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James Ainsworth

Hornbill Product Specialists
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Everything posted by James Ainsworth

  1. Just a thought and a shot in the dark. I've seen issues before with applications connecting to email servers where the email server has been set up with two step (multi-factor) authentication. If two step authentication has been enabled on Office 365 then an App Password needs to be created for non-browser clients. Regards, James
  2. Thanks for your posts. I've registered your interest against the change. Regards, James
  3. Hi @SJEaton Today, with the Collaboration Core update to build 711, there is now an option to print your emails. As part of the printing you can select to print to PDF. Let us know if this helps. Regards, James
  4. Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone Yes, it is the user profile which is shown in your first screen shot that displays the User Details. Regards, James
  5. Hi @sprasad Here is the new option, highlighted in yellow. By default this will be set to Auto, which in the back end will be equivalent to 'Yes' (Include Offline Users). This is the same as the previous behaviour, and the assignments will work exactly as before without making any adjustments. Only if you wish to exclude Offline Users would you need to set this option to "No". Regards, James
  6. Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone At the moment, a Manager can view the activities for any of their managed staff. A manager is set on the user profile for each user. To view the tasks for one of your managed staff you can select the User option from this menu option on the Activity View and then select the user. The Group option does allow for the selection of a team, but it currently will only show tasks that are assigned to a team, but only the tasks that have not yet allocated to an individual user within that team. We are investigating options for improvements in this area. Regards, James
  7. Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone Yes, depending on how you have set up your workflow it is possibly that the customer would receive a second email. It might be possible to do a check in the BPM prior to the sending of the email to determine if an email should be sent or not. But, I would also say that if a new request has been raised, the customer may actually want to get this email. This way they have knowledge of their new reference number. Once your new request has been raised under the correct service, the original request would now be a duplicate and under the wrong service so you may find that you are better off using the cancel option for this request. This will keep it out of any statistics for the other service or prevent someone from that team accidentally picking it up and work on it. James
  8. Hi @SJEaton I'm going to take a guess, but I will try to confirm if I'm right or not. "Not Set" will be the number of requests where the customer has not yet provided feedback. 0 (zero) might be those that have selected the "No Thanks" option and opted out of providing the feedback. James
  9. You can also use the Linked Requests option to create a new linked request under the appropriate service. This will copy over some of the original data and maintain a link to the original request if this needs to be referenced again. James
  10. Hi @dwalby. Great to hear that it is coming together for you. We will look into a global setting. Thanks for your continued feedback. James
  11. Hi @dwalby We don't at the moment have a way to enable the Timesheet plug-in on all services by default. We can look at additional global settings to enable this. Out of interest, what type of timing information are you looking for? Timesheet Manager has more of a focus on tracking the time of a user, although it can be used to get some information for each individual request. If we start with the outcome that you are looking for we may be able to point you to some options that can help and it also can contribute to future requirements if the options that you are looking for are not there yet. Regards, James
  12. Hi @SJEaton As Victor suggests, the summary was seen as something that would most likely be unique to each request. If you are using categories as the source for the summary, could you not use the categories as the X access? Regards, James
  13. It may also be worth trying again in a little bit. Thinking of the time that it is in the UK, you may find that you have hit the maintenance window during which time some updates might be applied. These are usually only a few minutes long, but you can sometime experience some events from not being triggered. Do let us know if it persists. James
  14. Hi @dwalby Having to refresh the page is not normal. Any action that you apply to the request should be seen immediately, and not only for you but also for anyone else who might be looking at the request when you make the change. We may have to have a look at your logs or have someone from the support team take a look. Regards, James
  15. Hi @dwalby I was going to suggest this operation for automatically raising a KE record but at the moment the only options are incident and service requests. I'll check and see where we are with adding KEs to this option. Regards, James
  16. Hi Martyn, I've responded on the post that you have mentioned in your post above. I'm going to look at raising a change to provide a print option for users of the portals to print a request in a similar way that the requests can be printed in the main client. Regards, James
  17. Hi @dwalby Thanks for your post. I was wondering if there is a particular activity that takes place prior to knowing if a KE needs to be raised or not? Having an Activity scheduled for someone to investigate and determine if a KE needs to be raised or not could also be used to suspend the workflow. When I work with Problems and Known Errors, I don't have a Problem Record and a KE open at the same time for the same issue, so I would look for this transition from Problem to KE at the time of resolving or closing the Problem. I would work the problem up to the point where a decision can be made on how to proceed. The Problem can be closed without raising a KE as a permanent fix was provided The Problem can be closed and a KE is raised with workaround information as the issue may still exist in the environment The Problem can be closed as there is an existing KE already available for this issue The Problem needs to remain open as we don't yet know the root cause or have a way to work around it. No KE raised and continue to investigate. Using a Human task in your BPM workflow with defined outcomes could reflect what needs to be done next. Your outcomes could be a simple Yes and No on a Human Task that confirms if a KE is required. The decision node could then take this outcome and direct the workflow accordingly and include checkpoints to signify if a KE was raised or not. Lots of options and different approaches. It would be great to hear from others and how they determine the transition from Problem to KE. Regards, James
  18. Hi @Darren Rose This being the case, I would say that the ID are not currently part of the search. We will look to have these added in a future update. Regards, James
  19. Hi Keith, We are still looking into options for the display on the charts. We want to maintain the existing functionality for those customers that want to work with the IDs and we need to consider translations. Possibly not a simple change, but we will look to see how we can approach this. Regards, James
  20. Hi Martyn, There are possibly two areas to look at here so I just wanted to confirm. The first looks like adding the print option that we see on a request in the main client. This in itself would not need an '''Expand All'' option as this would automatically take this into consideration when a request is prepared for printing. I can look to raise a change to support the printing of a request from the portals. The second would be having an ''expand all'' option when viewing the request in the portal. I wasn't sure if this was only to support the printing of a request using the built in browser printing or if you see another requirement for a user to see everything while reading? Do you still see a need for this if a printing feature is provided? Regards, James
  21. Hi @Dan Munns The problem with enforcing the selection of a catalog item on all services is that some customers work in a mixed environment where they may have some services using request catalog items and some not, but in both cases they still want to be able to raise requests against both. The original setting (servicemanager.progressiveCapture.servicedetails.catalogRequired) was put in place so that if you had request catalog items under a service, that the service itself could be selected. The change that I mentioned about controlling the available request types for a service is already queued up for development so in any case this will come first. I'll see if there is room from some additional settings as part of this planned change to deal with your scenario. Regards, James
  22. Hi Lee, Thanks for your post. I understand the need for having that one place where someone can view all of their scheduled work. With Hornbill having the ability for a user to work within multiple apps and having different lists of work that needs to be done, having somewhere to show everything in one place makes sense. As Service Manager is one of several possible apps on Hornbill, it might be worth looking outside of the request list for this. If the request list was used, you may find some duplication between a request and it's associated activities all showing up in the same list. It may also be the case that you could miss activities from other apps if you are only looking at the Request List. Would a single location for things that you are working on from all the different apps that you use cover your needs? Regards, James
  23. Hi Dan, We are soon to start work on adding some options on a Service where you can enable or disable which request types can be raised for that service. So, for example if you have a service where only the raising of Change Requests is appropriate, you would disable all the other request types. If you were raising an Incident or Service Request, this service would not be visible/available to select. I was wondering if this is the type of thing that you are looking for and if this would help in your scenario? Regards, James
  24. Hi @shamaila.yousaf Thanks for your post. There is an option on the email action to forward attachments that are currently linked to the request. There is an attachment button that is next to the CC/BCC button which once clicked you get this view. Clicking on the Show Associated Files will let you select one of the file that is already linked to the request. Let me know if this is the type of functionality that you are looking for. Regards, James
  25. Similar issue also discussed here...
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