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Steve Giller

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Steve Giller

  1. When troubleshooting anything involving a variable my first step is to post the variable you are using (and if they exist, any available alternatives - e.g. User/Team Name and User/Team ID) to the Timeline so you can see what the actual values are. You can then compare those values to what the Node Parameter es expecting (via the (i) tooltop or the blue Help icon on the Node config) to see if they match.
  2. The short answer here is "No", I'm afraid.
  3. If you have a Rule at the top with: subject LIKE '%Automatic reply%' OR body LIKE '%Thank you for contacting the Property FM Helpdesk%' This will catch anything with "Automatic reply" in the subject line as well as anything with "Thank you for contacting the Property FM Helpdesk" in the body and you can move them to the desired Mailbox/Folder using the "Use Mailbox" action before any attempts to Update a Request are made. If you only want to catch OOO messages that have a Request Reference in the Subject you would need: REGEX_MATCH(subject, '.*\b[a-zA-Z]{2}[0-9]{8}\b.*') AND (subject LIKE '%Automatic reply%' OR body LIKE '%Thank you for contacting the Property FM Helpdesk%') If you're not familiar with SQL operator precedence then please post back here with your intended expression to check you'll get the correct results.
  4. Sorry - I forgot point 2 There would be no real benefit to this as the data is in its own table, so reproducing it in another table would be inefficient - and the data would probably not be human-readable without a huge amout of manipulation anyway.
  5. That sounds like a rather odd and overly generic request, and is probably going to gather a lot more data than is necessary. However, the starting point for this would be the h_itsm_questions table.
  6. This is the part that is not available, the Inbound Routing Rules can detect that the email relates to a Request (using the REGEX_MATCH() function on the Subject in the Rule Expression, and the Reference field) but it will not return the Status of the Request. For emails that are not referring to a specific Request you can move the email to a specific Folder within a Mailbox using the Use Mailbox action (probably using a "catch-all" expression at the bottom of the list to apply to any emails that have not already been dealt with) and then manually respond to the email, or you can use the Service Manager operation to raise a "silent" Request with a Workflow that either simply emails the sender and gives a generic message detailing the reason(s) you cannot process that email (you may even be able to use the information in the email, dissect it, and give a more relevant reason based on its content) and then auto-close the Request. The complication with closed Requests is that if you have set your Instance to not allow closed Requests to be updated the Routing Rules will match on the Reference, then move the email to the specified Failure folder because the Request has failed to update.
  7. Almost certainly, yes. That would depend on precisely what you want to see and in what form - e.g. some things are stored as IDs, which would require an extra join if you wanted to see the Name - but if you weren't displaying the Name at all that would not be necessary. The Entity Explorer would be a good place to investigate here, the Entity Viewer will show you relationships and the Schema Viewer will show you the fields, data types etc.
  8. Exactly the opposite, I'm afraid - it calculates the Impact Level and then writes that to the Database, e.g.: The real question here is: Why do you need the exact number? The only way I can see to achieve this would be to have an Impact for each value and work from that.
  9. There may have been a specific issue with a Request that prevented it from being linked, I've successfully passed 25 without issue on my Test Instance.
  10. There should be no technical limit to the number of linked Requests, although it would be useful to understand what kind of numbers you're thinking of and the use case in case there's a potential for volume affecting performance.
  11. Have the Users you have shared to set the eye icon to 'chart is visible' as well? The User doing the sharing does not control the recipient's Dashboard, so they will need to make that change.
  12. I'm afraid that h_customer is not on the list of fields that can be mapped. See the wiki page for further details.
  13. You appear to have a Decision Node with 3 inputs. Regardless of the fact that this isn't meant to happen, this means that the Decision's expressions have 3 options to compare against, which doesn't make sense. You also have a branch that bypasses all of the Custom N nodes, so from the screenshot it appears perfectly feasible that it may not be populated.
  14. If you try this for a starting point, it should give the Date and Time of the Change, The "From" and "To" value of the Owner, and the User Id making the change. The Report takes a valid Asset Id as an input. asset-owner-updates.report.txt
  15. A general principal throughout the product is to hide buttons that "don't work" For example, a User without a Project Manager License won't see that Icon in the Apps list, or a User without rights to cancel Requests will not see the Cancel Action on the Request Toolbar etc.
  16. Could be either. On the one hand the Multi-Line Text field lets them type anything from a single clinic to an effectively endless list and there's a practical limit to how many entries you want to use in a list of Checkboxes, however Checkboxes will present the Customer with a list of clinics that actually exist, a Multi-line Text field will allow them to type imaginary ones - or at the very least incorrect spellings - which makes comparisons more difficult in the subsequent Workflow.
  17. Depends how many clinics there are - if there are few enough (say sub-20) to use a multi-select checkbox you can use the raw answer from that and clean it up in the BPM. I would always caution against using loops.
  18. If a User does not have any Views with Charts configured this will not be displayed. Bar for my Test User: If I add a Chart to any of the Views:
  19. There are ways to do this - for example using your description of the process above you may be able to capture that information in the Procurement Team's Task, log the new Request, then using an Update Custom Fields node and passing the output parameter of the new Request Reference into that update the new Request's Custom Fields with the values from the Task and/or information from the initial Request. A Task is not as elegant as an Intelligent Capture, but depending on what information you need might well do the job.
  20. @Met You cannot take a Request Reference and link that to a Request in the BPM, however you can create a Linked Request using the Log Request node (see the Service Manager Business Process Workflow wiki page) which can copy elements of the existing Request and/or specify certain values to automate what you are currently doing manually.
  21. The most likely reason for this is Users with "Full Access" Roles - see the Access Control section of the Service Manager Business Process Workflow wiki page. Again, if this is the reason then whether a need to educate Users in your process or to reduce the level of access some Users have would depend on your internal processes. It may be that a Custom Role is required to allow selective aspects of a "Full Access" Role.
  22. The first step is a simple one - have these Requests been assigned a category? If not, they will remain suspended until they are.
  23. @Dave Longley I can't be sure, but as it's a Microsoft Azure API - if anywhere then the Microsoft documentation would be where to find it.
  24. These settings are under the Contact Details of a User Profile, which is normally populated by the User themselves. These can also be populated from a User Import, for example using the Data Import Configuration this would be on the User Profile tab.
  25. Again, to clarify, this is not a blank report. It's a report returning the answer "0" In Frank's examples you are seeing "There are no Assets with duplicate names, Users with more than one active account, Requests assigned to a team but without an owner, Users with missing Organisations, manager info" etc. and if these did not send when the count was 0 how would the recipient know whether all is well and there a no duplicates/missing data or whether the Report is failing to send?
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