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Martyn Houghton

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Everything posted by Martyn Houghton

  1. As you mention this would currently need to be a custom script from Hornbill, as the current Request Cleaner is all or nothing. Having ability to do selective clear down using a SQL query, much like Request Loader, is something we have raised before, as we too are looking at phased deployments, all be it with different departments coming on board rather than different request types. Cheers Martyn
  2. Trevor We too would find the release notes section with a bit more details on each of the fixes/changes include in the releases extremely useful. Also it appears there has not been any recent Harry Hornbill announcements which sometimes detailed some of the new features added in by certain releases. Cheers Martyn
  3. At the moment the Business Process nodes all realte only to the request entity and it related objects, however there is no ability at the moment to determine the 'current context' i.e. who is undertaking the action or operaiton which is completing a step or tiggering the end of suspend operation. In Support Works you had the field last updated by on the primary table which allowed you do ascertain some form of context, but there is no equivlany field in the Requet Entity. The reason for wanting this is to be able to branch within a workflow depeding on 'who' completed the last action. For example within our workflow we have a Wait for Request Off Hold suspend node, which when it comes off hold immedialty creates a follow on human task agasint the request owner. However there are a number of reasons why the request may come off hold, one of these could be that it is being chased by our 1st Tier as we have not had a response from the customer and need to put it back on hold. Inorder for them to send a chasing email to the customer they have take it off hold, which creates an activity for the request owner not the person taking it off hold. Similarly if it has come off hold automatically (i.e. like the old Support Works Off-Hold status) we may want to automate the chasign process in the workflow. Therefore it would be good if the BPM nodes, in particular the Supped Nodes had Outcomes specified to determine 'what' the outcome was, i.e. Hold Time expired, Manually taken off Hold, and 'who' undertook the operation, i.e. 'System', analystid etc. This way you could follow the suspend node with a decision branch to automate what happens if the request comes off hold after it expires or if it is taken off hold manually by someone other than the owner we could create a human activity for the analyst who took it off hold rather than for the owner. In short have the BPM being aware of the 'context' of the update allows a much wider dimension for controlling and routing the workflow, compared to the current request entity only standpoint. Is there any plans to add on this context type of information into the BPM? Cheers Martyn
  4. Can I have an updated on the issue of the Update Request from email not working with custom prefixes (KE00141270) as this is been a long outstanding issue. Cheers Martyn
  5. Thanks, the reason we wanted to use the measure was for comparative informationa and to use the trend lines. Also though you cannont now drill down in the dashboard, you can use the measures for reporting purposes as well. Cheers Martyn
  6. James Is there are further update on this as managing the subscriptions to many sub teams is becoming very onerous. Cheers Martyn
  7. James Is there any update on the schedule for the implementation of the all Request View in the Customer/Service Portals? Cheers Martyn
  8. Just a follow up to Gareth request, will the time recorded by against workflow activities on a request or will there the ability to record time against the manual request updates/email actions? Cheers Martyn
  9. James We too have some services which we do not want customers to be able to raise requests on via the portal themselves as they are specific to certain scenario's, but we would want them to be able to view them and update them once we have logged them. In our case the customer have a subscription to the service but the service is not set to be published on the portal. Cheers Martyn
  10. Is there a way to shrink the size of the home page image on the Service/Customer Portal or to remove it once the user has logged in? Since going live a month ago the feedback we have had from our customers is that they have to scroll down to see their service icons due to the amount of screen taken up by the home image. Cheers Martyn
  11. Matt We experience the same thing as you scroll through the pages of requests, with it resizing column on the fly. Seems to be on all the columns but we find 'Summary' and 'Organisation' have the most impact on the column sizing jumping back and forth. Cheers Martyn
  12. Dan How are your analyst raising there requests? Are they using the option in the Request List or doing it from the mailbox? Also in your progressive capture due you first of all select the customer/coworker prior the service? Cheers Martyn
  13. James Thanks for the update. We are still having some anomalies with the Request List View conditions which we are working on replicating/documenting over the next couple of days with my colleague. Cheers Martyn
  14. Ralf This is something we have raised as well. Cheers Martyn
  15. James Thanks for the clarification. I can indeed update the availability message for a user now using Admin build 396. If you can advise, once scheduled, of the timescales for the visibility when assigning request as this is quite important for us with distributed teams. Cheers Martyn
  16. Gareth/James There is an issue we have raised via support that the Email inbox does not trigger an update to all sessions viewing the inbox when one user makes a change in the inbox. The only thing that triggers all sessions viewing a the mailbox to update is new email coming in. Even if you have the mailbox refresh set for a very short period of time, it will not cause a refresh unless there is new mail delivered. @James Ainsworth the Hornbill incident reference is IN00141912 Cheers Martyn
  17. Gerry That looks a lot easier for staff to sort themselves out. Is this dependent on a specific platform release, as we do not seem to have devices tab in the setting options? Also will existing mobile connections be migrated over all will they need to be re-registered? Cheers Martyn
  18. Note sure I am missing something or if it is not there, but there does not appear to be the option in the Progressive Capture process to capture and set the Change Request Schedule From and Until? Is there any plans to add this in as a standard form in the progressive capture? Cheers Martyn
  19. James Just wondering if the provision of catalog items under change requests and the ability to stop the generation of change requests against all services even if no Change Request BPM is specified has moved forward at all in the development plans? We have a number of departments that want to use change request for different purposes and we are stuck at the moment with a single progressive capture. Cheers Martyn
  20. Trevor I am attempting to run a number of lines of SQL in one operation, they are update sql commands, which work if I select each one individually but if I select more than one, it fails advising a syntax error. I have tried inserting a semicolon at the end of each statement but to no avail. Does the new function support another deliminter to allow you to run multiple sql commands in the selection? Cheers Martyn
  21. In measures the different quarterly combinations are represented by the three different options, however it would also be useful to be able to adjust the Weekly and Monthly criteria for measures as well. We where able to do this in Support Works by adjusting the collector method, but this is not an option with hosted service. For example our weekly reporting cycle is based on weekly meetings happening on a Thursday, reporting on the previous week period of Thursday to Wednesday. Is there any way currently to adjust the weekly and monthly criteria? Cheers Martyn
  22. James Wondering if there has been any further developments on plans to extend the team membership and auto assignment criteria? Cheers Martyn
  23. James Yes that is indeed the case. The Admin Tool User details allows us to change the users availability but not the message. Cheers Martyn
  24. Trevor Thanks, the new features are now in place. Cheers Martyn
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