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Steven Boardman

Hornbill Product Specialists
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Everything posted by Steven Boardman

  1. @HGrigsby done, again the more community support we get for the one's which affect you, really helps us with our prioritisation and the order and speed in which these features are delivered.
  2. @nasimg no problem i've added you to the interested parties
  3. @dwalby i suppose it would depend on if your categories mirror your catalog items and if this is the case you could just report on the catalog items but if your categories are different then you may need to add the relevant category via the business processes linked to your catalog items. I will raise the question about a config option to add a category when creating a catalog item and post back here any updates Steve
  4. @dwalby sorry for any confusion here. Firstly i would say a priority is a priority, and we are not looking to change that. Supportworks and Service Manager are different solutions albeit from the same vendor but Service Manager is not an upgrade to Supportworks so will work in different ways. In Supportworks you are correct there was an impact / Urgency Matrix which would drive the priority which the (response / fix timers) were tied to. and if the values where changed post logging the priority would change automatically. However there were a couple of limitations with this * You could only set targets based on priority * When the priority was changed the date and times for the priority would start again (from the point when the priority was changed) * You had to define both a response and fix target even if you didn't need both In Service Manager we are attempting to provide a more configurable approach. You can create Service Level Agreements which are either global (can be applied to any service you create) or one's which are Service Specific. Inside each SLA you can define multiple Service Level Targets (say High, Low, Medium) Each Service Level Target could be attributed a response and or fix target (if appropriate) If you have more than one Service Level Target in an SLA you need to define in the SLA rule builder the conditions against which each Service Level Target will be invoked. In the rules builder you could have a simple 1 to 1 relationship - so for example if priority is High then use SLA > Service Level Target High. However some of our customers may have more complex requirements such as, who is the customer, what is the catalog item, which site are they at and what priority has been chosen, the rules builder caters for the simple and more complex requirements. Once you have the SLA's and Service Level Targets defined you can choose which services to link them to and in turn in your business processes choose when the response and fix timers should start (check the relevent SLA rules and invoke the correct service level target) and when they should be stopped There is more to configure granted but much more flexibility and we have the plans to add the options for the rules to be evaluated when request attributes are changed - such as Priority, site, customer Sorry for the long explanation but i hope that helps and there is more info on the wiki as well https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Corporate_Service_Level_Agreements Steve
  5. @dwalby i will ask the question if we could look at something like giving you the option to pick a logging category when you are configuring each catalog item. On that topic the Service and Catalog item are already automatically associated to a request when logged, and you can do things such as: * Route based on service / catalog item * Report on service / catalog item * Make decisions in the business process based on Service / Catalog item * Are available on the request list columns / views builders So at some level they work in the same way as the categories so just keen to see what else you use the categories for or if the catalog items give you a lot of the same benefits as the categories so just seeing if this would save you some config time if they are appropriate for what you need? Steve
  6. Hi @dwalby thanks for the post. In Service Manager you can use various parameters to set which Service Level Agreement and Service Level target should be invoked including priority, catalog item, site, customer etc - this is for you to configure as needed in your SL rules. https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Service_Level_Agreement_Rules_Builder Currently these rules are not re-evaluated on changes to a request such as a change in priority, customer etc but it is on our list to do, and i can add you as an interested party to me kept informed when it is available. In the meantime you can change the SLA and SL manually by clicking on the SL name - in your example BPHA Priority 5 and you can then change this as needed Steve
  7. @HGrigsby you could create a measure as follows Again replace Ares/Finance/ with your departments This would give you a history of the requests logged per month for the department last 12 (all configurable) As department is not an attribute of the h_itsm_requests table you can't save it as a Saved Data Column on one measure so you would need to create a measure for each department, but when you have these you could create other widget types for your dashboards. One example would be to create a data chart type using Measured Samples and then add a New Series choosing the relevant measure for each department to show comparisons between departments over time. In my example i have just used one series (Measure) and called it Finance, but you can use the Add new Series to add more measures for other departments, you can also change the Sample Period to look at this year, start of last year etc and other options in the config options to do things like: * Bar / Line * Stack * Stack as 100% * Show values as % etc. Once you have the measures you can also create scorecard types and include multiple measures on the same scorecard widget. I hope this allows you to create more widget types for your dashboards Steve
  8. @samwoo when using the custom buttons, this will open a new tab in your browser window
  9. @Martyn Houghton @DeadMeatGF @Paul Alexander @Melissa Gurney we have increased the SLA Target days maximum from 40 to 120 in the next Service Manager build. hope this helps, the next update will be out in the next couple of weeks
  10. Hi @Tina.Lapere Just an update to let you know that the email address is now passed into the email field when creating a new contact from the Search Customer progressive capture form when logging a new request. This will be available in the next Service Manager update due in the next couple of weeks
  11. @SJEaton just to let you know the original issue has now been fixed and will be included in the next Service Manager update, which should be available in the next couple of weeks
  12. Hi @Joyce You can look in h_sys_accounts h_class will give you a 1 = User 3 = Basic value Is that what you were looking for? You can also look in the admin tool and each app to see which users are subscirbed to each app You can search and filter for users by type in Home > System > Organisational Data > Users
  13. @lee mcdermott just an update to let you know in the next Service Manager update (due in the next couple of weeks) there will be a new system setting, if you enable this, it will allow any Service Manager subscriber to see the No Team Assigned queue in the request list. This is currently limited to those with the SD Admin role. webapp.view.ITSM.serviceDesk.requests.list.enableNoTeamAllUsers Steve
  14. @dwalby all a little hot off the press but the user needs the appropriate Document Manager rights can use this option to add docs to requests. Obviously they would need rights to view a specific doc to be able to grab it's Doc ID but if know then their DM rights would allow them to add these to a request. Just tried this with a non doc owner who uses DM and knows the Doc ID and it worked fine so this should make it easier for you. Users wanting to view the doc from the request would need to have the doc shared with them / in a library they have access to in all the usual ways still.
  15. @dwalby @Tina.Lapere @Dan Munns @DeadMeatGF @Martyn Houghton an update for you on this, we have added the option so it is now possible via the Hornbill iBridge to add a document to a request as part of your Business Process. If you set up a keysafe for the user who owns the document in document manager (generate them an API key under their profile) you can then use the Integration Call node in your business process to have a document automatically added to the request. https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Hornbill Considerations 1. Once linked to the request, the analysts viewing this doc via the request would need to have the rights to view it (but you can manage this via the document sharing / libraries etc) Config for the iBridge node: Application: com.hornbill.servicemanager Doc id: Needs to be the DOCxxxxxxxxxxxxxx reference (you can see this in the URL of the document when viewing it Entity: Requests EntityId: In this scenario use the variable picker in the field and go to Global Inputs > Requestid and use this Run your process and you will then have the specified document in the documents section on the request Hope that helps Steve
  16. @alecwa Just an update to this we have added a new Simple list to control the Release Types so in the next Service Manager update due in a couple of weeks you will have the option in Progressive Capture to choose from this list, and in the Business Process to set the Release type from this list. Hope this helps Steve
  17. Hi @Martyn Houghton just an update to this one to let you know there will be option in the Print request Timeline Options to filter in / out posts based on their visibility levels (privacy levels) This will be included in the next Service Manager update which is due out in the next couple of weeks Steve
  18. @Martyn Houghton the Team will be inherited based on which team the request is assigned to at the point the escalation action is invoked.
  19. @Martyn Houghton just an update to this to let you know in the next Service Manager update there will be an option in progressive capture to branch depending on if the progressive capture is being used as an agent in the user app, or as a customer on the portals. This will allow you to branch to different subsequent forms depending on if it is an agent or customer who is following the progressive capture flow The next Service Manager update should be available in the next fortnight Steve
  20. @David_Wilson @Martyn Houghton @DeadMeatGF @yelyah.nodrog Just a quick update to let you know in the next Service Manager update (due in the next couple of weeks) we have added a couple of additional email recipient options to the escalation - send reminder option * Team - All members of the defined team will receive an email reminder * Specified Recipients - Specify multiple email addresses to receive an email reminder Please keep an eye out for the release notes on the next update Steve
  21. @Keith these changes have now been pushed to live in the latest admin tool update
  22. Hi @HGrigsby You can do something with the widgets to add to dashboards If you choose a widget type of List of Counters and if you use something like this: replacing the Ares/Finance with the group id's of your relevant departments. You can then add these widgets to a dashboard to show counts by departments tweaking the date ranges as you need them. You can get the h_group_id's for your departments via Database Direct in the admin console. If you actually look at the h_sys_groups table you can use the values from the h_id column and remembering that departments (types) are of h_type = 2 where you might have different groupings such as cost centres or support teams with similar names but are different grouping types (1,3 etc). Hope that helps Steve
  23. Hi @HGrigsby You can use input parameters at report run time and you can add these in the report Select Filters to give you something like this when you do a data preview or run a report manually In the example above i have added two user inputs as follows: Department: We can't use the simple list here, but what i have done is limit my group types to department in the first filter in the filters (h_sys_groups -> h_type equals 2 (department). Then i have added a against user prompted value, using a static list option and i have manually added my departments as options - so here Finance and Marketing - which are then available for me to select from when i run the report Date: Again use a against user prompted value and then choose Between Date / Time Selector on whichever date field you want to use (Date logged, Closed etc). You can of course add and use which ever filters you want. Alternatively you could set up the reports for each department and have them auto-created (scheduled) each month and distributed to documents in document manager where each months version of the report will be added and you will have a single document for each department which will contain the history of each months figures which you can collaborate on and discuss the results. You can also share the document with the required users and they will get this automatically and pick it up on the mobile app if needed. Using the report scheduling and publishing options you can create a report for each department and then inject the date range as a variable which will be used when the report is run, so for example if you ran this at 1am on the first of each month, you could have it look back at all requests logged in the lastmonth? More info on this on the wiki here: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Report_Scheduling Hope that helps Steve
  24. @HGrigsby sorry in the report creator it is using the display value for the table column name, so if you use Customer ID from the request table this should give you what you need
  25. Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone No problem happy to help In terms of the other request types (Problems, KE's and Releases) these don't have a Customer linked to them in the same way as Inc, SR's and Changes, so they would not currently be visible on the portal. These request types do have a Raised By but this would be the analyst and these are deemed to be more internally facing request types which might result from an Incident or change a customer has raised but would be requests for the internal teams to manage which could result in the Change being deployed or the Incident the customer reported being fixed as a child of the internal Problem or KE. Steve
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