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Steve Giller

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Steve Giller

  1. My User ID, Login ID and Employee ID are all the same, so I cannot confirm which it's filtering by, but the filters are working as expected after 2 characters (as shown on the screenshot above) The history on my Instance goes back to 14 Nov 2023 but I've not looked into whether that's a set timeframe or not yet.
  2. With a User suspended on my test Instance I am still able to see their login history: Were there any other settings changed or filters applied?
  3. Hi @JanS2000 I'm as certain as I can be that you'll be on an outdated version, based on when you onboarded. You might want to raise an Expert Services request via the Success Portal to have this updated and reviewed.
  4. The first step would be to ensure that you are using the latest version of the Import Tool.
  5. Most importantly, Database Direct is not a reporting tool - it can help to work out what information is in which table, or related to other data, but should not be used to build a report. h_itsm_servicesubscriptions is the linking table between Entities and Services. This contains all relationships - so you will need to cater for Users, Guests, Groups, Teams etc.
  6. That does mean that if you subscribe to Announcements on these forums you'll get an update and be reminded to look at the Roadmap.
  7. This is addressed in our wiki page. FCrDNS does not, for all practical purposes, work with a Cloud or multi-tenant system due to these platforms having multiple email servers to ensure resilience. A few systems still use this system, but they are the exception rather than the rule and we are advising our customers and their email recipients to avoid using any blocklisk that implmennts FCrDNS
  8. As written that will only match against the final fromAddress in the list. Use '%.something@abc.com%' if you are matching multiple addresses. If there are additional criteria, don't forget the operator precedence and use brackets where necessary. The ExpressLogic page has more details on building expressions.
  9. That screenshot was in Outlook, yes - I see the same in both the Desktop Client and the web app.
  10. They show up fine on my test: I certainly wouldn't rely on them, as results will vary as how this is rendered, let alone what actions are performed or not, will be completely down to the recipient's environment.
  11. I've tagged this as an Enhancement for you. Please note that this only means that the Developers will see the request, it does not guarantee that it will be accepted.
  12. Unfortunately, not at this time. There is a story to add this functionality, however this is not yet prioritised and we can't give any time frames on this at this stage.
  13. I can confirm that only questions that populate Text fields are able to be edited, and there are no current plans to change this. Assuming these dates are populated in the Intelligent Capture, would the Date Range field rather than just Date fields achieve what you need?
  14. A bulletin can be a clickable link if you enter one in the Employee Portal Link field. You cannot have multiple words in the text be different hyperlinks, however.
  15. I believe that h_sm_relationship_entities is the linking table for these relationships.
  16. I don't think that's possible in reports, possibly because anything that's exactly the same every time would be redundant. Can you explain what you're trying to achieve, as there might be a better way to approach it?
  17. Merged into a single Service Manager post.
  18. If a Task (an Authorisation is a specialist Task) fails within a Parallel Process, all other Tasks within that Process will automatically be cancelled, so it is likely that only one Authorisation is the problem here - although not guaranteed of course. If these authorisations are External Authorisations, the most common reason is the recipient email is being rejected, providing a valid and active email address will resolve this. If they are full Authorisations, please check that you have not demoted any of the Authorisers to Basic User, or added a Basic User to an Authorising Group etc. The first step would be to review the Workflow Instance Logs to see if there are errors that indicate where the problem lies. Navigate to Admin->Service Manager->Manage Executed Workflows->Suspended, change the dropdown to "Search on External Reference" and enter the Request Reference: The first button, Show process logging info will show you the logs.
  19. I think this is one to discuss with your LDAP admins (I'm guessing this will be AD/Azure AD?) in the first instance. If this was working previously, the security requirements on the LDAP server may have changed, and you may need to update your KeySafe entry and/or the SSO Profile in Hornbill.
  20. Division appears on my list - I believe this list is dynamic and only displays the Organisation types you have create at least one group for.
  21. Try h_fk_serviceid. Bear in mind that and I've not checked whether this is the case.
  22. Turns out that this is the exact issue that is blocking what you're asking for. Where the WTC is Mon-Fri, 9-5 (or similarly structured) this is a straightforward issue, but what if the WTC is Mon-Thu, 8:30-5:30; Fri 9:00-4:00; and Sat 9:00-12:00? What is a "Working Day" now? Do we go with an average, or the "normal" working day, or some complex calcuation based on 4 full, 1 nearly full, and one half (ish) day?
  23. We'd need a very precise description of what you'd want to see in the report - the requirements above are very generic. If you want to build a report in Advanced Analytics the relationships between Services and Subscribers are in h_itsm_servicesubscriptions, however factoring in Organisations, their members, Catalog Item exclusions etc. could make this a complex exercise depending on your setup.
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