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Everything posted by TrevorKillick

  1. @Victor Getting a bit of competition here drawing on screenshots!
  2. @yelyah.nodrog Can you download the report definition and send it over to me please. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  3. @DeadMeatGF I can see the issue the logging is designed for when the Image URI is a ... URI but to support AD and its ability to store binary images it also represents the binary binary data. What we can do is for AD Image imports we can omit the log line, i will see if i can squeeze this into version 3.0 which is due on Monday / Tuesday next week. This also has the ability to set the log level so debug entries are not written and the ability to delete old log files. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  4. As promised the more technical response regarding this issue: Each Application running on Hornbill has a single file that describes its self what rights are needed and what views are available, we found on Sunday that the version of this file for Service Manager that was sat in our Redis Cache was empty. This only effected build 1150 and only effected Service Manager, once we cleared the cache it was rebuilt with the correct content and effected customers could once again view the Service Manager Icon. We are currently taking steps to prevent the caching of an empty file and do more stringent checks on this file in particular when we try and load it out of the cache. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  5. @Michael Taylor Sorry for this, yes its currently a Known Issue that bas been resolved in the next Release of the Administration Tool which will be available within the next week or so. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  6. @RyanMesser @Lyonel We found the root cause of the issue, one of our Redis Caches decided to have a headache, i will get a more technical explanation tomorrow. For now i have confirmed Service Manager is loading correctly again from live.hornbill.com, please do let me know if this is not still the case. Again Apologies for the this inconvenience caused. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  7. @RyanMesser SAML only kicks in if your not authenticated so hitting live.hornbill.com first and logging in then switching the URL "should" keep you logged in. We are working to get this resolved as soon as possible, i cannot guarantee anything but i would like to think it would be resolved before tomorrow morning. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  8. @RyanMesser @Lyonel Apologies for this, we are currently investigating the issue as soon as we have any further update i will let you both know. One thing i did find while recreating this is if you change the URL once logged in from https://live.hornbill.com/INSTANCE/ to https://beta.hornbil.com/INSTANCE/ i could load SM correctly, this might be a workable temporary solution while we work on the underlying issue. Kind Regards Trevor killick
  9. @Lyonel @DeadMeatGF Sorry yes its 2 NOT 3 ... My bad. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  10. @yelyah.nodrog You just beet my to it , as i was about to point you at the entity viewer. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  11. @Lyonel Changing a user status to archived could be done with a simple SQL Update via Direct DB in the Admin Tool. h_sys_accounts.h_account_status = 2 The above will archive a given user, of course doing this comes with the usual caviates of make sure you check the SQL statement only updates the accounts you want archiving. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  12. @DeadMeatGF @samwoo Just to confirm the ability to define multiple Group Assignments against a LDAP User Import will be part of the 3.0 release due in the next few weeks, along with the ability to set Member Of where a user must be a Member of the dfined group in AD before the Group Assignment Is made. You may also notice from the screenshot that there will soon be a UI for configuing the Import... Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  13. @Lyonel The issue has now been resolved and you should be able to submit Support Requests with attachments. Kind Regards Trevor
  14. @Lyonel Taking a look now, its due to the attachment while i sort this out you should still be able to submit the request without the attachment. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  15. @Martyn Houghton I am not sure i understand the requirement here can you expand a little bit please? Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  16. @Paul Alexander It should do yes, the option essentially prevents the default landing page from showing and automatically takes a user to the login page, it was added to specifically deal with a request URL being embedded in an email so it should stop people having issues clicking links once they have been logged out. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  17. @Lyonel You need to have Auto login Enabled, Administration -> System -> Portals -> Configure Service Portal Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  18. @clampj Something to look into is Microsoft System Centre Orchestrator https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Microsoft_Orchestrator This allows you within a business process to trigger a process internally on your network which can include power shell scripts. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  19. @DeadMeatGF Got it, just looked up the memberOf Ad Attribute will have a look and see if there is anything we can come up with as a solution here. Something we could do is: "MemberOf":"cn=IT Administrators,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com", And try and do a direct match to one of the Ad Groups like this. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  20. @DeadMeatGF So would this be some form of additional filter on the Group Assignment so it would only assign if a user was in a particular AD Group? So something like "Condition":"[extensionAttribute11] == 'Some Group Name'" Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  21. @DeadMeatGF The import tool does not currently support multiple organisations, we are currently in the process of a large update to the tool, we will see if we can provide this functionality as part of the next major update (3.0). Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  22. @Martyn Houghton As part of the upgrade to Font Awesome 5 the icon picker will be getting a bit of an overhaul so we will bear this in mind during development. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  23. @Martyn Houghton As @alextumber mentions we are looking into the update at the moment, we backed their kickstarter so have been closely watching development all our Apps will be updated to Font Awesome 5 Pro with improved icon pickers to deal with the increased number of icons available in the Pro release. Its a complicated process dealing with the breaking changes and saved icon names so its going to take some time to work through the upgrade, We will however update the thread with any relevant updates. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  24. Hi @samwoo I will correct the documentation, yes it should be possible to stack modifiers in the way you describe. Kind Regards Trevor Killick
  25. @samwoo The build was 2878 This feature is an addition to the current email template modifiers described here: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Email_Templates Kind Regards Trevor Killick
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