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Daniel Dekel

Hornbill Developer
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Everything posted by Daniel Dekel

  1. Hello @Dan Munns, My Service page does not have a "Good Afternoon....", perhaps you are confusing with the "Hornbill Today"? Daniel.
  2. @Martyn Houghton, We are already working on these changes and I am pretty sure you will be able to see these new changes before the end of this year... hopefully in the next 3 months. Cheers, Daniel.
  3. Hi @HHH, There was never an intention to apply it to manual activities and the entire infrastructure is built based on that. The main idea behind this is to apply logic on the BPM and not to store extra information. I'm sorry but I doubt this will be developed. Daniel.
  4. Hello @HHH, At the moment custom fields work only in the BPM context, so these are not exposed in manually created activities. The idea is that in the BPM you would be able to check on different answers and make a decision based on that, but in a manual activity you can't do that. So not sure how useful that would be. Daniel.
  5. Hello @HHH, Yes, that would improve the usage of templates for activities. We thought about that and is in our backlog already. A similar implementation to how email templates work in the email compose. So it could be shared with teams or even for personal use. The problem is as always, time... I think, but can't commit that it could be ready within 3c months time. Thanks, Daniel.
  6. @Aaron Summers, @HGrigsby, FYI, there is now a new feature "Mark all as read" affecting the folder. Note that If the amount of emails is very big (thousands) it can take some time to index all the emails in that folder. Enjoy ;-) Daniel.
  7. Hi @HHH, First, a correction, an organisation can only have one primary contact and is not mandatory, so it might not be set. Regarding the BPM operation to send an email, yes, it can be added. I will add a change request to our list. Not sure it will be done soon but I'll will keep you updated. Thanks, Daniel.
  8. Hello @Dan Munns, I'm not sure how simple it will be to implement such thing. Let me check with the Doc Manager developers to get more details. We'll get back to you. Thanks, Daniel.
  9. @samwoo, @Dan Munns, We are doing great changes around the catalog area, in a few months you will find out. I believe what you are looking for will be available within these changes. I suggest you to come to our next INSIGHTS event to hear it first ;-) Daniel.
  10. Hi @IntegraGreg, I thought you meant the System Admin user. You mean the Admin Tool. In that case, I'm sorry, but no. These work in a very different way. Daniel.
  11. @HHH, I don't know why there are no default widgets, we will have to investigate this. For now, I think the problem is that when there are no widgets at all (we never had such situation) the space to drop the widget is very small To insert it he needs to add it into the gray area. We will increase the size of the drop area making it easier to understand and also as mentioned, investigare why the default widgets are not being set. Hope this will solve the problem. Regards, Daniel.
  12. Hi @HHH, There are no required rights to manage the widgets in the home page. When you reset to default it should show you some default widgets. Does he have the button to manage the widgets? Did he try to refresh the browser? Thanks, Daniel
  13. Hi @IntegraGreg, You can't select a template created by one user (System Admin), what you can do is share the template with a group (in the internal org structure) . When managing the template, select add to Group. We don't allow inserting the entire HTML because the allowed HTML elements is very restrictive, so whatever you do that is not within the allowed structure will be automatically removed. What it will allow you to do is to copy from a browser and paste it there, however, it will also remove whatever is not allowed, so it might change a bit. Regards, Daniel.
  14. Hi @Paul Alexander, It is defined as a Translation String. In the Admin Tool, go to : Home > Hornbill Collaboration > Translations - and look for guest.anonymous.serviceportal.core.pageTitle Kind Regards, Daniel
  15. @talltim, that is because the history (recently viewed) records the translated title at the time of the view, is not translating in real time. So what you saw in that language will be saved.
  16. hehehe... @Lyonel nice one ;-) Here is the mapping...
  17. Hi @dwalby, I spoke yesterday with our support team and they will have a look at your instance. They will probably contact you for more details and you keep you updated. I hope it get sorted out soon. Regards, Daniel.
  18. Hi @dwalby, Now is more clar. I think the problem is the mailbox configuration. You need to ask your system Administrator (if you are not already) to check the Associated Roles area and make sure the rights are granted. Especially the ones related to "Can Get Message", "Can Delete Message". Hope this is the problem, let me know please. Thank you, Daniel.
  19. Hi @davidrb84, You are probably are right, I'll add this requirement to our todo list. Regards, Daniel.
  20. Hi @davidrb84, Can because in point 2 you mention "the normal email interface", I imagine is the mailboxes view? In that case, can you please explain in point 1 in what page are you talking about? What is slow for you? a second or a minute to update? Regarding point 2, are you saying that when an email is being selected and you are reading it and a new email comes in it switches to the new email? Thank you, Daniel.
  21. Hi @dwalby, Can you please explain how are you trying to delete the messages? Is it one message or multiple messages? If multiple, how many are you selecting? If none of these, probably you are using the "empty folder" option? Thanks, Daniel.
  22. Hi @Dan Munns, I'll speak to the Service Manager team to see if there is some progress. Daniel.
  23. Hi @Jeremy, This feature is in preparation to a future feature but has no influence at the moment on anything. It will only be enabled if the organisation type is "Company". Thanks, Daniel
  24. Hi @HGrigsby, @Aaron Summers, I've discussed this with the platform team and they will add a new feature that will allow to set all emails in a specific folder to "read", meaning that in the Sent Items red flags will disappear. I will let you know when this is ready. Thank you, Daniel
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