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alecwa last won the day on January 8 2018

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  1. Hi Gerry. Yes I understand the current reporting engine is limited and this is where the frustration comes from. We really need something like an API, or some form of Power Bi plug-in which enables us to query live data. We've found this current method is the only way to report to the business in near real time, but like we said, it's a pain and very time consuming to maintain.
  2. Yes that's correct - we require the historical data to get new/modified Power Bi reports. So we're exporting all, open, closed, on hold, everything, for all time.
  3. We’re exporting the following: Request ID Logged Date Logged By Category Request Type Closed Date Closed By Description Summary External Ref No RPN Customer Code Company Name Closure Category Priority Source Customer Department Services We may also use others sometimes. We have had to set up reports that have request ID and one other category because we reached the 25000 cell limit so early on. We generate approx. 600 tickets per week.
  4. Hi @Gerry thanks for your reply. We need to be able to extract the data so that we can use Power BI for reporting. Hornbill doesn’t have the functionality to export data automatically so we have to use reports so that we can automatically refresh our data. We use Power BI as we integrate data from other areas to provide a full reporting pack back to the business, so solely using Hornbill’s reports doesn’t work for us. Using R Script isn’t ideal and we would love to be able to refresh via an API, but we’ve been told that isn’t possible. We need to refresh our data throughout the day every hour (approx.) up to 8 times per day to keep business dashboards accurate. Hope this helps! :-) Alec
  5. Hello, It's been a real pain since we implemented Hornbill that the max cell count on report exports is 25000. Our Service Manager had to spend 2 days appending reports to set up our Power BI dashboard for 2019, which she really shouldn't have. Can you let us know when this will be increased or ideally set to unlimited? Alternatively... Will we be getting a direct API connection for Power BI or anything similar which would get us around this problem? Thanks, Alec
  6. Hi @James Ainsworth Yes we haven't seen these symptoms in a long long while so I believe it got resolved. Thanks for checking.
  7. @Steven Boardman - This is looking good, thanks! Can't wait to see what improvements are made to the search facility!
  8. That does make sense, sir.
  9. Aha! Thanks @Dan Munns! Do you happen to know why this is kept here and nto in the same place as Job Title, Email address etc.?
  10. Hi, probably a pretty easy one... We are going to pull our staff's department names through from AD into Hornbill. I've checked co-worker's "about" info and there doesn't appear to be a predefined field to populate. Has anyone else done this, and if so did you just use one of the customer attributes? Thanks.
  11. Fantastic, thanks James!
  12. Hello. Not sure what being added to a change does, but can I check Press Association is on there as an invested party? I'm still receiving comments from unhappy analysts every week. For example: "Are you aware that the hornbill search function isn’t very helpful and is there anything that can be done about it? For example, if I want to search for [PA Device Name Removed] l get a lot of results, not all including the actual name. It seems to date order on each page of results but the results overall aren’t in date order. At the minute its inconvenient but eventually with more tickets its going to be useless." Thanks, Alec.
  13. Hi @Victor . . . I made it worse by adding every team to the custom view. Now there are no requests. I'll send you a PM with further details.
  14. Hi! I may be doing something a bit silly, I am not sure... But a colleague wanted to have a view of all tickets for users in our Edinburgh office, but this came back blank. I gave it a go just in case he'd configured it wrong, but mine came back with just one ticket... I know at least one other person with a site of "Edinburgh" has two tickets against them, so this view should bring back much more than one! Anything obvious I should be trying? The users in question do have their "site" field populated with "Edinburgh"... Other than that I don't know what could be going wrong...
  15. It looks like there's many a frustrated Hornbill user out there praying for a better search function. In my mind it's fundamental. if only it were as simple as SupportWorks!
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