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  1. Update, in case anyone else is having the same issue, this was resolved by changing the guest.app.timer.defaultCalendar setting to a 24hr working calendar.
  2. Hi, this would not work for us as our Exchange Service is in the Cloud and not on prem.
  3. Hi @Joshua Howitt Thanks for looking into this for me. Where do i find this package, is it under IT Automation or Cloud Automation?
  4. hi @Joshua Howitt I have done some testing with your suggestion and i still get the same error errors: Set-ADUserThe parameter is incorrect
  5. Hi, Have you been able to find out what the root cause of the issue was? Thanks
  6. Hi, When we are re enabling one of our Customers in AD we have an attribute we need to change the status of it. "msExchHideFromAddressLists" to "False". Im using the Active Directory User Management Package and the Update module. The field im using is AdditionalAttribues and im entering msExchHideFromAddressLists=False. When i test the action i get the following error output - errors: Set-ADUserThe parameter is incorrect. I have been googling and found that it might be the use of the word False, and suggested to use 0 instead, but even with this i get the same error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Thanks for this. Does state 4 mean they are suspended? Wow i didnt not expect so many tickets to come back
  8. Hi In reviewing some tickets, i have found out that we have tickets that been set as resolved/closed, but looking at the ticket i can see that a process is still running and looking in Manage Executed Workflows, i notice that the ticket is under the Suspended area. Is there a way to run a report to list ticket number for call that have been Resolved/Closed but are still in the Suspended area. If i knew the tables the different data is kept i could sort the report. Reason for needing this is that if unchecked all these ticket could start to impact Hornbill performance. Thanks Llyr
  9. Hi, Im working on our new starter process and i cant seem to add a customer to multiple groups using the ITOM Active Directory Group Management or Active Directory User Management. This is an issue for us, as we sometimes have people who come back to our organisation and what we do is just re enable their AD account. It seems that i can only add a person to one group at a time using Active Directory Group Management, and in Active Directory User Management there is no field to hold group membership, is this the case? If i was creating a new user in AD this is not a problem as i can add a long list of AD groups to the Group field when creating the account. I have raised this with Hornbill support and they advised: Thank you for your inquiry. Upon review, this feature is not currently available and would be considered a feature request. If you wish to request a change to the functionality, please raise an enhancement via the forums. forums.hornbill.com Can i ask that this is considered as an enhancement, if possible just having the Group filed added to the Update user function in ITOM. For now i will have to create a node for each group customers will need to be added to, currently it will be around 20. Thank you.
  10. I hope someone can help with this. I have a process that checks for an acknowledgement on another system every 5 mins, and at the end of the 5 mins it shows the result of this check in the timeline. This works great in hours but last night the check was supposed to run but there was no update on the timeline. To my surprise the timeline was update at 08:05 this morning. I though it was something to do with the Working time Calendar but the one i use for the specific Priority of this ticket is a 24/7 no there is no stoping in the time. Any ideas??
  11. I was just going to update out request profile codes and i noticed that the depth level i can go down to has now been limited to 3 deep. In the past i was able to go to 4 level, and i do have entries there when you look at a ticket but i can see then in the Admin area. Is there a way i can change the depth level?
  12. @Jim thanks for this, i will look at this.
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