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Steve Giller

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Steve Giller

  1. A Measure returns a count based on the criteria you set - there isn't anything to drill down into. If you could describe what you're trying to achieve I'm sure one of our specialists would be able to give some guidance.
  2. Hi @Jim We don't generally specify Roles for these Tools, as there can be a number of Roles/combinations that fulfil the criteria, including building a Custom Role. The documentation on the wiki does detail the API calls that the Tool uses, and you can restrict the account to these either with Roles, or by setting API Rules to ensure that API Key can only run certain APIs.
  3. Just to confirm that the SM Team are aware of this. It's not a simple change and they are assessing the best options to move this forward.
  4. I'm not aware of any plans to change/add to the current Custom Fields, but if you convert the DateTime to Date in the format of your choice, then store it in a Text field this will prevent the Email Template from trying to format it.
  5. What are you trying to display in your report? If you want the total time then what is available will be affected by at what point in the Workflow (or automatically via SLM Rules) you start/stop the Response and Resolution Timers. If, as it appears, you simply need to check if you met the defined SLA Targets, then the Within Response and Within Fix values will return that on any Request that is Resolved or Closed.
  6. I've tagged this as an Enhancement for you. There may, of course, be technical reasons why those fields cannot be edited but I'll flag this with the Developers and ask them to comment if so.
  7. If the approver is always stored by email I would hazard a guess that this always has the same domain - removing that would be a 28 character saving which could be the edge you need.
  8. I believe the limit is 128 characters, so I'm guess the AD Group name you need is the full distinguishedName? Is there a common section of the dN that you can remove to reduce the required characters for the Simple List and add in once selected?
  9. That is the purpose of this setting: This should be set on each button so the "Escalate to MI" button only shows for non-MI requests, and the "De-escalate MI" and "Cancel MI" buttons only show for an MI.
  10. Instinct suggests Daylight Savings - what happens if you set the end date to 08-05-2023 22:59?
  11. Unfortunately, everyone being able to set a default Team doesn't cater for the fact that not everyone will - rather like when there are issues sending emails as the Customer concerned doesn't have one assigned. Depends what you mean by "the existing team" here. If you're referring to the Team that currently owns the Request, there is again no guarantee that the Request will be assigned to a Team when the Auto Task is run. However this could be populated within the Auto Task by retrieving the Request Details, checking the Owning Team value, and populating the parameter with that. If there is no Team you can branch off and take another action, possibly posting to the Timeline that a Team must be assigned before clicking the button - but automatically populating the Team with a "best guess" can only ever cause problems.
  12. The Service Portal was, as I'm sure you're aware, decommissioned earlier this year. As detailed in the post the redirect was never intended to be perpetual, and has now expired. The solution is to ensure that all links are pointing to live.hornbill.com
  13. Technically neither the Integration Call nor the Auto Task has failed. The Integration has successfully requested Jira to perform a task and had a response of "I can't do that." The error is on the Jira side, not within Hornbill. Based on the response, you can now branch to take the relevant action, either in the Request or on the Auto Task itself.
  14. h_buz_activities primarily stores Timeline updates, it is not a detailed audit trail of User activities. It is also not an optimised table and we recommend that you avoid running reports against it. This sounds like you're wanting to view page impressions - this is not something that Hornbill tracks. If you can detail what you are wanting to record and the business case(s) for doing so one of our specialists may be able to assist, or members of the Hornbill Community may be able to share their methods.
  15. @AlexOnTheHill Currently this functionality is not provided, but it is something that can be looked at internally. Could I trouble you to post a separate Enhancement Request for the ability to email all Linked Request from the email Action? If you could provide clear details of what you'd expect from the functionality and its use case, this would ensure we have a specific focus (on the Email Action rather than "updates") and that Development have a clear understanding of what your requirements are. It will also allow Community Engagement which is a factor in prioritising these Changes.
  16. Unfortunately I need to make a small correction here. HTML formatting works on the timeline updates and when pasting a link into the email composer when it is in wysiwyg mode directly but not when it's in Plain Text mode. Therefore the same answer applies.
  17. @AlexOnTheHill @Llyr Could you clarify for us whether you're talking about using the email action while viewing a Request, using a BPM node to send an email, or both?
  18. Sorry for the delay in responding - and unfortunately this will currently only map the untranslated value.
  19. Yes, they are different, h_published is an Indexed field, and h_updated is not, so h_published will return results more quickly. Any reply (comment) to the original Timeline Post will change the post's h_updated value, so yes, this is subject to change.
  20. @Jim is correct, the only practical way I'm aware of would be to have a very basic Request workflow that emailed the Customer the link to the O365 form and then closed itself.
  21. This isn't something that can be easily diagnosed at a distance, as you have a Success Plan, could you raise a Support Incident for this, please?
  22. Just for clarity - this is not a log file, it is tracking the Business Process Workflow. It will only show errors where these cause the Workflow to fail. The Logs are under the Log section of the Platform Configuration in the Admin View. Without seeing the way the data is captured and mapped, and preferably the data itself (which we can't do on the forum because it will be PID) it would be difficult to see what is expected here.
  23. The value mapped to h_custom_a will be the Display Value (h_name) of the User. As you will see from the node's help popup the h_user_id is required. You will need to use the raw value from the Progressive Capture to populate this field, or you will need to map the raw value from the Progressive Capture to the h_custom_a field before using it to populate this field.
  24. This is correct (currently) Webhooks are under review at present, so we ensured that all Sources that were in use (which was exclusively Service Manager) were re-enabled. If you have specific use cases for other sources please post them here and I can feed back to Development.
  25. The issue with the Event Source list not populating has now been resolved.
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