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Sam P

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Sam P last won the day on August 21

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  1. Came here to report this as also affected - @Adrian Simpkins you beat me to it
  2. Reports are now also being generated ahead of time - anyone else having issues? For example a report scheduled for 11.00 was delivered at 10.53 - I know its only 7 minutes however we are managing a go-live today and the timing of the data is quite critical
  3. In addition, changes such as change in schedule time or removal of Description are not prompting the report to be saved
  4. Are there any known issues with Reporting from Service Manager at the moment? I'd scheduled a report to be sent every 30 minutes and it was sending it every minute or so, I took a copy of the report and edited the schedule to send as a one-off and it didn't send it all. Another report used by a colleague has been working fine up until yesterday but is now ignoring the filters. Some odd things happening. Thanks
  5. Due to the width of the View drop-down box, its not always possible to see what View results you're looking at. Could I add a request to make the View drop-down box wider to fit the full View Name in, or to add the View Name somewhere else on the page. I am fully aware I can decrease the View Name to fit in the box however I have around 100 Views and they need some kind of naming convention to arrange them. Thanks
  6. Just to round this off in case anyone else has this issue (and so I can remember myself ) this was caused by a Varchar/255 character field having too much data in it, because I had not set a character limit on the input. Thanks to Lee at Hornbill support for their help
  7. I'm getting failures because the Custom Fields that are written from the Intelligent Capture are not saving, including h_summary and h_description among others. Its not service specific, Change Type specific, user specific, content specific or date specific. CF's updated in the Workflow ARE being completed. Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening? My IC was last updated 09/08/2024 and the Workflow 02/09/2024 and have been working successfully until yesterday when I started to get failures.
  8. When raising a request via Service Manager, could the Catalog Item selection please be made (or have the option to be) double-clickable instead of scrolling to the bottom and clicking Next? This is especially important for those with lots of services - I do think this would make the flow of the form a little better. Thanks
  9. I was positive this was addressed (can't find it now) but just to say that Cancelled Requests are not showing as such in the HUD, they're staying green / appearing active
  10. I would love for this idea to be possible, I have so many uses for it
  11. Thanks @Steve Giller I'm not sure how to do that but will go off and take a look, is there a reason its not working without the padding? The bullets don't even line up with the justification of the other text. I tried enlarging the image to make the words wrap underneath it and you can see that the hanging margin is not in alignment with the next question in the IC
  12. I have a set of bullet points next to an embedded image in an IC, however the bullets are misaligned and disappear into the image. Is there something I need to add/remove to have them properly aligned?? First line of the capture reads: [[File:https://filelocation|left|152px]]<span style="color:#000000;font-size:14px"> text here </span> All three bullet points are similar in style and read: * <span style="color:#000000;font-size:14px"> text here </span> Looks fine when I change it to right align, but that's not what I was after
  13. Moving cards works for us too now, however placement of the card (specifically those that go at the top of the lane) still needs a refresh
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