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Steve Giller

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About Steve Giller

  • Birthday 27/01/1970

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  1. There is no concept of "counting" in a Workflow, this would be most easily achieved by the Analyst using the "Copy Request" option, or with a Custom Button that duplicates the existing request from its details.
  2. There's an action in place to improve the sorting on this that should appear shortly.
  3. @JAquino Could you give some details, please? I've just tested both setting and amending a Priority on my Instance and there were no issues.
  4. I very much doubt there will be a setting/API to say "This is the Customer" as that will be evident from the session context matching the Customer of the Request. Are you asking because you've posted an update (in which case, what did you use?) and the Workflow did not move on? I'm not sure what the correct one would be, but if it's the one I'm thinking of this is not publicly available.
  5. This is the button you need, I think? In my Instance there are 5 Services - I have favourited 2
  6. Then the second scenario applies; while possible, this method is not practical.
  7. The short version is: Pull 6 months' data, store this in a table locally, or even a spreadsheet. Pull the next 6 months' data, and then add that to the table/spreadsheet.
  8. I'm not sure I understand the request, here. A radio button presents a list of options and allows you to select exactly one - the initial request was about adding multiple teams so a radio button seems like the least suitable option. If you're asking for a list of your Teams to select from, we have Customers with hundreds of teams to choose from and any kind of list would be completely unusable for them in this area.
  9. I'm not sure what you're asking here? API Key rules are generally required for things like Import Tools where a number of different APIs will be utilised by the Tool, and the Rules restrict the API Key to the required ones. Raising a Request is simply calling an API - rules should not come into it here. What you should be doing is establishing a session against a User who can Raise the Request (i.e. they would be able to do this via the UI) and raising the Request, then closing the session.
  10. I've merged these two posts as they appear to be the same question.
  11. Being pedantic - this is a policy decision for each Organisation to make and agree with their stakeholders. In my previous life, we determined that a "meaningful" response was required, and defined that as being a human interaction - phone call, face-to-face, or email but excluding any automated "Your request has been accepted/assigned" etc. interactions. If I remember correctly we stipulated that any non-email first response had to be followed up with an email summarising the interaction so we had a concrete record (for other reasons than progressing the Request) but that meant we never faced the "whichever comes first" scenario. Based on your last reply, a Human Task with an "I responded via email/phone/visit/other" option would work, but I appreciate that might be viewed as an extra click by the analysts.
  12. The most logical suggestion is to ensure the Line Manager is imported during your Azure Sync as detailed in the Documentation, and then the customer's Line Manager is already available to the Workflow.
  13. @Giuseppe Iannacone As the error states, the search filter "value" field needs to be an array - it can be an array with one entry, but it must be an array.
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