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Martyn Houghton

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Everything posted by Martyn Houghton

  1. @Drew Davies Might be worth raising whether a configuration option can be setup to allow the node to be configured which availability status are taken into account. That way you could exclude just On Holiday one. You would probably need to exclude out of the office as well, so they do not get calls when they finish for the day. Cheers Martyn
  2. @Drew Davies If there are no 'available' analyst then it will only be assigned to the team. We have nodes in the BPM to trap this, which sends an email notification and awaits a owner. Cheers Martyn
  3. @Drew Davies We use the Round Robin auto assign at the moment, as we are waiting on Most Available Analyst to have the option to exclude On Hold incidents. The assignment process takes into account the users availability, so if the are any other status other than Available, they are not taken into account. i.e. On Holiday, Out of the Office. It does not however take into account their 'online status'. The key is them setting their availability, else they will find when they come back in the next day that they been allocated requests. Cheers Martyn
  4. @James Ainsworth I was presuming, perhaps incorrectly, that if there was now rule match, the Service Level Agreement at the top would be defaulted too, given that you have the ability to re-order them in the UI. I have also raised a support request about deault SLA rules IN00150530, which required you to set a condition for a rule to be evaluated, even if you do not want a condition to be set so the last rule in the list sets the default SLA. Cheers Martyn
  5. @James Ainsworth The earlier post relates to copying the Service Level Agreement entity itself, where as this requirement is at the Service Level, where we would like to be able to copy the whole Service Level Agreement configuration of the Service, i.e. the rules and the linked Service Level Agreements to one or more destination Services. Cheers Martyn
  6. As per my separate later post, the additional requirement to copy the Service Level Agreement Setup (including all the rules and linked Service Level Agreements) from one Service to one or more target Services. Cheers Martyn
  7. @James Ainsworth Just wondering if there was an update on now this is progressing in the queue? Cheers Martyn
  8. When doing a lot of repetitive work such as updating a lot of services, it would be helpful for the back button or even a separate back link/button to retain the Filter value you used in the previous screen. For example have an option 'Back to List' or 'Back to Service List' option which took you back to the previous page where you have applied a filter value. At the moment you have to enter the filter again, or have to spawn a new tab.window each time you select an item in order to retain the context. Cheers Martyn
  9. When linking multiple Service Level Agreements to a Service at the same time, the order they are selected is not honoured when they are inserted into the linked services list, but inserted in alphabetical order. This means you then have to then manually re-order them or add them individually in order. if they where added to the Linked Services list in the order they where selected, that would save these extra steps. Cheers Martyn
  10. Along the lines of the Request List view you have under the Service option, it would be useful to have a Request List tab under the Service Level Agreements, which shows all requests linked to Service Level Agreement in question. Cheers Martyn
  11. @James Ainsworth In parallel to this we are looking at completing the resolution text with the 'Completion Details' from a human task, but the issue then is how we capture the Resolution Catergory. It would still be useful to have the ability to Save both the Resolution Text and Category, without having to actually 'Resolve' the request. Cheers Martyn
  12. Having a large number of Services and a growing number of different Service Level Agreements (SLA) where we need to add both different targets and escalation processes, it would really help save a lot of manual effort, it there was the ability to copy the Service Level Agreement setting from one Service to another or even better select a number of destination Services in one go. In terms of settings this would need to include linked Service Levels and the Rules. At the moment I updating about 40 Services where I am having to manually add each new Service Level Agreement and add the Rules, service by service, when the changes are identical for all the services in question. Cheers Martyn
  13. @Gerry We too have the issue where customers want to use a generic contact email address, but have separate customer portal logins. Is the plan to use the existing Alternate Email under the Contact Record and there is a radio button setting to determine which one is used for email notification/BPM Email Customer node? Cheers Martyn
  14. This is something we would be interested in as well. Cheers Martyn
  15. @Daniel Dekel Thanks. I give it a try once I applied the update. Cheers Martyn
  16. @Paul Davis Thanks for the update. Hopefully it will be underway soon. Cheers Martyn
  17. @Daniel Dekel Just to confirm units are in minutes? Cheers Martyn
  18. @Daniel Dekel Just tweaked the SQL a bit and re-posting for others in the future, where you want to report on multiple requests and group the totals. SELECT h_related_urn,SUM(val.h_minutes) as sum FROM h_timesheet_values val WHERE val.h_related_urn in ('urn:sys:entity:com.hornbill.servicemanager:Requests:IDXIN00048750', 'urn:sys:entity:com.hornbill.servicemanager:Requests:IDXIN00050908', 'urn:sys:entity:com.hornbill.servicemanager:Requests:IDXIN00051329', 'urn:sys:entity:com.hornbill.servicemanager:Requests:IDXIN00050713') Group by h_related_urn Cheers Martyn
  19. @Daniel Dekel If you can let me know the query that would be a great help. Cheers Martyn
  20. @Daniel Dekel What I am trying to find out is is the Total Time display on the request form is calculated dynamically or is the total held on the database in the request table/entity for reporting purposes? Cheers Martyn
  21. I am looking to report on the time spent on a request, similar what is displayed on the Request form. Is this dynamically calculated from the time sheet entries or is the total stored on the request record/entity itself? Cheers Martyn
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