source code view of the document if that is what you're after? Thanks Trevor
  19. Hi, Sorry for late reply, This feature is on our backlog (to be able to share a board with multiple users at once), but I don't currently have a timescale for its implementation and do not expect it will be in the immediate future. Will let you know when its available Thanks Trevor H
  20. There is a counter at the bottom of each lane, this will show the number of matching cards in that lane when you apply the filter, so you can see which lanes have matches in them
  21. Hi @samwoo, We are currently investigating whether it will be possible to give access to all the revisions of a document when it has been shared through a library and whether there are any security implications to this. Will get back to you shortly with a more complete answer Thanks Trevor
  22. Thanks for raising, I will look at adding an embedded representation of a board when linking and we let you know when its available
  23. Hi, Will check why the document is still appearing in the tag search. You can remove the tag from the Tag Management page, to do so you will need to have the document manager role: MyLibrary Manager You can access the Tag Management page by selecting the Tags option from the Documents menu... ...and then by clicking on the list icon in the right of the toolbar. You can then remove the tag you don't want by clicking the x next to the specific tag. Hope that helps Thanks Trevor H
  24. Hi @lokent, Can you check you're on the latest release of document manager (316) and update if not as there is an incompatibility with the roles in some older versions and the last platform release. Let me know if you're still having problems after you've updated Thanks Trevor Harris
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