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Steve Giller

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Steve Giller

  1. I suspect that this is a different Report where the Email Subject does not match the Report Title. I suggest checking for a report called "Utility - Hornbill Self Service Users" (i.e. the same as the csv) and see if that is still scheduled to run.
  2. Measures, by design, are single-table entities. If you wish to use the Service Domain in a Measure I would suggest using the Get Request Information->Service Details node to store the Service Domain in a Custom Field in the h_itsm_requests table and this will allow you to group Measures by Service Domain. For Reports you can create the necessary Joins to gather the Service Domain and group on that.
  3. I've tagged this as an Enhancement, and I'm aware that the relveant developers have seen it.
  4. I think the Employee Portal Design page should have the information you need. If you have specific questions after reviewing the documentation please post them back here.
  5. Assets do not have Custom Fields as such. If you can provide information on the fields you would like, their use case, and the Asset Types (or all Assets) that you'd use them against they can be considered for inclusion as a standard field.
  6. A User with the correct Roles has access to the Design button in the Details panel: This will give access to the Add Custom Field button which you can set up to hold an email, for example: Once added, anyone with access to the edit button will be able to update the Custom Field at any time. Yes, that would work, as long as you have something in place to enforce it in some way, or the original Customer would be able to Authorise, which I presume would be undesireable.
  7. Department is stored as two values - the Department ID and the Department Name. These use the fields h_department_id and h_department_name respectively. You will want to ensure that both fields are populated for each record, and that the correct ID for the Name is used in each case.
  8. Aside from manually adding the Conection's email address (either via a Human Task or a Custom Field displayed in the Detail Panel) I'm not sure there's an easy way to do this mid-flow. I thought I'd seen an Enhancement Request asking to add Data Query functionality to the Capture Task Fields of a Human Task, but I can't find it: If you find one feel free to add your support, or raise your own, as this would achieve what you need by letting you select a User, add them as a connection, get the User Details, and pass the email to the External Authorisation.
  9. The "outcome" of a node will always* be "success" or "failure" There isn't a way to extract the email address (or any other details) of a connection as there can be any number of connections attached to a request. *There may be the occasional exception.
  10. A Patch is being deployed to resolve this issue, this should take effect in the next 30 minutes. UPDATE: The patch has been deployed, this issue should now be resolved.
  11. I'm not aware of any issues with Request Comments, however our tests suggest that a substatus with the following criteria: It is a service-level sub-status It's parent Status is On Hold It has neither the "Reason Required" nor "Pause Until Date/Time" settings selected may fail to apply. While we work on confirming this, a workaround would be to set the Reason and/or the Date/Time settings to On.
  12. I can't help thinking that exporting the assets to CSV, making the changes there, and importing them using the Asset Import tool would be more efficient.
  13. Does that Service have any active Service Request Catalog Items, and are Service Requests enabled under Service Request Configuration?
  14. There is a String Utilities node, probably Regex Substring is the best option for this use case:
  15. No Matching GotoIf errors are discussed here. Basically, if there's no "No Match" branch you are almost guaranteed to encounter these at some point. Looking at the Workflow above you are failing to cater for: The Authorisation expiring The email failing to send There may be other scenarios I haven't thought of.
  16. I've not seen this in my Instance, and we use the email action frequently - is this still occurring for you? If so you may want to raise a Support Request so we can take a look for you.
  17. It doesn't appear that you've updated the JSON with the new format - the start of the file for this version is: { "LogSizeBytes": 1000000, "HornbillUserIDColumn": "h_user_id", "SourceConfig": { "Source": "csv", "CSV": { "CarriageReturnRemoval": false, "CommaCharacter": ",", "FieldsPerRecord": 0, "LazyQuotes": false } }, "AssetTypes": [{ but the image you posted still has the InstanceId and keySafeId showing.
  18. @Blowerl What version of the Import Tool are you using, because that looks like the JSON for the older, deprecated version - so you may be using an old Import Tool that has bugs that are fixed in the current release, or you may be using the wrong JSON configuration the the tool.
  19. That is how it has always behaved, turning off "Preview New UI" the search context remains the same within a Tab, and defaults to Co-Workers if you use the Waffle menu.
  20. No, Upload New Assets is only for creating Assets. If you use that function you will either get an error because it does not expect an Asset ID, or create duplicate Assets.
  21. @Berto2002 Can you double-check what happens when you go to the Requests view, check that the Search has defaulted to Requests, and then without changing tabs (or anything else) switch directly to the Boards view?
  22. @Berto2002 That's not how it's working for me - in the Request List View I see Requests as expected: If I then switch to the Boards app I still see Requests: If I'm in the Contacts View I see Contacts as expected: If then switch to Boards I still see Contacts:
  23. Measures only access single tables. The option here is to use the Workflow to take the Change Type and store it in a Custom Field on the Request, which will be accessible to the Measure.
  24. The attachments will be available in the Attachments panel, or from the email via the "View Email" option on the three-dots menu of the update. I've moved this thread to Service Manager as it's not related to Board Manager.
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