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  1. Hi This problem is still ongoing. I was advised to schedule all the reports before running them in PowerBi but this has not resolve the refresh issue. Can someone advise if there are problems with report refresh? Thanks. Regards Joyce
  2. Hi @Steve G When I refresh the report from PowerBI, i don't get any error, and looks like it has refreshed. But when I check on Hornbill report history , no report has run at the particular time. Regards, Joyce
  3. Hi @Bob Dickinson None of our PowerBI report are refreshing. When I tried to refresh from PowerBI, I am not getting any error and looks like the refresh has completed. But the data is not updated on the report, and on Hornbill Report History, there is no new report. Has something change which requires the RScript we are currently using to connect PowerBI to Hornbill report to be updated? I have notice the reports not running for the past 3 weeks. Thanks. Regards, Joyce
  4. HI, I have use the below query to create a measure. Basically i want to create different measure for counting specific tickets logged monthly, but with deferent series for different years. So for example: Series 1- for 2018 Series 2 for 2020 Series 3 for 2021 Series 4 for 2022 Query used for 2020: h_datelogged >='2020-01-01 00:00:00' and h_datelogged <='2021-01-01 00:00:00' And h_fk_team_name like '%Procurement%'. with the monthly run cycle and max sample history 68 as follows: Frequency Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly (January/April/July/October) Quarterly (February/May/August/November) Quarterly (March/June/September/December) Yearly Value Aggregate Count Sum Average Floor Ceiling Percentage Maximum Sample History Scorecard limit Sparkline Limit This however, seems to run from beginning of the sample( back in 2017), how can I set it to only run for Jan 2020 to December 2020? and only display samples for this period? I think this query will take a long time, looking at whole data, to display zeros for values outside of the above period. Thanks. Regards, Joyce
  5. Hi, How far back are the data retained on the application level? I am trying to create a measure for count of ticket in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, to compare the increase of ticket logged from 2017 to 2021. I can only get data as far back as August 2020. This is for 2019, but I get values from 01/08/2020. Thanks . Regards, Joyce
  6. Hi @James Ainsworth One of my colleague has mention that there are some changes made in R-Script which is used to connect data to PowerBI. Apparently the current script has ' issue with spaces in filenames' . How will this problem affect the reports? Changing of R-Script for us will require a lot of effort and time, as we create multiple Dataset for each dashboard / Report, and we have more than 50 reports in operation at the moment. This means I might be changing 200+ script to accommodate the change. I should rather not do this, if this change is more 'cosmetic- Good to have' rather than 'Required'. Thanks. Regards Joyce
  7. HI @Steven Boardman, Thanks for the above. As our reporting are in PowerBI using measures does help, but have limitation on how many column/ field can be brought to PowerBI and how we can filter reports within PowerBI. ,
  8. Hi, As there is limitation on amount of rows which can be moved to PowerBI reporting, is there a way to group by date ( either logged or resolved) and do a count on the month within the date? We would like trend ticket logged/ Resolved monthly for the past 12 month, but currently as the volume of tickets increase we can only review 3 month at a time. Thanks. Kind Regards,
  9. Hi, What is the difference between Request Seconds(h-itsm-requests.h-fixsecs) and Request Resolve Time (h_itsm_requests.h_fixtime) ? Which one is the accurate time in second it took a ticket to be resolved. Regards, Joyce
  10. Hi, We have been getting the below error when trying to connect to PowerBi with some of the reports which were not connected before : Unable to connect: We encountered error while trying to connect Details: "ADO.NET: R script error. Error: Execution halted" This has only been experienced today. Any help? Thanks. Regards, JOyce
  11. Yes, getting this more often after changing of the R Script. It usually complete running after a while ( even if the report itself is very small with less than 50 rows). I have also notice, that since changing of R Script, the reports are taking too long to run and load in PowerBI
  12. Hi, Has there been development on Change Calendar to enable adding dates directly on the calendar instead of through a request? We would like to pre-add our planned maintenance dates at least 6 month in advance so everyone on the team is aware of the dates. Thanks. Kind Regards, Joyce
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