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Martyn Houghton

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Everything posted by Martyn Houghton

  1. At the moment there is a 'Skype' field on the co-workers profile. Would it be possible to have this field added to external contact records as well? Cheers Martyn
  2. @Chaz, @DeadMeatGF From our point of view, we would want this for the 'Skpe' contact field from the co workers screen, rather than the phone number, but that would need to be displayed in the connection part of the form as well. Cheers Martyn
  3. @Gerry, @trevorharris Thanks for the advice. It would be good to have a date field in the certificate section of the SSO screen to show when the certificate was loaded. Even better if we could also have one populated with the date fo the certificate expiry derived from the certificate. I have refreshed my certificate now. Cheers Martyn
  4. @Gerry, @trevorharris We have the Skew setting set as below Trevor I will check with our IT on the auto roll over settings. Is there any method to trigger the update of the certificate held in Hornbill to line with these automatic updates? Cheers Martyn
  5. Related to my other post below would it be possible to have a specific print option to format and output the whole request including all expanded timelines, but removing unnecessary headers/navigation components from the page. Cheers Martyn
  6. If a coworker/customer wished to print or view the full details of a request from the portal, they must first of all click on 'Show More' on any of the timeline entries in order for the full timeline content to be visible. Would it be possible to have the option to Expand/Show all? Cheers Martyn
  7. In the Admin tool under Monitor>Log Files, would it be possible for the filters selected at the top of the screen to be applied to the log download option, i.e. so it is possible to say to export just the security and critical ones? Also, would it be possible to have the option to expand the whole log file when you have filters applied in the UI, rather than having to repeatedly click on load more? Cheers Martyn
  8. In an earlier release of Service Manager, the presentation of the telephone number in the Customer section was changed to allow you click on their telephone number so that it would open in a VOIP application such as Skype for Business. Can the same presentation change be made to the telephone numbers displayed in the Connection section of the request screen? Cheers Martyn
  9. It would be possible for the pop out window when hovering over the Linked Requests to include the Sub Status as well as the parent Status value? Cheers Martyn
  10. The Single Sign On (SSO) validate certificate appears to be using the wrong date when checking if the imported certificate is still valid. We have had issues logging in hornbill this morning due to system triggering that the trust certificate is expired. However, exporting the certificate from Hornbill and viewing it in certificate viewing it has not yet expired; In our case 23rd November 2017 @ 07:36. By temporarily disabling the validation users where then able to get in, so therefore it seems the platform is expiring the certificate 15 days ahead of time. Is there a reason for this? Cheers Martyn
  11. @gwynne, @James Ainsworth Ours seem to have now started working again today without any changes. Are you still having the issue? Cheers Martyn
  12. @gwynne We seem to be having an issue with charts loading for some of our users, but the same chart widget on our dashboard user is working fine. it seems to be user/permission based issues, as we have not made any changes to sharts for sometime. Are you getting the text in the chart just saying loading, which it never does? Cheers Martyn
  13. @James Ainsworth In essence yes, but with the added option to allow the display of the default visibility so the analyst has the option to override it. Cheers Martyn
  14. @SJEaton If it is the person's manager, @James Ainsworth initial reply on the post below might fit your requirement using the servicemanager.portal.requests.showStaffRequests setting. Cheers Martyn
  15. Just to confirm I am testing this with the v2.4.1 of the utility, which I believe is the most recent. Cheers Martyn
  16. @James Ainsworth Thanks. Sorry did not make it clear in the original post, but the idea was to be able to do it in reverse, i.e. undertake the action of adding as a request attachment when you add it as an email attachment in one process, as this is the most common route attachments are added by our analysts. Cheers Martyn
  17. @James Ainsworth The two are linked, in that at the basic level we first need to display the SLA/Service Level for those requests using SLM and Priority for those using the older SLA method. Then provide the ability for the portal user to export or report on their requests which includes this SLA information. This needs to be accessible both at the list level as well as when viewing individual requests, as some of our larger customers will have a significant volume of open requests of varying types. With 1,100+ organisation records already in our system, which will grow significantly more as we merge in more desks, the only sustainable option is to provide a 'self serve' export/reporting option to allow portal users to extract their request information and performance data. Setting up and maintaining scheduled reports on behalf of each organisation is not practical. Cheers Martyn
  18. When sending an email from Service Manager and adding attachments, it would be really useful to have the feature to optionally to add them as an 'Attachment' on the request itself and determine their visibility. This was the customer/coworker can always manually download them from the portal if they are blocked by email rules etc. Cheers Martyn
  19. We have a large number of OU in our AD, so I run the import from the parent level and use the Scope=2 setting to include all the sub levels. I now need to exclude just one of the OU from the LDAP import process, but even though I have added it into the filter the LDAP import process is still processing them, so I think I have something wrong in the syntax when trying to exclude an OU. (&(objectCategory=User)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))(!(ou=CloudAmber))) I have also tried the format ou:dn:=CloudAmber, but that does not work either. I have also tested it in reverse, i.e. trying only to import just that OU, but then get no results, so it does look like I doing something wrong in terms testing the OU value. Cheers Martyn
  20. @Gerry Just wondering if there has been any further thought on the provision of the SLA information on the portals and the ability for customer self serve export or report from it? Cheers Martyn
  21. @Steven Boardman Just wondering if this has progressed any further at all? Cheers Martyn
  22. @James Ainsworth Is there an update on the backlog change to allow catalog level subscriptions? Cheers Martyn
  23. @James Ainsworth Thanks for the update. Cheers Martyn
  24. @DeadMeatGF , @Victor, @DanielRi Apologies for resurrecting this issue thought apt on Halloween, but I am trying to achieve the same outcome without having to set up a dummy team just to clear an owner when trying to assign back to the same team with no owner. The other way I have managed to do this is by using the Assign to Service Team, which will clear the owner, but only works when the team you are working on is the first supporting team added to the service in question. I do think there the Assign Team BPM node needs to be enhanced to provide the ability to clear the current owner. Cheers Martyn
  25. At the moment it seems you can only control the visibility of the reason entered when completing a Human Task using the system wide setting ' guest.ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.operation.defaultVisibility'. Different services using the platform have different requirements on this, i.e. some want it to be shown others want to continue to be restricted. Can the option to set this on the BPM Node itself be added to the system, so the workflow itself set the visibility. Also if there was the ability to set the visibility default in the BPM Node but enable or disable the visibility selector to be displayed so the end user can override the default. Cheers Martyn
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