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Steve G

Hornbill Developer
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Everything posted by Steve G

  1. What's New Utility operation to get the day of the week from a specified timestamp What's Changed Atlassian Jira and Jira Cloud Update and Comment Issue operations - changed input parameter documentation to state that either the Issue ID or Key is allowed to be passed What's Fixed Atlassian Jira and Jira Cloud Update operation -Fixed error when attempting to edit Issue record
  2. Hi @chriscorcoran, This is already doable, using a combination of SurveyMonkey Custom Variables and Hornbill Email Templates, as long as your SurveyMonkey subscription allows for the use of Custom Variables. The link added to the email template would look something like this, where requestid is the name of your custom variable in SurveyMonkey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/your_survey?requestid={{.H_pk_reference}} Cheers, Steve
  3. @Martyn Houghton Great stuff. I should also have mentioned, you can now add h_updatebyname to the mapping as so: This allows you to populate the users name from your DB record when the user lookup fails. Cheers, Steve
  4. Hi @Martyn Houghton, Those changes have been made, and I've just released v1.4.0 of the tool: https://github.com/hornbill/goHornbillRequestImport/releases/latest Let me know how you get on with this. Cheers, Steve
  5. @Martyn Houghton, Apologies, it's been a while since I looked at that code, forgot that I'd added those lookups. I'll update the tool to just write the user and team names to those columns if the lookup fails. Will let you know once it's done. Cheers, Steve
  6. Hi @Martyn Houghton, Sure: Yes - literal values, just displayed against the Historic Updates in the request details form Yes - literal values, again just displayed against the Historic Updates in the request details form Yes - it's an integer field. This was based on the old Supportworks field of the same name, that stored its value in seconds. But, this could be used to store value in minutes as I don't think this is displayed on the request details page - it's more for reporting. Cheers, Steve
  7. Hi @Jeremy, As far as I remember, this was overly complicated using the Docs APIs. The API doesn't support inline formatting when adding text (so no HTML or wiki markup tags), so you need to perform a seperate API call to update the text styles for each specific character range that you want to update. This means you'd need to know at what character (in UTF-16 code units) the start and end points are that you want to format between... I'll have another look at this when I get chance though, and let you know either way. Cheers, Steve
  8. What's New Azure Service Bus integration - Send a message to an Azure Service Bus message queue via the Hornbill iBridge. See the wiki for more information.
  9. Hi @RobW, There's actually a system setting that enforces unique user handles. If you switch this off, then you can import as many Dave Smiths as you like The setting is api.xmlmc.uniqueUserHandle.enable, and can be found in the Admin console under System > Settings > Advanced. Cheers, Steve
  10. What's Fixed Atlassian > Jira Cloud > Create Issue integration was returning an incorrect URL for newly created issues
  11. Hi @Martyn Houghton, I've just given the Jira Cloud integration a whirl, and it's working ok with my account... The error you're getting would point to the API URL being broken though. In the key for Jira Cloud in Keysafe, it just needs the Jira instance ID, and not the full endpoint URL (which is what's needed by the Jira On-Prem integrations) - I don't suppose you've got the full URL in your key have you? Should look like this, where the Jira instance ID is hornbill: I did notice a minor issue with the Jira Cloud > Create Issue operation though, where the web URL returned for created issues is incorrect. I've fixed that and it'll be released shortly... Cheers, Steve
  12. Hi @Martyn Houghton, Re: your first point, I can only replicate that if the import config is set to Create only, and a matching contact has been found in your Hornbill instance - if there's been an error in the upsert, then you would actually get those written to the log... I've added WARN entry to the log for each of these though, to make them easily identifiable: I've just released v1.6.0 of the Contact Import Tool with the following changes: Added option for CLI output to be in the terminal-default colours only Added additional log output when Create is selected in config, and Contact already exists in Hornbill Removed hard-coded list of mapped columns, so now any Contact column can be populated entirely by config To switch the colours off in the CLI, just add -nocol=true to the command, and you can now add any additional columns to the import mapping by adding new properties, and stripping the h_ prefix from the column name, incase we add any more columns to the contacts entity in future: You can get the latest build from here: https://github.com/hornbill/goDb2HcontactImport/releases/latest Hope this helps! Cheers, Steve
  13. What's New iBridge integrations with Vodafone VCO - Device and Accessory Ordering; Device Order Tracking; Change Connection; Disconnect Number; Get Connection Details; SIM Connection; SIM Swap; Tracking SIM Connections. See the Hornbill Wiki for more information.
  14. Hi @dwalby, I've added a couple of PivotalTracker integrations to the iBridge, you now have the ability to create new stories in a project, and retrieve information about an existing story for use in your BPM workflows. Details can be found here: Let me know if this covers what you need, and if you need any other integrations with this product. Cheers, Steve
  15. What's New iBridge integrations for PivotalTracker - Create new Stories, and retrieve details of existing Stories. See the Hornbill Wiki for more information regarding these integrations.
  16. Hi @Joanne, I've not actually been able to replicate your issue, but I've made some changes to the way that nil-value interfaces are handled (which is what appears to be struggling, looking at your log entries). This is on Github now, v1.8.1, could you try that and let me know how you get on please? https://github.com/hornbill/goDBAssetImport/releases/latest Many thanks, Steve
  17. Hi @Alisha & @Kelvin, There's no option at the moment to do exactly what you need with regards to requests within a particular date range I'm afraid. But - you can return all updates that have been made by a specific user on the timelines of requests that you have visibility of by tagging AND updateby:username on the end of a global search query (see below). Note, replace steveg with the ID of the user to search updates made by, and make sure you set the area to search to Timeline (it defaults to Details). You can filter by the other available selections too, to refine your results even further. And to return posts/comments from a specific year, month or date, you could always tag a wildcarded clause against updatedate on the search query, for example: email AND updateby:steveg AND updatedate:"2016-12%" would return updates containing the word email made by the user steveg in December 2016. I hope this helps. Steve
  18. Hi @AndyGilly, I've just released a new iBridge integration, that will return the details of the owner of an Azure AD Group - it takes the ID of a group, and returned the owners: Display Name UPN GUID Job Title Mail Alias If the group has more than one owner, then the details of the first owner returned by the Microsoft Graph API call will be provided back. Let me know if this covers what you need. Cheers, Steve
  19. What's New Azure > Groups > Get Owner - a new iBridge operation has been provided that can return the details of an Azure AD Group Owner. NOTE - if the Group has more than one owner, then the details of the first owner will be returned What's Fixed Azure > Users > Get User - issue where the users Job Title was not being returned
  20. Hi @AndyGilly, By this: Do you mean to return the owner of an Azure AD Group? If so, Azure AD Groups could possibly have multiple owners set against them, so would you just want the first owner found to be returned, as we don't have the ability to loop-through integration responses in BPM? Also, which user properties would you need returning about the owner, so that you can identify the correct user in Hornbill? I presume it'd just be the UPN, if you're using the Azure AD UPN as the user ID for your Hornbill users? Cheers, Steve
  21. @Izu, I can't help with that I'm afraid - it's your database, which we have no access to or visibility of, so you need to build the query accordingly. You probably need to speak to someone in your organisation who knows your database. Steve
  22. Hi @Izu, With regards to 1, do you mean parameters that the cleaner tool should use to identify and remove printers and/or scanner assets? If so, then this is be specific to your instance, information about how to configure this can be found in the cleaner tool documentation on the wiki: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Hornbill_Clean_Utility With regards to 2, the asset import tool has no way of identifying assets that no longer exist. If the CMDB that you’re importing the assets from has the ability to retire or archive assets, then you could always configure the import tool to reflect that in the status field of Hornbill assets: Cheers, Steve
  23. Hi @Izu, The asset import tool will perform updates on existing asset records when run - so if the owner/last used values change in your asset database between scheduled import executions, then the existing values will be overwritten with the new values in the Hornbill asset records. If this doesn't cover your use-case, then we do have another tool which allows you to delete asset records en-masse: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Hornbill_Clean_Utility But if you do decide to use the cleaner tool for this, then please do so with the utmost care, as this can be configured to delete ALL asset AND request data from your Hornbill instance! Steve
  24. Hi @Ben Paddick, I'm good thanks, hope you are too. This is the API you're after: https://api.hornbill.com/apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Questions?op=queryExec And an example of its use, to return paginated questions and answers for a specific request (SR00000513 in this example): <methodCall service="apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Questions" method="queryExec"> <params> <queryName>getRequestQuestions</queryName> <requestId>SR00000513</requestId> <rowstart>0</rowstart> <limit>10</limit> <resultType>allData</resultType> <answerType>all</answerType> </params> </methodCall> Cheers, Steve
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