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Damien Lynn

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  1. Thanks @Jim that's exactly what it was, oddly I've never changed that setting so not sure why it was reduced to 3 but that's fixed. Many thanks Damien
  2. Hi folks, I just went to add a new sub-category under Request Profile Codes and it won't let me add anything beyond the 3rd tier, is this a known issue that is being looked at? When I log a ticket as a customer I can select the categories we have that go beyond the 3rd tier but when I view these via Request Profile Codes I can't even see the ones customers can select beyond 3rd tier? Customer view Request Profile Codes view - I don't get the +ITEM button at this level/tier so can't add anything new and as you can see from customer view above, there should actually be a tier below these when you click on Ricoh Faults and it's not showing here Request Profile Codes view - I get the +ITEM button at this level but can't add anything below it
  3. Hi folks, We've fairly recently started using multiple domains, our Services are set up in the Service Catalog so that only the teams that support that domain can see those tickets in their queues. I've had a request to be able to pass some quite specific tickets that occasionally need passed from one of our IT teams to one of our teams outwith IT. Are any of you doing anything similar and if you are, how are you achieving this? Without adding both sets of team members to the full Service I'm not sure if this is even possible? Any advice appreciated. Thanks Damien
  4. I was just about to post this issue myself but found this has been like this since Sam's post here almost 3 years ago. This is an issue for us as well, it would make sense for these to be the same size surely or at least configurable? I appreciate there's buttons to the left on the Service page but this looks pretty terrible as it is. Can it either match by default or give us ability to choose if we want the image on the Service page to display as the same size as the one on the portal homepage. Can this be considered as an enhancement please?
  5. We have a few process that actually require an attachment be added by customers so this is impacting us as well. Can we get an idea of when we should expect this fixed so we can publish something to our customers?
  6. That's great @Steve Giller I didn't think of that! Thank you
  7. Hi folks, Has there been any development in this area? We are using the Chat feature and only want the IT related pages to show the launch chat icon on our Customer Portal, we don't want it showing on any other domain. Is it now possible to do this and if so how? Thanks Damien
  8. We find this pretty frustrating as well. Can someone from Hornbill comment if this is ever going to be changed to at least give us the option to switch on allowing anyone to close an Activity, regardless of the team they are in?
  9. I'd also be very interested to know how this works and if there is anything we can do to bump things up to the top of results as we also have the same issue.
  10. When we search for Co-worker using the top search bar, it's adding %20 instead of a space to the query, so it doesn't find them, removing the %20 from the lower search query brings up the user
  11. Not sure if this has already been noticed or reported as well, I have a few people who use the dark mode complaining that it is very hard for them to read the on-hold tickets as some of the columns font are white against the light blue background. Is this also being looked at @David Hall?
  12. Hi, how about giving us the option to change the highlight colour for the on-hold tickets, similar to what we can do for tickets that owner hasn't read the latest update?
  13. @LawesD We're experiencing this as well, as a workaround I manually added a node that introduces a delay of 1 minute between the Human Activity node and the email being sent node and that seems to do the job albeit you need to wait a minute obviously, so I thought it must have been a timing thing too as you suggested. @Steve Giller how would we know when this is fixed so that I can remove the workaround?
  14. Thanks for your response on this @Berto2002, I agree, there's such a variety of issues and obscure/uncommon requests that come in that I doubt we'll ever get rid of this completely and despite that some people misuse it, we don't want to remove it as an option as it does give us insight into what we should be adding as specific items to the catalogue.
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