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Daniel Dekel

Hornbill Developer
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Everything posted by Daniel Dekel

  1. That is correct @Martyn Houghton. But even without the search. Anyone (who has that workspace visibility) can still see the archived post just by clicking on it. Again, this is not changing a privacy for that post, it just makes it smaller so that it will not disturb when looking at the workspace.
  2. Hi @AndyHodkinsonPrincesIT, We spoke about sorting, not filtering. But there are no news regarding sorting. We are busy with other things at the moment so this will take some time to be added if is possible. I will update this post once we have some news. Thanks, Daniel.
  3. @Martyn Houghton, the archived post can be seen by anyone but, only the owner can un-archive it. The idea is that it will not remove the history of the post, but will make it cleaner if you have an unused post or created one by mistake. It will also prevent people from commenting more. Is like the Lock post, but hiding it too. Daniel.
  4. Hi @Martyn Houghton, If you click on the archived post, it will open it and allow you to un-archive it. Regarding search, it will still appear in the search results. Daniel
  5. Thank you @Alisha, We'll have a look at this. Daniel.
  6. Hello @Alisha, Can you please tell me where do you see that? Customer Portal? Collaboration Core? What browser and what screen size? I assume is the Progressive Capture, right? Thank you, Daniel.
  7. Hi @AndyHodkinsonPrincesIT, I'm glad is working. We did not add the subject because there will be a performance impact. But we can look at this again and see if something can be done. Daniel.
  8. @AndyHodkinsonPrincesIT We've tested on IE11 / Win7 and it works properly. Can you please confirm that you are first clicking on the first checkbox, then pressing Shift you check several messages down on the checkbox? It should check all messages in between. We are going to release soon a new build that has enhancements to this where you can select all the visible messages in one click. Thanks, Daniel.
  9. Hi @Alisha, We don't have such option at the moment and due to the complexity of this, we won't be able to give any estimate about this any time soon. We will keep it in our list but it will be a low priority feature. Sorry, but for now you will have to work with the multiple radio lists. Daniel.
  10. Hi @Dan Munns, The client does support it but the platform is not yet. I think in the next platform build it will be available and with this you will be able to use it in the Admin Tool (BPM) when defining a task. Daniel.
  11. Hi @dwalby, I was testing this and can see a problem with the checks. Is not the normal behaviour. From what I can see, the checklist displayed after the complete button are not displayed properly, but the activity is still storing the correct data. Until we fix this problem, I suggest not to touch the checks after you press complete. Even if these are not properly showing the check status, is storing it correctly. I'll make sure it is fixed for our next build. Thanks, Daniel.
  12. @HHH, Several updates around the email counters were pushed in the last build. You can check to see how it works. Still further improvements around this area are being under development, but let us know if you find further issues. Thank you, Daniel.
  13. Hi @Paul Alexander, The WiKi links always open the URL in a new tab. There is no way of changing this. I suggest revisiting your flow and service configuration either by the way James proposed or a different way. To me it does not feel like the correct solution. Thanks, Daniel.
  14. Hi All, Just to let you know that we have one part of the change working and we are going to start soon working on the last bit (the UI)... so almost there ;-) Daniel.
  15. Hi @Katie Anderson-Weaver, Regarding a new email coming in and the list goes to the top, we'll have a look because it should not happen. We can't allow sorting by subject because of efficiency reasons but what we could do improve the search results and allow selecting emails as you suggested before. It should not be very difficult to implement so it should not take long. I'll keep updating this post when we have more details. Thank you, Daniel.
  16. Hi @Martyn Houghton, OK, so we will add the Region and also the Language to the Company and that will be used as the default for the contact ;-) Once this is done, the Service Manager team will work on including these details to the BPM so that you can use it. I'll keep updating this post as I have more information. Thanks, Daniel.
  17. OK @HHH, regarding the mailbox counters, is a known issue and we will start working on this soon. Regarding the main email counter, is really weird and had never seen this, but we'll investigate. I'll keep you informed in this post. Thanks, Daniel.
  18. Thanks for the info @HHH, I can't see the folder name form the screenshot. Is that the Inbox? Because the main email counter displays only form the inbox folder. A second question; how often does it happen? Was it a one off, every day? Thanks, Daniel.
  19. That's fine @Nikolaj. I've added it to our list. It should not take long, it should come in our next or 2nd build. Look at the release notes. Regards, Daniel.
  20. Hi @Nikolaj, At the moment is not possible to search on either ID or Details however we can make it work for ID. Should be relatively simple to add it in. Regarding the Details, I'm sorry but it will not be possible because this will slow down the performance of the query. Regards, Daniel.
  21. Hi @HHH, @Victoris correct (partially). We are aware of a problem where in rare occasions the email counter in the mailboxes list will display a wrong number, but never saw a problem in the main top notification icon. Can you tell me if there is a particular scenario when it gets out of sync? Thanks, Daniel.
  22. Hi @Darren Rose, Is this activity related to the Project manager app? Because a normal activity does not have an option to mention someone. Daniel.
  23. @Giuseppe Iannacone the thing is that if you decide to follow up a BPM task, it will no longer be linked to the BPM as the BPM continues and will not hold on that new task. That can cause confusion for customers.
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