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James Ainsworth

Hornbill Product Specialists
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Everything posted by James Ainsworth

  1. Just had it confirmed... this session information is only held in memory and not in the database.
  2. Hi @J_Tamburrini Are you able to provide a screen shot of the assign operation that you think is failing in your workflow so that we can see what options you have included? It should like like this... (you may want to mask out user names before posting) Regards, James
  3. Hi Martyn, I'm quite sure that the online/off line session information is held dynamically. I'll see if I can get someone to confirm just in case I have it wrong. James
  4. Hi @dwalby Thanks for your post. One of the things that I'm investigating at the moment is to see if we can provide some information on a User's profile where their primary site is listed. Possibly a hover-over popup that shows the address. We can also look to do something similar in the Request details. I'll let you know what the outcome is. Regards, James
  5. Hi Paul, There is a progressive capture form for adding connections while a request is being raised. Would this help? Regards, James
  6. Hi Paul, Thanks for your post. I have added a change request to have some additional fields added. I'll update this post with any updates about the change. Regards, James
  7. Hi @DeadMeatGF I think that it may have been posted here... We do have a change request in our development backlog for this. It is not currently in our 90 day development queue but I will update you if there is any progress. Regards, James
  8. Hi Sam, I haven't tried using this to convert a Date/Time field, only a date field so I can't say if if it works or not. But there is a help icon on some of the operations that can provide some info to help you out. It suggests the following page for the input formats: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php I will do my best to test this out, but do let me know if you manage to get this working Regards, James
  9. Hi @Dan Munns Out of curiosity, I was wondering what the following setting is set to on your instance - servicemanager.progressiveCapture.servicedetails.enableSupportVisibility
  10. Hi @nasimg Thanks for your post. All of the default roles for Full Access, such as Incident Management Full Access will provided this ability. There is also an individual right called updateRequestServiceLevel which could be added to a custom role under the Service Level Management section on the Application Rights tab for a Service Manager Role. Let us know if that helps. Regards, James
  11. Hi @Paul Alexander I just thought I would throw this into the mix... if these users will ever have a need to close some requests but not others, You could also look to use the Lock and Unlock Request Actions... https://www.hornbill.com/blogpost/lock-and-unlock-request-actions/ James
  12. Hi @Paul Alexander I went through and recreated a customer role called Customer Desk User with the same application rights as you have in your initial image. This is the result that I get... In a Resolved state, I only have the option to Reopen and Edit the resolution. For the user that I tested this with, on their User Detail in Administration I only have the following roles... Do you have any other roles assigned to these users that might be conflicting with the rights? James
  13. Hi Sam, This hasn't yet reached the 90 day development queue. However, it is currently being planned and we should see it move to development before too long. Regards, James
  14. Hi Sam, Just to added to Steven's response here is a video that also takes you through some of the configuration. https://www.hornbill.com/blogpost/automating-sla-selection/ Regards, James
  15. Automating SLA Selection For each service that you offer, you may find that you need to provide multiple Service Level Agreements. This video takes you through how Hornbill Service Manager works with SLA rules to automatically apply an appropriate SLA to each request. The Service Level Agreement Rules take away all the guess work that you have when manually selecting an SLA. Rules can be built with a variety of conditions to ensure that the correct SLA is applied every time.
  16. Hi Tina, There isn't anything there at the moment for hiding the request and closure profiles. Is there a reason behind hiding rather than removing? Are you looking for some of these to be visible on some requests but not others? There is the option on each Service that lets you specify a starting point on the profile tree. Would it help by limiting this and making sure that support staff don't see branches that are higher up the tree? Regards, James
  17. Hi Martyn, That seems like a reasonable next feature to add to this list. I'll have a look to see what we can do. Regards, James
  18. Hi @dwalby Something else that you might be interested in is a new feature for conditional fields on a single Progressive Capture Custom form. There is some documentation here and it is accompanied by this video...
  19. Hi Paul, Thanks for your post. There isn't a way at the moment to add people that have been CC'd on an email as Members of a request nor is there a way to add members via the Portal. The members option has security implications as it will add people to the request who would not normally have visibility and give them access to view, update, and contribute to the request. The people responsible for the software package would also need to be Service Manager users to access the request if they become a member. I'm wondering if ''Connections'' might work for you? There are also some BPM options for adding connections and email connections. Once they are connections you can continue to email updates to them from the Email Action on a request. Email Request Action including Connections: BPM Options for Connections: Regards, James
  20. Hi @Claire Holtham No change at the moment. Still in the development queue and waiting for work to begin. Regards, James
  21. We have now also changed how the portfolio status is viewed in the Services list. The current view has collapsible sections for the different portfolio status which have some issues around the ordering and retired services are always included in your list. A status selection, similar to Request List, will be available in the tool bar under the filter. This will be included in the next update to Service Manager. The 'Catalog' portfolio status will be the default selected status. Regards, James
  22. Thanks for your post. As a temporary measure you can add images to your published issue using wiki markup. This is by using the format [[file:<urlTofilename>]]. In the example below, I did the following... I attached an image file to the problem record. I expanded the Attachment section of the request. I right clicked on the name of the attachment and selected Copy Link Address. In the description of the Published issue I typed [[file: then pasted my link address and closed with ]] Added a link to our website using [[https://www.hornbill.com|Our Web Site]] I hope this helps. Regards, James
  23. Hi @dwalby Thanks for your post. I can see that you asked this question here last month... I will see if I can get some additional feedback for you and add this to the above post. Regards, James
  24. Hi @Lyonel Thanks for your post. The Service Manager Routing Rule templates are configured in the Administration portal under Hornbill Service Manager->Email->Routing Rule Templates. A video describing how the Routing Rule Templates work can be viewed here: https://www.hornbill.com/blogpost/email-routing-rule-templates/. I'll add the video to the wiki documentation. I will also ask about the possibility of adding an operation for Hornbill Collaboration to create a post without having to raise a request. Regards, James
  25. Hi @Joyce I just wanted to let you know that an issue was found and a fix has been completed. The fix will be included in the Server Build 2870. This will be automatically updated on your instance. Regards, James
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