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Steve Giller

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Steve Giller

  1. @David Longley The extended attributes are stored in a different table, so mapping from IC is unlikely to be practical. As all of the IC answers are available as variables in the BPM Workflow is there any reason you can't utilise these? I appreciate this is without knowing the context, but it seems a little bit "information overload" if you're needing to present 40 separate pieces of information to a Customer in an email.
  2. All the fields that you can map to (from Intelligent Capture) are listed on the wiki page. I'm not aware of any plans to add to this list at present, unless any Developers have anything to add.
  3. You can use the -forcerun parameter when performing a manual (non-scheduled) import as detailed on the wiki page.
  4. Rather than increasing the number of Users with the Admin role it may be better to assign Tasks to Groups/Roles rather than individuals. Additionally, ensuring that a Task has an Owner will give an extra level of flexibility.
  5. As you're specifically talking about reassigning the Task, the Re-Assignment Rules are detailed on the wiki page. I believe the edit button should be available if the User is the owner is assigned the Task is in the assigned group or role (when the Task is not assigned to an individual) is an Admin User and the Task is not cancelled
  6. An Auto Task is a completely separate Workflow. If you need to change the state of the Checkpoints in a Request's Workflow you'll need to do it within that Process.
  7. There are no issues on the Healthcheck, and currently no reports from other Instances. Are there any error messages when Users are 'kicked'?
  8. That is the most likely order, but it is not something you can rely on.
  9. That's no reason not to use Service Manager - this is not an IT-only product, there should be no reason you can't have Bag Collection catalog item.
  10. I'd imagine an extension to the Remove User From Organization function: to give an "All Organizations" option would fit the bill, then?
  11. I don't know about quick and easy, and I don't think it would be a Cloud Automation. I'm assuming you're referring to Users (Co-Workers) here and not Contacts?
  12. @Adrian Simpkins Just noticed this wasn't updated - this issue was resolved in Service Manager Build 2764
  13. You could script this using the available API (off the top of my head changeCustomer should achieve this, but do check first) if you have the skills in-house, or if necessary you could involve Expert Services for this. The underlying issue here is that you are creating a new account for a name (Handle) change - the way to avoid this would be by not tying the Customer's ID to their name/email; then the firstname, lastname, email etc. can all be changed without requiring a transfer.
  14. Also, if you use an Expression of REGEX_MATCH(subject,'.*\bhas been replaced by IN[0-9]{8}') That will pick up the replacement Incidents specifically - you'll need to tweak the REGEX for other options and any variations in the wording of the subject.
  15. You probably need to use the BETWEEN comparison here, equals will only give you changes scheduled for that exact second. This webpage may be a good place to start.
  16. @Bev Williams We don't have any reports of slow Instances, and your healthcheck is not showing any issues. Is this just occurring for you or are multiple Users affected?
  17. 5 days is 120 hours, and timers run during the working hours of the Calendar they're associated to. Taking into account Christmas and New Year holidays 120 working hours may well fall on/around that time, but without having access to your Instance configuration it's impossible to say.
  18. It's not really as simple as "having a license" but you might be able to work this out by joining h_sys_accounts with h_sys_accounts_roles (and possibly h_sys_roles) in order to check which Users have Roles related to which Application.
  19. By default, Request List Views are set to hidden when shared. The recipient needs to open the Request List, then Views->Shared Views->[View_Name] and click on the cog icon, then the eye icon to set it to visible. This is to ensure that once a User has their Dashboard configured to their liking this is not altered by another User sharing a View with them. Advanced Analytics is a separate part of the Application and its Dashboards feature is intended to create dashboards to be shown on a full-screen display, often to give a view of overall performance metrics etc. These are not available in the Request List View.
  20. There is currently no way to choose the order, By default open activities are listed by "created on" date (ascending) and completed activities are listed by completed date (descending) This is already tagged as an enhancement and the Developers are aware, if they have any news it will either be posted here or appear on the roadmap under Admin -> Hornbill Solution Center -> Roadmap Library
  21. Yes, they're the ones. Not unless you were using a Business Process (either via a Request or a Custom Button - or possibly ITOM) to make the update and updated the relevant field in the Workflow. Unfortunately not, these fields are not available to Custom IC Forms.
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