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Everything posted by samwoo

  1. Thanks Steve! Looking forward to all these improvements! Samuel
  2. Hi @Steven Boardman, Brilliant, thank you. I'll be keeping an eye out for any announcements on this. In addition, is it possible for the Documents against an asset to be grouped or categorized? And for this to be visible and searchable? For example, similar to how we link requests together using the relationship, it would be good to group documents into categories/relationships such as: "Supporting Documentation" "SDD" "Overview" "Video Guide" and possibly more. This should be customizable. Then when looking at the documents in the assets area we can search based on the type. I can see this functionality extending into other areas such as when linking documents via a ticket. Thanks, Samuel
  3. Hi, We have a requirement to attach relevant documents to their associated assets... we have overview and supporting documents for a group of Assets (such as Applications) which we urgently need to link together, especially for GDPR. This would also need to be visible in Configuration Manager too. Many thanks, Samuel
  4. +1 and if we can set this via the BPM, much more of an improvement. Completely agree, we've already stopped users from emailing and calling to log a request, everyone HAS to log a request via the Portal (except if they cannot or there is a major incident). However other users are unable to see the request if they are a connection (or even if they are in the same team as the customer, but this is another thing entirely) Thanks, Samuel
  5. Thanks @Daniel Dekel, much appreciated
  6. @Daniel Dekel, Sending the email from within a ticket. Thanks, Samuel
  7. @Daniel Dekel, Is it possible for the Wiki Markup Horizontal Rule be converted into a HTML Horizontal Rule when an email is sent? The HR looks good in Hornbill, but when an email is sent with text containing the Wiki-Markup HR, it shows - - - - instead and is a bit of a format-breaker when viewing the email in Hornbill or in Outlook. I haven't tested how the indents look in the Emails though. Many thanks, Samuel
  8. I've been waiting for something like that on the PSVR for Alien: Isolation... I have it on the PC and love it! But if we can get VR mode into the PC version then i'm afraid I have no choice but to invest in another VR headset, this time for the pc...
  9. Thanks @Daniel Dekel - looks good already!
  10. Hello, Here is a use case for this query: I couldn't find this thread so will continue any further conversations I was going to have in my thread on here instead. Thanks, Samuel
  11. @James Ainsworth, That is correct - I wonder if it may seem odd that a user could be a member of 20+ teams, but they monitor everything to ensure it's all running smoothly across Hornbill. I will pass on the temporary workaround until you come up with a solution. Many thanks, Samuel
  12. Well in order to satisfy your curiosity, have a look here: https://www.alt-codes.net/miscellaneous-symbols these symbols are a part of the Character Sheets used by all systems. It's pretty epic and makes for an eye-catching title having the Biohazard Symbol on there. I am still unable to get a screenshot of the issue (they all went home!), but these users are unable to scroll the list of teams when expanding it in the Request List... if the list expands beyond the height of their screen. Thanks, Samuel
  13. I thought I already +1 this, but it may have been this very same suggestion in another post.
  14. Hello, Some of our Hornbill users, particularly the managers who are a part of multiple teams (in the region of about 20+ teams) are reporting being unable view or scoll down the entire list when choosing the Team's request they wish to view in the Request List. [I will try to get a screenshot here from one of these users] At least three users are a part of at least 26 teams, and the list is higher than their monitor's resolution (1920x1080) and are unable to scroll up and down this list select the teams at the bottom. They've tried this in both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer and it's showing the same behaviour. Please can we have a scroll bar added to the "List of Teams" in the Request List if it extends beyond the height of the visible screen? Thanks, Samuel
  15. Hi, I am raising this on behalf of @Aaron Summers. We really need to include the reasons for why the "Owned By" and/or "Used By" name fields are changed, and allow the Asset to be linked to a request via a popup when doing this, much the same way we apply emails to tickets. Obviously this could be configurable but for us it would be a great addition at keeping up to date with Asset Management. Thanks, Samuel
  16. Hello, We've been using Configuration Manager for over a week and so far it's been proven useful. This request is likely to be part Service Manager - Assets, and Configuration Manager. We need a way to group a collection of Assets under an Organisation (Menu -> Customers - Organisations / Contacts)... bearing in mind we do not use Customer Manager (since our customers are the Business themselves) though we have third party supporting some of our Assets and Applications - but they would never log in to our Portal or Hornbill at all. We need to be able to link these assets to those Organisations, as well as having it shown in Configuration Manager, and I would really hope that we do not have to set up a "Basic User" in order to show this information. What we expect to be able to do is to use Configuration Manager to see the linked "Asset" against a Request, then to be able to expand that "Asset" and view the Manufacturer / Organisation "Supporting" it, then to be able to expand that node to view ALL the other Assets under that Manufacturer / Organisation. Many thanks, Samuel @Aaron Summers - for info
  17. Hi @DeadMeatGF, It might be just me but the flowcode doesn't look right (I'm not at a pc right now but cannot check) But surely it should look something like: Flowcodes -> Get Final Request Details -> Request Status (Or something along those lines) If so then the decision branch as of current isn't looking at the "Request Details" pulled through the the "Get Final Request Details" node. Have a look at the flowcodes available using the "Total" (is that what it's called??) icon on the left of the greyed out flowcode box in the branch, what do you see? Thanks, Samuel
  18. Awesome @Daniel Dekel! Many thanks for this. What does this mean? Just got me curious as it sounds like a major version, like release 2.0 of Collaboration Core, but then again with me and my excitable mind, i might just be misinterpreting that... and you actually means its in the release AFTER the next release of Collaboration Core. Many thanks! Samuel
  19. Thanks @Daniel Dekel. I hope it's ok if I can also request the Horizontal Rule Wiki Markup to be added in as well? (As well as for it to correctly be formatted as such in emails?) Many thanks, Samuel
  20. +1 - I think this has been raised before so it might already be on the cards
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