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Steve Giller

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Steve Giller

  1. There are a number of reasons for a notification not to be sent (including something not working) but this would be impossible to diagnose at a distance. Your comments regarding Task Completion visibility have been raised internally and are being looked into - this will involve a number of teams so I can't give any timeframes but I'll endeavour to post back here with the outcome of the discussion.
  2. This is correct - the setting is specifically for the description; the fact that it has been completed will still be posted and if the default visibility is set to Customer this will trigger any automatic notifications.
  3. A Human Task is not specific to Service Manager, they are part of the Platform and can be used in any application or created as standalone items, so having a Visibility option would not be relevant and could cause problems if trying to post to a non-existent Timeline. The guest.servicemanager.request.timeline.showActivityDescription setting determines whether the description of an Activity is posted into the Timeline on completion within Service Manager, and I would imagine that the reason your Customers are seeing the updates is because you have automatic notifications of Customer-facing updates turned on for that Service, and that your default visibility is set to Customer.
  4. Development have picked this up and are assessing the requirements. We will post an update here when we have more details. Additionally, keep an eye on the Service Manager roadmap board.
  5. It isn't saving (if it was, the popup would close on clicking Save) because the Alternative Customer Label is a mandatory field and is empty.
  6. If the email that you expect to raise a Request is ending up in the Inbox this can either mean that the Request failed to raise, or that the Rule did not pick the email up. To check which of these it is, create an additional folder called (for example) Failed Routing Rule Requests and have that as your Target Folder Failure. If the Request still ends up in the Inbox it is not being picked up, if it ends up in Failed Routing Rule Requests it has failed when trying to raise a Request. The most likely reason for failing to raise a Request would be that the email is sent from an address that is not associated to a Customer, or is associated to more than one Customer. Please also review the FAQs for additional advice:
  7. You would need to send this as two emails, one to the Customer and then one to the Connection(s) using the RequestConnections Entity:
  8. I may be misunderstanding this, but if the Resolution Target is 2 hours, and the trigger is set for 2 hours and 15 minutes before ... you're asking it to fire 15 minutes ago. Which would mean we would have to build time travel into Hornbill. (I'm not saying that's a work in progress, nor am I saying that it's not, but it's not currently available.)
  9. I think this thread (and the one it links to) may be of use here.
  10. Hi @Jake Thaker This is an additional field that was requested by the Community and has been available for a couple of weeks. If you are not intending to use that field you can hide it within Asset Configuration, or if you are importing/updating your assets with the Asset Data Import Tool you can ensure it is set to the relevant value.
  11. This does sound like a perfect fit for automation - presumably you have the start date as part of the Capture, if so you can perform date calculations in the BPM then automatically put them on hold.
  12. The setting you have shown is for the Email Application, and does not affect the Service Manager Application. If I'm understanding the question correctly, this is for a Request raised from an email and you're referring to the confirmation that the Request has been logged - in which case, no, the email that the Customer sent in is not reproduced in full and sent back to them, and there is no setting to do this.
  13. Sorry this one got missed - it would be very difficult to diagnose at a distance, but generally speaking anything that a refresh fixes is not a "back-end" blip as you're refreshing your browser - or more precisely ensuring your front-end is as up to date as the back-end. However, the timeline entries you show appear to be exactly as expected - place on hold for two days, at which point it comes off hold. If the error occurred between these times then the message "The primary record was updated but no data changes were applied." would be correct - that would be changing the sub-status from "Awaiting LM Approval" to "Awaiting LM Approval" which would be updating without changing, as described.
  14. This is currently in testing and you should see changes to the Column order activating the save button shortly.
  15. I've flagged this with the Live Chat team who will hopefully have a response shortly. This is not something we offer currently, but with the current setup you could create a very simple Request that you can raise from the Chat, that auto-resolves with minimal User input. This would allow the BPM to send the Feedback Request to the Customer in the normal way.
  16. @Ashley I've removed a chunk of this post as it was exposing email addresses publicly. By default the Reports are sent via the Direct Outbound method, which uses the live.hornbill.com address. We are looking into providing a user-defined email address for distributing Reports, and I'll ask development to post back when this discussion is complete.
  17. We are seeing this across the product, we're currently talking to Fusion Charts to see what is adding this.
  18. There's a report on the thread below that returns the Active Services along with the associated Catalog Items and their Captures and Business Processes that may assist here. Deactivating a Business Process is performed by opening the Publishing Manager, then clicking on the green "Active" button which will give you the option to deactivate:
  19. That's not the full name of your Team @Adrian Simpkins Once you have the full name appear underneath and click on it, the Tasks options appear along with the save button.
  20. These values are all available within the Workflow, so I'd be putting them into Custom Fields on the Request to avoid having to build potentially complex JOINs and WHERE clauses.
  21. @Llyr On testing this is shows the most recent visit, the timestamp is updated each time.
  22. Pages that are accessed by Users are recorded in their Bookmarks, this information is all available in the h_sys_bookmark_history table.
  23. @Jeremy You could set a Group Policy for your web browser to be the default application for opening images, if it's really stressing your Users out?
  24. @billster It certainly is, the details are available on the wiki page. If you need to, for example, apply a different set of Roles based on membership of a specific OU you can either have a completely separate Import for that OU, or run a secondary import that adds the specific Roles - Imports that update Users are cumulative so running a second Import which, for example, adds the Incident Assignee Role to all IT staff would not remove any existing Roles. You just need to ensure that you only ever have one Import running at a time.
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