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Everything posted by HHH

  1. Thanks @Steven Boardman we'll be implementing a variant shortly
  2. How do I get the BPM to check if an organisation custom field, which is a single checkbox, is checked? I tried using "is set" but if I check it and later uncheck it, it still appears to be "is set" by the BPM. Can someone clarify this please.
  3. Preferrably you should be able to change sub status as well as part of this, if so +1 for us
  4. Please add us as well. This is a better solution than I imagined. thanks
  5. We are also affected looks like they are html encoded in the email and timeline update fails to convert back
  6. @James Ainsworth Please add us as interested too. We have 14 service desks working in 8 languages so the number of email templates are staggering
  7. It would be a nice enhancement to be able to simultaneously change status on all linked requests
  8. From our point of view that would only be interesting if it could be turned off/hidden by default
  9. +1 for being able to see that there are notifications on a request
  10. In the service admin, you need to specify email template. Look for Email Template in the service config. It can be specified separately for incidents and service requests
  11. @James Ainsworth @Gerry Password expiry is not interesting to us with regards to external customers so that should be optional. However force change on first login would definitely be good from an external customer point of view
  12. Before goning live with the employee portal and hiding the service portal I just want to have a clarification. If an employee has bookmarked https://service.hornbill.com/instance will they be automatically redirected to the employee portal when using the bookmark?
  13. Just out of curiosity @James Ainsworth Will this be searchable so you can make a view with "last updated by = customer" ?
  14. @Gerry Is DKIM support in place and if so how do we configure it
  15. +1 to be able to delete contacts. It has caused issues where staff has mistakedly created duplicate contacts and we would like to be able to delete them. The same goes for test contacts. Regarding GDPR, it would be nice to be able to anonymize contacts if the connection to requests is needed by the system.
  16. +1. This is a major issue for us too with regards to both third party system integration as well as having third party staff "consult" in a ticket through emails.
  17. Hi @James Ainsworth I've started lookting through our requests after your last question and I can no longer find any examples. It appears something has fixed this although I cannot say when
  18. HHH

    Remove member

    Thanks @Steven Boardman Just a question since I'm cautious. What happens if the customer is not found as a member, will the process just move on or do I need to take it into account and add a decision node first checking if customer is member?
  19. If I understand @Adrian Simpkins correctly I've seen this behaviour too where if a link is entered without protocol, so just www.domain.com, a hyperlink is created but transformed into a local link so https://live.hornbill.com/instance/ is added before the link. So if www.domain.com is clicked you'd be sent to https://live.hornbill.com/instance/www.domain.com
  20. Is there a way to prevent that the analyst that raises a ticket automatically becomes a member of that ticket? It's when the analyst himself is the customer, often with a service they themselves don't support that we don't neccessarily want them all over the ticket. I tried to set it up in the Business process and failed since the flowcode customer is probably not the user ID
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