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  1. Hello, I'm having some issues with the asset import tool, the log states its complaining about unable to lookup a customer. I'm striped my json file down to bare minimal first removing anything that suggests it would look up a customer and then hard coded a customer in but i keep getting the same error. Is there a default field that must be filled in that i'm missing? "AssetGenericFieldMapping": { "h_name": "[h_name]", "h_site": "[h_site]", "h_asset_tag": "[h_asset_tag]", "h_created_date": "[h_created_date]", "h_description": "[h_description]", "h_last_updated_by": "Admin", "h_owned_by": "Admin" }, "AssetTypeFieldMapping": { "h_name": "[h_name]", "h_average_pages_per_minute": "[h_average_pages_per_minute]", "h_description": "[h_description]" } Create Asset: 17687 2019/09/19 14:07:52 [ERROR] Unable to Search for Customer [<nil>]: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_ops/shrGetCustomerDetails): nodeName: API Call: userProfileGet; nodeId: 3e1a9a7d-45ca-4e80-ae16-3a473865b996; At 182/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[session::userProfileGet] The value in element <userId> did not meet the required input pattern constraints. at location '/methodCall/params/userId'" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_3e1a9a7d_45ca_4e80_ae16_3a473865b996 2019/09/19 14:07:52 [DEBUG] API XML: <params><customerId>&lt;nil&gt;</customerId><customerType>0</customerType></params> 2019/09/19 14:07:52 [ERROR] Unable to Search for Customer [<nil>]: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_ops/shrGetCustomerDetails): nodeName: API Call: userProfileGet; nodeId: 3e1a9a7d-45ca-4e80-ae16-3a473865b996; At 182/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[session::userProfileGet] The value in element <userId> did not meet the required input pattern constraints. at location '/methodCall/params/userId'" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_3e1a9a7d_45ca_4e80_ae16_3a473865b996 2019/09/19 14:07:52 [DEBUG] API XML: <params><customerId>&lt;nil&gt;</customerId><customerType>0</customerType></params> 2019/09/19 14:07:52 [DEBUG] Asset Create XML <params><application>com.hornbill.servicemanager</application><entity>Asset</entity><returnModifiedData>true</returnModifiedData><primaryEntityData><record><h_class>printer</h_class><h_type>40</h_type><h_last_updated>2019-09-19 14:07:51+01:00</h_last_updated><h_last_updated_by>Import - Add</h_last_updated_by><h_created_date>2018-08-24 12:56:01</h_created_date><h_description>Epson Printer</h_description><h_last_updated_by>Admin</h_last_updated_by><h_owned_by>urn:sys:0:System Administrator:Admin</h_owned_by><h_owned_by_name>System Administrator</h_owned_by_name><h_name>17687</h_name></record></primaryEntityData><relatedEntityData><relationshipName>AssetClass</relationshipName><entityAction>insert</entityAction><record><h_type>40</h_type><h_name>17687</h_name><h_description>Epson Printer</h_description></record></relatedEntityData></params> 2019/09/19 14:07:52 [DEBUG] Create Asset: 17688 2019/09/19 14:07:53 [ERROR] Unable to Search for Customer [<nil>]: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_ops/shrGetCustomerDetails): nodeName: API Call: userProfileGet; nodeId: 3e1a9a7d-45ca-4e80-ae16-3a473865b996; At 182/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[session::userProfileGet] The value in element <userId> did not meet the required input pattern constraints. at location '/methodCall/params/userId'" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_3e1a9a7d_45ca_4e80_ae16_3a473865b996 2019/09/19 14:07:53 [DEBUG] API XML: <params><customerId>&lt;nil&gt;</customerId><customerType>0</customerType></params> 2019/09/19 14:07:53 [ERROR] Unable to Search for Customer [<nil>]: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_ops/shrGetCustomerDetails): nodeName: API Call: userProfileGet; nodeId: 3e1a9a7d-45ca-4e80-ae16-3a473865b996; At 182/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[session::userProfileGet] The value in element <userId> did not meet the required input pattern constraints. at location '/methodCall/params/userId'" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_3e1a9a7d_45ca_4e80_ae16_3a473865b996 2019/09/19 14:07:53 [DEBUG] API XML: <params><customerId>&lt;nil&gt;</customerId><customerType>0</customerType></params> 2019/09/19 14:07:53 [DEBUG] Asset Create XML <params><application>com.hornbill.servicemanager</application><entity>Asset</entity><returnModifiedData>true</returnModifiedData><primaryEntityData><record><h_class>printer</h_class><h_type>40</h_type><h_last_updated>2019-09-19 14:07:51+01:00</h_last_updated><h_last_updated_by>Import - Add</h_last_updated_by><h_description>Epson Printer</h_description><h_last_updated_by>Admin</h_last_updated_by><h_owned_by>urn:sys:0:System Administrator:Admin</h_owned_by><h_owned_by_name>System Administrator</h_owned_by_name><h_name>17688</h_name><h_created_date>2018-08-24 12:56:01</h_created_date></record></primaryEntityData><relatedEntityData><relationshipName>AssetClass</relationshipName><entityAction>insert</entityAction><record><h_type>40</h_type><h_name>17688</h_name><h_description>Epson Printer</h_description></record></relatedEntityData></params> 2019/09/19 14:07:53 [DEBUG] Create Asset: 18809 2019/09/19 14:07:53 [ERROR] Unable to Search for Customer [<nil>]: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_ops/shrGetCustomerDetails): nodeName: API Call: userProfileGet; nodeId: 3e1a9a7d-45ca-4e80-ae16-3a473865b996; At 182/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[session::userProfileGet] The value in element <userId> did not meet the required input pattern constraints. at location '/methodCall/params/userId'" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_3e1a9a7d_45ca_4e80_ae16_3a473865b996 2019/09/19 14:07:53 [DEBUG] API XML: <params><customerId>&lt;nil&gt;</customerId><customerType>0</customerType></params> 2019/09/19 14:07:54 [ERROR] Unable to Search for Customer [<nil>]: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_ops/shrGetCustomerDetails): nodeName: API Call: userProfileGet; nodeId: 3e1a9a7d-45ca-4e80-ae16-3a473865b996; At 182/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[session::userProfileGet] The value in element <userId> did not meet the required input pattern constraints. at location '/methodCall/params/userId'" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_3e1a9a7d_45ca_4e80_ae16_3a473865b996 2019/09/19 14:07:54 [DEBUG] API XML: <params><customerId>&lt;nil&gt;</customerId><customerType>0</customerType></params> 2019/09/19 14:07:54 [DEBUG] Asset Create XML <params><application>com.hornbill.servicemanager</application><entity>Asset</entity><returnModifiedData>true</returnModifiedData><primaryEntityData><record><h_class>printer</h_class><h_type>40</h_type><h_last_updated>2019-09-19 14:07:51+01:00</h_last_updated><h_last_updated_by>Import - Add</h_last_updated_by><h_created_date>2018-08-24 12:56:02</h_created_date><h_description>Dot Martix Printer</h_description><h_last_updated_by>Admin</h_last_updated_by><h_owned_by>urn:sys:0:System Administrator:Admin</h_owned_by><h_owned_by_name>System Administrator</h_owned_by_name><h_name>18809</h_name></record></primaryEntityData><relatedEntityData><relationshipName>AssetClass</relationshipName><entityAction>insert</entityAction><record><h_type>40</h_type><h_name>18809</h_name><h_description>Dot Martix Printer</h_description></record></relatedEntityData></params>
  2. Hello, Is there a way we i can add a list of people against a service ie impacted and interested so that i can make a generic BPM that would then add those people as connectors against the ticket when raised? Many Thanks Jo
  3. brilliant, do you have a estimate time when this will be available, trying to work out if i should tweak my processes to send email depending on team or wait for the new feature cheers
  4. Hello, We have turned off email notification to our analysts as a few of the teams were getting bombarding with emails but there are a few other team who don't that many calls who want to receive the email alerts. Is there anything that can be done to select which teams receive the email notifications? Many Thanks Jo
  5. Hello, Is there a setting that i can turn on which will show the resolution date in the customer portal? Many Thanks Jo
  6. That worked, thanks for the quick turnaround
  7. Hello, I'm trying to use the hornbill export tool but getting some issues. Which i believe is to do with the spaces in my column names. If my config file looks like ReportID":4, "ReportName":"JBURR Test3", "DeleteReportInstance": true, "DeleteReportLocalFile": true, "Table":{ "TableName":"Requests2", "PrimaryKey":"Request ID", "Mapping":{ "Request ID":"Request ID", "Date Logged":"Date Logged", "Summary":"Summary" } } I get the following error [DATABASE] Connection Successful 2019/03/18 08:20:12 [DATABASE] Query:INSERT INTO Requests2 (Request ID, Date Logged, Summary) VALUES (:Request ID, :Date Logged, :Summary) 2019/03/18 08:20:12 [DATABASE] Binding: 2019/03/18 08:20:12 [DATABASE] :Date Logged = 2019-01-11 20:19:31 2019/03/18 08:20:12 [DATABASE] :Summary = Service is unavailable 2019/03/18 08:20:12 [DATABASE] :Request ID = IN00000002 2019/03/18 08:20:12 [ERROR] [DATABASE] NamedExec Error: could not find name Request in map[string]interface {}{"Request ID":"IN00000002", "Date Logged":"2019-01-11 20:19:31", "Summary":"Service is unavailable"} but if i add [] to accommodate for the spaces "Reports":[ { "ReportID":4, "ReportName":"JBURR Test3", "DeleteReportInstance": true, "DeleteReportLocalFile": true, "Table":{ "TableName":"Requests2", "PrimaryKey":"[Request ID]", "Mapping":{ "[Request ID]":"Request ID", "[Date Logged]":"Date Logged", "[Summary]":"Summary" } } } i get [DATABASE] Connection Successful 2019/03/18 08:21:56 [ERROR] Unable to map any values from the returned record: 2019/03/18 08:21:56 [RECORD] {"Actions Control":"","Activity Stream ID":"urn:buzz:activityStream:e03ec7ac-614f-45a7-8f0e-0798c1a48ad7","Archived":"Yes","BPM Activity Update ID":"","BPM ID":"BPM20190111000001","BPM Stage Expired":"No","BPM UI state":"","BPM authorised":"0","Call Back Date":"","Cancellation Reason":"Created In Error","Catalog":"Apply For A Design","Catalog ID":"29","Category ID":"","Category Name":"","Closed By Team":"","Closed By Team ID":"","Closed By User ID":"","Closed By Username":"","Closure Category ID":"","Closure Category Name":"","Company":"","Company ID":"","Created by":"admin","Custom 21":"","Custom 22":"","Custom 23":"","Custom 24":"","Custom 25":"","Custom 26":"","Custom 27":"","Custom 28":"","Custom 29":"","Custom 30":"","Custom A":"","Custom B":"","Custom C":"","Custom D":"","Custom E":"","Custom F":"","Custom G":"","Custom H":"","Custom I":"","Custom J":"","Custom K":"","Custom L":"","Custom M":"","Custom N":"","Custom O":"","Custom P":"","Custom Q":"","Custom R":"","Custom S":"","Custom T":"","Customer ID":"admin","Customer Name":"System Administrator","Customer Organization Container ID":"","Customer type":"0","Date Closed":"2019-01-13 20:15:54","Date Logged":"2019-01-11 20:19:31","Date Modified":"2019-01-13 20:15:55","Date Placed On Hold":"","Date Resolved":"","Description":"","External Reference Number":"","Feedback Status":"awaiting","Feedback Status ID":"0","First Time Fix":"","Freetext Search Index":"lid_35c613c9-f899-4ccc-bcde-48c6598496a4","Historic Request":"","Image":"","Impact":"","Impact Id":"","Is Analyst Unread":"1","Is Customer Unread":"","Last Date an email was sent from the request details":"","Last Update Activity ID":"urn:buzz:activity:acc43ab9-0dd1-46b6-83b8-b0e6de847257","Locked":"Unlocked","On Hold Until":"","Priority ID":"5","Priority Name":"Priority 2","Profile Code":"","Rating":"","Related Activity ID":"","Reopen Date":"","Reopened By Team":"","Reopened By Team ID":"","Reopened By User ID":"","Reopened By Username":"","Reopened Count":"0","Request ID":"IN00000002","Request Language":"en-GB","Request Owner ID":"","Request Owner Name":"","Request Owner Type":"","Request Prefix":"IN","Request Resolution Timer ID":"","Request Resolve By":"","Request Resolve Seconds":"","Request Resolve Time":"","Request Respond By":"","Request Response Seconds":"","Request Response Time":"","Request Response Timer ID":"","Request Total Onhold Time":"","Request Type":"Incident","Resolution":"","Resolved By Team":"","Resolved By Team ID":"","Resolved By User ID":"","Resolved By Username":"","Service ID":"23","Service Level Agreement ID":"","Service Level Agreement Name":"","Service Level Changed":"","Service Level Date Changed":"","Service Level ID":"","Service Level Name":"","Service Name":"Apply for a Design","Site":"Concept House","Site ID":"1","Social Object Ref":"urn:sys:entity:com.hornbill.servicemanager:Requests:IN00000002","Social Object URN":"urn:sys:user:admin","Source ID":"admin","Source Type":"Self Service","Status":"status.cancelled","Sub-status Id":"","Sub-status Text":"","Summary":"Service is unavailable","Team ID":"IPO/IT/OPS/APPSL2/","Team Name":"L2 Applications","Urgency":"","Within Resolve Time":"","Within Response Time":"","h_itsm_requests Organisation Id":"0"} 2019/03/18 08:21:56 [MAPPINGS] {"[Date Logged]":"Date Logged","[Request ID]":"Request ID","[Summary]":"Summary"} any help would be appreciated Cheers Jo
  8. This worked, many thanks. Is there anything in the roadmap to allow me to use a dropdown / or search in the prog capture to search for a document based on tags etc. At the moment i intend on using a simple list and put the docid in as a value so i can auto link it, but obviously this will at some point become unmanageable. Many Thanks Jo
  9. Hello, I will like to auto assign a call to the team of who even requested it but i get an error, not sure if i'm putting it in correctly. I would be grateful for some help
  10. I would be grateful for some help with this Many Thanks Jo
  11. Hello, I have only used this and the azure devops one so far. Many Thanks Jo
  12. Hello, I'm trying to export the h_cmbd_assets so i can import into an SQL database so that going forward my discovery tools can auto update the SQL database and then I use the import tool exe tool to update the hornbill CMDB I know there is a 10k limit and i have roughly 16k in there so thought i would split the export, but there seems to be an issue with the primary key. Even ordering by the PK does seem to work, have attached ss and you can see that asset 999 appears in the middle of the higher numbers. . would be very grateful for a response.
  13. is anyone able to help with this Many Thanks Jo
  14. Hello, Do you have any examples of this, i keep getting this error - iBridge Method: /Hornbill/Docmanager/Link Document.m Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 1
  15. Hi, I'm trying to use the iBridge link document but not sure what i should be putting in the following params:- Application Entity Entity id Can anyone help with this Many Thanks Jo
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