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Steve Giller

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Steve Giller

  1. There's a Service Manager->Application->String Utilities->Replace node that might be useful, although it's not something I've tried.
  2. I can see the same in my Instance, I have updated the UI Team.
  3. I'll defer to any Developer who jumps on should they offer a different view, but my understanding is that Hornbill have control of the Hornbill GUI, and this is working - but Hornbill doesn't have control of whatever you're displaying the csv file in. When displaying the character we can say "This should appear in this way." but when exporting data we cannot change it to a different value, as we do not alter Customer Data. It may be that exact character for a reason.
  4. This has been picked up by Development and added to the queue. I don't have any timescales for this at present.
  5. They're not inverted commas, they're smart quotes. This is commonly caused by copying and pasting non-standard (usually Microsoft Office) characters.
  6. At first glance I would say that the all of these FAQs have either New, Student, or Staff in the descriptions. If you search for a less common word like Distribution, or enclose the phrase in quotes I would expect you to see more desirable results.
  7. I'd set some time aside to look at this in the morning - glad you caught it before then, because I hate reporting!
  8. My apologies, this post slipped through. Are you still seeing issues? The timing of this post does seem to coincide with a hardware issue we detected and resolved on Monday (see the Status Page for details)
  9. You would need to JOIN the h_sys_accounts table, however the used by value is stored as a URN rather than a User Id, so there would be some manipulation required. This deals with different tables but the method should be transferrable.
  10. I would certainly reopen your EE support ticket - with the evidence above (the fact that EE has the issue but not Vodafone should be sufficient by itself) you are proving it's an EE issue. It would be worth asking them to check their blocklists to see if an erroneous entry is preventing access.
  11. The only test that doesn't appear to have been suggested is to take your dongle to a machine that is signed in to your Instance, log out, close the browser, plug the dongle in, switch to use the dongle's wi-fi and go to Hornbill again. There's very little we can offer, though, as if I can connect (I can't sign in, of course, but the initial error is before sign in as I understand it so this still shows availability) to your Instance, all of your colleagues can connect, and you can connect using a different wi-fi - I'm not sure how much more conclusively we can indicate that the Instance is working.
  12. Have you deleted the link and just typed the address in?
  13. Just to appease my pedantic side, 07-06-2023 can be confusing (mainly to Americans) but 2023-06-07 is always June 7th. However, the Hornbill iBridge Utilities operation has a Date Formatter function that may be of use.
  14. I've just noticed that I missed you were referring to both taking the answer from a Task and setting the expiry on another Task. As detailed on the wiki page, that's not how this parameter works for Tasks. When using that parameter with a variable the Task requires an actual date/time.
  15. That's the easy question - so I'll answer that one. Yes, perfectly normal. There are two types of Boards - Service Manager boards, which are part of the Service Manager application, and Board Manager boards which are separate and a part of the Board Manager application. Moving forward I would recommend that any Request that may have been placed on the Breach Board has a section in the workflow that checks whether it's on the Board and removes the Card before closing if so, but I can't advise on bulk cleardowns - I'll get someone else to comment on this.
  16. @Berto2002 I've just run a test inserting PT5M into a Custom Field, then using that in the Expires After variable which worked with no issues. This suggests that the most like issue is what is being inserted into the node by the variable. I was under the impression that Task Variable always present the Display Value, which does fit the symptoms - but I would have thought that would have shown in the Timeline Update.
  17. What happens if you clear the variable and manually type "PT5M" into the node?
  18. Only if you change an actual Priority, generating a new Name or ID - e.g. if you have Low (1), Medium (2), High (3), Urgent (4) and you add Critical (5) you'll need to update the List to add Critical (assuming you allow the Customer to select that) Alternatively if you deleted Medium (2) and realised you still need it so added it back, it would probably now be Medium (6) so you'd need to update the Simple List's Raw Values.
  19. No, as mentioned above, no other Organisational Groups are stored in that table.
  20. @LifeOfJonny The Department is most likely sources from the User Profile. No other Groups are stored in that table, so they are not available for the View.
  21. @LifeOfJonny Sorry, I mistyped (I've corrected that now) I meant to the Division would need to be transferred, as you've shown above Department is available to the View.
  22. In order to achieve this you would need to take the Division from the Customer Record within the BPM, assign it to a Custom Field, and then display that Custom Field in the View. A Department is linked to a Customer, rather than a Request, so is not available to the Request List View unless you do the above.
  23. Firstly, the only fields that can be mapped to are the ones on the Mapping Fields from Customised Forms page. The method to achieve what you want here is to have the Priority Name as the Simple List's Display Value, the Priority ID as the Simple List's Raw Value, and then use the Question's Raw Value (containing the ID) to populate the the Update Request->Priority's "Priority" parameter in the Business Process. The caveat here is that if you accidentally use the Display Value it will fail to update the Priority, and you will need to update the Simple List any time you add/remove/edit Priorities.
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