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Drew Davies

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  1. Bump as this is still an issue. Is it a case of the importer only accepting hard-coded values? I'd rather do it all with a single .json file than have to use multiple
  2. And although I'm sure you already presumed as much, all other values that I'm passing into it are being accepted. It's only the Status that it's taking issue to.
  3. @Steve Giller I'm using the latest importer that I extracted from goDb2HUserImport_win_x64_v2_2_8.zip on Releases · hornbill/goDb2HUserImport · GitHub MSSQL Server is the source and I've been using this documentation: SQL User Import - Hornbill
  4. @Steve Giller No luck with that either I'm afraid. Here's the snippet from the documentation on the wiki: "Status":{ "Action":"Both", /* options : Create/Update/Both ; on what action to change the User Account Status */ "Value":"active" /* options : active/suspended/archived */ },
  5. Hi all, I've recently updated to the new Importer and whilst attempting to configure the conf.json I keep running into an issue where the value of 'status' that we're passing over is not being accepted. Here is the relevant line from the SQL query: THEN 'active' ELSE 'archived' END AS [status] Here is the entry in conf.json: "Status":{ "Action":"Both", "Value":"{{.status}}" }, The error states: Error: The value '{{.status}}' for element <accountStatus> is not an allowable value at location '/methodCall/params/accountStatus' Can anyone advise what I've done wrong?
  6. Hi @Steven Boardman, I've added the field into the list now but I was wondering if there's a way for me to label it so it doesn't just say 'Attribute X' as well?
  7. Hi all, As in the title, I was wondering if it's possible to add and label the data from the custom fields of a user's record so that it appears under the 'Customer' section of a call log? Currently we have fairly standard info in there such as company, job title and contact details etc.
  8. Hi @Lauren, We had similar issues (and still do to an extent), for us the main solutions were pretty much what you've suggested. As an alternative you could try creating another general Service that's visible to both of your departments. When a ticket is identified as being with the wrong department, create a 'Linked' ticket using the new service. The process for that one could be to mimic the Summary, Description etc. of the original call and then each department should be able to assign it to the other without needing to be granted full visibility over all tickets in each other's queue. This is only a thought though, we haven't tried it ourselves.
  9. Hi @Michael Sharp Sounds like something a custom query data list would be able to accommodate fairly easily Example: SELECT h_pk_reference, TIMEDIFF(ADDTIME(h_datelogged, SEC_TO_TIME(h_responsesecs)), NOW()) AS Remaining FROM h_itsm_requests WHERE h_fk_team_name IN ('YourTeamName, NULL) AND (h_status='status.open' OR h_status='status.new') AND h_withinresponse IS NULL You could change the last line to ' AND (h_withinresponse IS NULL OR h_withinresponse = 0) ' but this would pull back all calls with a breached response until they're resolved
  10. We've just implemented this and have also had positive feedback - makes it easier for me to get a quick glance at the important logs in our queue
  11. Hi @Steven Boardman, It was the Service Levels inside the SLAs so thank you for clarifying that it won't delete any historic data
  12. Hi all, We have recently created a number of new Service Levels for 2019. We would now like to either delete or at least hide the old ones so they can no longer be used but we don't want all of our historic tickets to be left without a Service Level. Is there a way to do this?
  13. Hi @Bob Dickinson, Did you manage to get an update on this one?
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