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Everything posted by TrevorKillick

  1. Hi @samwoo The platform release is now on live, you should fine all roles being added correctly instead of reporting an error in the LDAP import now. Kind Regards Trevor killick
  2. @gingib An initial Response from @Gerry can be found here: As soon as we have further information on this it will be posted. Kind Regards Trevor killick
  3. @Lyonel I have checked with development an our .NET dll will only support Framework v4.0 and above. There are no plans to support older .Net Framework Versions. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  4. Hi Samuel Not yet it was scheduled to happen this week but some issues were found in QA we are aiming for next week. That query does look ok, i would run the select section first and just double check the accounts coming back you want to have access before running the query. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  5. The fix has now been pushed live, you will need to go in and re select the group for task assignment and then any new process will correctly assign the task. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  6. @Bob320 If you were to manually add the task entity with entityAddRecord API not Task Create then it would trigger, the internal workings of the Task Create API would not trigger the webhook. I have asked our platform team if it can be triggered when Task Create API is triggered. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  7. @Bob320 Entity webhooks only trigger when an EntityAddRecord API call is triggered, the Task Create API's directly communicate with the database and do not trigger these entity events. I will raise this with development and see if its possible to trigger the entity webhook when a task is created. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  8. Hi Samuel I will raise this with development, there is no wiki implementation for line break at the moment but the default text should be multiline. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  9. Hi Samuel In Wiki Markup you should be able to use * it must be on a new line without a space before it and with a space after it. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  10. Hi Dan Apologies for this we have identified the issue where the group Id was not correctly being set and a fix is rolling out internally for validation now. I will post a reply when the fix is pushed to live (Either this evening or first thing tomorrow) Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  11. Ha ha, Glad to hear thats working. I will get the server guys to look at why Application/json doesn't return JSON as it should as well as text/json. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  12. @Bob320 Can you try changing the Accept header to text/json ? Thanks Trevor Killick
  13. OK So first up the embedded JSON this is where we return a JSON object as a string for use in the client if the response was correctly being returned as JSON then that embedded JSON would show as stringified JSON the Flowcode Operations should be documented on where these responses contain JSON strings. Edit: I checked and the Operation is not documented correctly I have raised this with the relevant development team. Secondly the forced error is the one exception to the rule of when i ask for JSON i always get JSON back something out server team have on the backlog to fix. As for why the first request is coming back as XML and not JSON can you dump the debug of CURL so i can see the exact HTTP request please? Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  14. Can you post the full response from the API call? Sending the Accept Header of Application/json or text/json should always return JSON. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  15. @jamesevans 1. All pop3/imap traffic will come from the following IP Address 2. There are no current plans to implement 2 factor Authentication on the Admin URL. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  16. This is now fixed in Administration and available on live. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  17. @psybox As an Interim measure you can publish FAQ Style documents to your Service Catalogue Items: https://www.hornbill.com/blogpost/publishing-faqs/ These are then searchable in the Customer / Service Portals. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  18. @psybox Not at the moment as soon as there is any update on this change i will post back a response. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  19. Hi David, Currently that is correct is has been raised by one or two customers previously, their are currently no formal plans to introduce this segregation of SSO between our Application (Live, Admin, Service & Customer), i will raise this again with out development team and see what there thoughts are on this. There is a Realm setting against an SSO provide User | Guest this differentiates between the Customer Portal and Live, Admin & Service which is currently the only separation. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  20. Hi Ralf Sorry about this, it has been fixed and will be available on Live on Monday. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  21. Not at all the Toolkit is just a set of internal tools used to create and test application logic it is not required to make use of the XMLMC API's. If you enable the following Experimental flag in the Administration Tool under System -> Settings -> Advanced Then you will get access to the Application Entity Viewer where you can browse the database schema and entity relationships. apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Asset::searchAssetGlobal - This one is poorly documented i will get one of the Developers to post back here. data::queryExec - We do not expose the list of available Querys, you are better off posting what data you are trying to get out and we can point you in the right direction. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  22. The Hornbill Platform Developers Toolkit is only available internally to Hornbill Developers, this is not a tool we give out to Customers. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  23. Hi Will Sorry for the late replay you can find our .net library and examples in our Git Hub Repository: https://github.com/hornbill/dotNetApiLib Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  24. Hi there, You might want to edit you post and remove any passwords, in regards to the API documentation you can use the following URL https://eurapi.hornbill.com/charnwoodbc/xmlmc/ As for the ESP PHP Library we are working on publishing our API libraries on https://github.com/hornbill/ as soon as we have something available for PHP i will post a response. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  25. Hi Samuel This is because the API for SQL Query does not return columns if there value is null so the CSV Generator doesn't know what to do. If you use the following query the CSV will be exported correctly select h_sys_accounts.h_user_id as USERID, coalesce(trim(h_attrib7),0) as COMPANY, h_account_status as STATUS from h_sys_accounts I will see if there is anything we can do to always return columns if there value is null. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
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