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Daniel Dekel

Hornbill Developer
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Everything posted by Daniel Dekel

  1. Hi @Martyn Houghton, I made two mock-ups as options to improve the layout for activities for when you have many outcomes. The first one gives you the option to put two outcomes at the beginning and if there are more, these will be placed in a combo (more outcomes...) The second one, if there are more than two, it just switches to a combo box. The main difference is that the first option will give visual priority to the first two outcomes, the second one gives equal priority to all. What do you think? Daniel.
  2. Thank you @Martyn Houghton , Are you aware that there is a new feature (under an experimental flag) that allows adding custom forms to the Tasks completion phase and also to each individual outcome? That could help to reduce the number of outcomes you have and still use the BPM with the data from that form. Although is still under " experimantal" and we are still improving this, it can help you. Let me know if you need further details about this. Thanks, Daniel.
  3. @Kelvin, there was a rare issue for some browsers in some cases but it has been fixed in the last build (this morning). Just refresh your browser (F5) should do the job. Thanks, Daniel.
  4. We will shortly be pushing a build and revert back to how it used to work. We will need more time to think about how to tackle the problem with large amounts of outcomes with the new UI. Sorry for the issues caused. Daniel.
  5. Hi @Jeremy, No, there is no option to delete a post. But, there is an experimental feature you can turn ON form the Admin Tool (Home > System > Settings > Advanced - experimental.feature.activityStream.enableChangePostStatus ) That will enable an option of Archiving a post if you are the owner. It will not delete but will hide the comments and main text from the stream. You will be able to un-archive it in the future. The only problem is that the mobile app does not recognize this post as archived and will show it as usual. Daniel.
  6. @Lyonel did you try just refreshing the browser (F5) or that didn't work and you had to clear the browser's cache?
  7. Thank you for the information @Giuseppe Iannacone. I'll log a defect for this to be fixed. Daniel.
  8. Hello @Giuseppe Iannacone, Do you only work with Firefox or you can see the same problem with other browsers? Thank you, Daniel
  9. Hi @Keith, we are aware of this issue, it will be available in the next platform build. Thanks, Daniel.
  10. First , @samwoo , @Lyonel, the problem with IE-11 was solved and should be in the next build. Lyonel, happy to see the IE-11 issues you are having but I was told you will need to raise a Support Request. [Samuel] Regarding the height of the widgets, will have a look, need to find the right tune also it depends on how the items inside the widgets are used, each one can have a different size on items, but will look at that. [Lyonel] Regarding seeing the widget to look at the Advanced Analytics (is that the one you refer to?) , I have to speak to the team because I'm not sure we want that information outside of the Admin Tool. Still I think a reusable component could be useful in some cases ;-) Thanks, Daniel.
  11. Hi @Dan Munns, thanks for your feedback. I do understand the importance and the changes that you did look better. I like mock-up you made with the background colour in the fields. We'll look at that as that still fits the the Material Design guide ;-) We also made improvements around the font sizes and height between fields. These will get shipped in our next build. I think I've mentioned before, but the current portals (service and customer) are not affected by the new style changes, only the Collaboration Core (User App). So, again, keep on sending feedback and we'll keep on improving. Thank you for your patience. Daniel.
  12. Glad you like it @samwoo. Yes, we've looked at several ways to implement it and the best way was to use the native browser's (html layout), is quite simple if you understand it ;-) Daniel.
  13. @samwoo we actually wrote code specially for IE11 for this feature. Only that the layout is simpler for that browser. I'll check why it does not allow you to resize the widgets in IE11. Should be possible to fix it. Will let you know. Thanks, Daniel
  14. @Darren Rose, the problem minimizing the widget if nothing is in the list is that the layout can change and jump up and down an side to side when something appears based on some event. Remember that the layout is designed by you deciding where things will go and what size they have. @samwoo, thanks for the feedback. IE11 is kind of a problem because the type of layout used here does not work for that browser. There is a fallback to what you have now so you can still use it. Try designing the layout in IE11 rather than Chrome. That way you can make sure it looks good there, perhaps it will be more basic but will work. One of the things you will not be able to do in IE11 is have in the same row a column with one item and another column with two vertical items. Instead you should use one item per row per column (hope I was clear :-( ) Thanks, Daniel.
  15. @Kelvin, @Paul Alexander FYI - We made a new build with a change to the background property: Hornbill Today - Background colour was using the wrong configuration. Should be using "Home Page Background Colour" from the Customise Service Portal
  16. We've made some fixes related to the multiline text fields. @Dan Munns, regarding the overlapping text, the problem is that the label is too long. The intention of a label is to be short, and then you have description to add more clarification if it makes sense? This is not the last fix for this area, We'll keep on improving. Thank you for your patience. Daniel.
  17. Hi @Kelvin, the settings are taken from the Customise Service Portal view in the Admin Tool (Home > System > Manage Portals > Customise Service Portal)
  18. @Keith @Dan Munns, The reason is sharing the same image and background colours is because it should using the same look and feel as the new "My Services" view. Is the lading page that represents your company.
  19. Hi All, thank you for your feedback. We are working right now to improve the new style and will be releasing soon a build or several builds to improve and extend the style. Daniel.
  20. Hi @Jeremy, There is no way at the moment to hide the Reason field. The only thing you can do is make it optional. But I can see that now that we have custom fields per outcome, it can be redundant in some cases. I'll speak to the platform team to see if this can be done. Daniel.
  21. An investigation about the problem occurred this morning was done. The problem appeared after the introduction of a new property in the Progressive Capture feature that is shared across the Colaboration Core and the Portals. The Progressive Capture was tested in the Collaboration Core but there was no regression test for the same component in the context of the Portal. We've added a regression test for the portal now so this problem should not ocur in the future. Sorry again for the inconvinience. Daniel
  22. Yes @Trevor Tinsley, your instance was updated automatically to rectify the issue that originated from this forum post, as evident by the number of instances that were affected. The build was delivered with Hornbill Collaboration offering. Notes relating to this build can be found in the Announcements section (https://community.hornbill.com/topic/13111-new-update-hornbill-collaboration-850/). Regards, Daniel.
  23. @Claire Holtham, sorry I did not see your message before. To the answer, no. The setting "api.xmlmc.uniqqueUserHandle.enable" was not the one set in the patch. This setting would allow when importing from LDAP to add duplicated handle names in users. To disable the unique handles, you need to set this to OFF (disable). Hope this answers your question. Regards, Daniel.
  24. Hi all, sorry I did not answer before, I was on vacations ;-). I'll check with the Service Manager team and one of them will answer you. Thank you, Daniel.
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