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Martyn Houghton

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Everything posted by Martyn Houghton

  1. @Steven Boardman That will be a great help with reminding customer when logging new incidents not to include personal information. Any update on the service/customer portal file attachment method to close the circle? Cheers Martyn
  2. We noticed that the picture show on the Service Manager Requests cards on a the Board Manager - boards are not updating when the request is re-assigned in Service Manager. Cheers Martyn
  3. When using the Share option in the Board Manager you can only add one object (User, Group, Role) at a time. It would be useful to be able to add multiple objects at the same time applying the same permissions. Cheers Martyn
  4. @Steven Boardman Thanks for checking this, is there a problem reference for the multiple inline images defect? I put a warning on our comms about it will let you do it but do not use more than one inline image at the moment. Cheers Martyn
  5. @Steven Boardman That will be a great help. Cheers Martyn
  6. @Steven Boardman Thanks for the heads up, I had missed the blue 'here' link in the release note. I am presuming that snippets at the moment are still just text only and not HTML enabled? Cheers Martyn
  7. @Steven Boardman I believe this has now been released as part of SM Build 1330. I am doing the internal communication ahead of apply the build and wanted to confirm whether the HTML editor will allow insertion of multiple inline graphics? Cheers Martyn
  8. @Steven Boardman Thanks for the advice and perusing this. Cheers Martyn
  9. The introduction of Auto Save on the request Update action and posts has been a great help and saving of time (as well as frustration ). Can this be extended to the Email Action, as I often find myself losing the partially typed emails, as I have had to refer to an email on the timeline and forgot to open it in a new tab when clicking on the 'View Email' option. Cheers Martyn
  10. @Steven Boardman Thanks for the comprehensive reply. At the moment we are adding the requests to the board manually, rather than doing so in the BPM. If you do not use the Application option in the BPM, will it still link backwards from the board to the request? Cheers Martyn
  11. Is it possible to configure the content of 'Request' cards add to the Board Manage App? At the moment it only appear to include the Reference, Summary, picture of the analyst and status. We would like to have the option, on a board basis, to include Contact/CoWorker Organisation Sub Status Service/Catalog Service Level Cheers Martyn
  12. @Daniel Dekel Thank you for your patience, I got it straight in my head now. Cheers Martyn
  13. @Daniel Dekel I am presuming that If a person workspace search returned an archived post they will be able to see its initial content in the Global Search results and then be able to open the whole post without it being un-archived? Cheers Martyn
  14. The Service Subscriber list dialog when you click on the 'Show All' option displays all the subscribed users, show an un-paginated list, but with the page options at the bottom. Clicking on the page controls produces an error. Full Error text. Cheers Martyn
  15. @Daniel Dekel Thanks for quick clarification. Does the archived post only appear for the owner who would be the one who currently has to be have archived it or does the marker for archived post appear for everyone? Cheers Martyn
  16. We have enabled the experimental feature which allows the locking and archiving of work-space posts. experimental.feature.activityStream.enableChangePostStatus If a post is archived, is it possible to un-archive it, if it was done in error? Also how would you locate it as I presume it will not appear in the search? Cheers Martyn
  17. @James Ainsworth Can you let me know if there is an update on this issue? Cheers Martyn
  18. As we have a growing and complex Organisation structure implemented in the Hornbill platform, it would be a real help to have a way to visually view and amend the organisation structure in a Hierarchical UI. Though you can sort by the Parent column, this does not give you the whole structural view. Cheers Martyn
  19. @mojahidm I believe this there is an item in the back log for this. @James Ainsworth can you confirm? Cheers Martyn
  20. @Nikolaj If you have a look at the post below this will hopefully provide you with background on the new icon/feature. Cheers Martyn
  21. This is one of our users common requests as well. +1
  22. @Steven Boardman Thanks for letting us know its in the works. Cheers Martyn
  23. @Daniel Dekel Doing a bit more digging it seems to filter on the group being enabled for task assignment as well. Cheers Martyn
  24. Just to confirm the same applies to when using the add members group option on existing workspaces. Cheers Martyn
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