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Everything posted by Lyonel

  1. Hi all, In my organisation, we are facing a curious situation where we are struggling to identify the best formula to calculate the percentage of requests resolved within the SLA on a monthly basis. What would be the best practice in your view? Which formula would you use? Option 1: (Total requests logged this month - Total requests breached this month) / Total requests logged this month Option 2: Total requests resolved this month with breach / Total requests resolved this month
  2. Thanks @NeilWJ for the update! That feature will be very handy for developing more complex reports
  3. Hi, this might be a duplicate and a silly question but just in case I will ask. When an update is posted on a request, customers do no receive any emails. Is there a setting somewhere to change this? Is it at all possible? Thanks in advance for your help.
  4. I appreciate that tags are shared between documents, but when no documents exists in the system with a specific tag, why is it not removed? And moreover, why does it still show in the tag cloud when in fact there is nothing in any libraries for this tag?
  5. Hi, I was testing something with the doc manager app the other day. Following my tests, I decided to do some cleaning and I noticed that tags associated to documents are not removed from the "Tags" section when the document is removed... Is this the intended behaviour? Because at the moment it is quite confusing.
  6. Hi, I am trying to build the following query using the report builder: SQL script: SELECT SR.h_custom_a as responsible_team, h_requesttype, h_pk_reference, h_summary, h_fk_user_name, REQ.h_status, h_fk_servicename, h_catalog, h_fk_priorityname, h_fk_team_name, h_ownername, h_site, h_source_type, h_source_id, h_datelogged, h_dateresolved, h_dateclosed, h_reopencount, h_isanalystunread, h_withinresponse, h_withinfix, FirstTask.h_created_on as priority_confirm_created_on, FirstTask.h_completed_on as priority_confirm_completed_on, MSG.h_msg_date as email_date_received, RESP.h_target_start as response_target_start, RESP.h_target_completed_time as response_completed_time, RESOL.h_target_start as resolution_target_start, RESOL.h_target_completed_time as resolution_completed_time FROM h_itsm_requests REQ inner join h_itsm_services SR on h_fk_serviceid = h_pk_serviceid left join (SELECT replace(h_obj_ref_urn,'urn:sys:entity:com.hornbill.servicemanager:Requests:','') as ref, h_created_on, h_completed_on FROM h_sys_tasks where h_title like '%Confirm Priority%' and not h_completed_on is null) as FirstTask on FirstTask.ref = REQ.h_pk_reference left join (SELECT h_msg_id, h_msg_date FROM h_msg_messages) MSG on REQ.h_source_id = MSG.h_msg_id left join h_itsm_request_slm_targets RESP on REQ.h_pk_reference = RESP.h_request_id and RESP.h_type = 'Response' left join h_itsm_request_slm_targets RESOL on REQ.h_pk_reference = RESOL.h_request_id and RESOL.h_type = 'Resolution' where REQ.h_requesttype in ('incident','service request') Definition of my report: monitor-slas.report.txt Output of my report (based on log files): SELECT h_itsm_requests.h_pk_reference,h_itsm_requests.h_catalog,h_itsm_requests.h_dateclosed,h_itsm_requests.h_datelastmodified,h_itsm_requests.h_datelogged,h_itsm_requests.h_dateplacedonhold,h_itsm_requests.h_dateresolved,h_itsm_requests.h_fk_priorityname,h_itsm_requests.h_fk_servicename,h_itsm_requests.h_fk_team_name,h_itsm_requests.h_fk_user_name,h_itsm_requests.h_isanalystunread,h_itsm_requests.h_iscustomerunread,h_itsm_requests.h_onholduntil,h_itsm_requests.h_ownername,h_itsm_requests.h_reopencount,h_itsm_requests.h_requesttype,h_itsm_requests.h_site,h_itsm_requests.h_status,h_itsm_requests.h_summary,h_itsm_requests.h_withinfix,h_itsm_requests.h_withinresponse,h_sys_tasks.h_created_on,h_sys_tasks.h_completed_on,h_msg_messages.h_msg_date,h_itsm_request_slm_targets.h_target_completed_time,h_itsm_request_slm_targets.h_target_start,h_itsm_services.h_custom_a FROM h_itsm_requests LEFT JOIN h_sys_tasks ON h_sys_tasks.h_obj_ref_urn LIKE h_itsm_requests.h_pk_reference LEFT JOIN h_msg_messages ON h_itsm_requests.h_source_id = h_msg_messages.h_msg_id LEFT JOIN h_itsm_request_slm_targets ON h_itsm_requests.h_pk_reference = h_itsm_request_slm_targets.h_request_id AND h_itsm_request_slm_targets.h_type = 'Response' LEFT JOIN h_itsm_request_slm_targets ON h_itsm_requests.h_pk_reference = h_itsm_request_slm_targets.h_request_id AND h_itsm_services. = 'Resolution' JOIN h_itsm_services ON h_itsm_requests.h_fk_serviceid = h_itsm_services.h_pk_serviceid WHERE ( h_itsm_requests.h_requesttype = 'incident' OR h_itsm_requests.h_requesttype = 'service request' ) AND h_itsm_services.h_custom_a = 'Finance & HR' As you can see, I am really not far off! Only problem: I need to reference the same table twice (h_itsm_request_slm_targets) and this is where the engine fails I think. Indeed, if I just alias the tables (and tweak a little bit the select) it works just fine: SELECT h_itsm_requests.h_pk_reference, h_itsm_requests.h_catalog, h_itsm_requests.h_dateclosed, h_itsm_requests.h_datelastmodified, h_itsm_requests.h_datelogged, h_itsm_requests.h_dateplacedonhold, h_itsm_requests.h_dateresolved, h_itsm_requests.h_fk_priorityname, h_itsm_requests.h_fk_servicename, h_itsm_requests.h_fk_team_name, h_itsm_requests.h_fk_user_name, h_itsm_requests.h_isanalystunread, h_itsm_requests.h_iscustomerunread, h_itsm_requests.h_onholduntil, h_itsm_requests.h_ownername, h_itsm_requests.h_reopencount, h_itsm_requests.h_requesttype, h_itsm_requests.h_site, h_itsm_requests.h_status, h_itsm_requests.h_summary, h_itsm_requests.h_withinfix, h_itsm_requests.h_withinresponse, h_sys_tasks.h_created_on, h_sys_tasks.h_completed_on, h_msg_messages.h_msg_date, A.h_target_completed_time, A.h_target_start, B.h_target_completed_time, B.h_target_start, h_itsm_services.h_custom_a FROM h_itsm_requests LEFT JOIN h_sys_tasks ON h_sys_tasks.h_obj_ref_urn LIKE h_itsm_requests.h_pk_reference LEFT JOIN h_msg_messages ON h_itsm_requests.h_source_id = h_msg_messages.h_msg_id LEFT JOIN h_itsm_request_slm_targets AS A ON h_itsm_requests.h_pk_reference = A.h_request_id AND A.h_type = 'Response' LEFT JOIN h_itsm_request_slm_targets AS B ON h_itsm_requests.h_pk_reference = B.h_request_id AND B.h_type = 'Resolution' JOIN h_itsm_services ON h_itsm_requests.h_fk_serviceid = h_itsm_services.h_pk_serviceid WHERE ( h_itsm_requests.h_requesttype = 'incident' OR h_itsm_requests.h_requesttype = 'service request' ) AND h_itsm_services.h_custom_a = 'Finance & HR' Is there something anybody can suggest? Or should I just give up and build 2 separate reports? One for response and one for resolution?
  7. That's great news Thanks for the quick answer
  8. @TrevorKillick, this issue happened 48h ago. Are you talking about last night roll out?
  9. Hi @TrevorKillick, we have a scheduled job running every night to sync our AD to Hornbill (using your LDAP import utility ). The job ran successfully and did the following: - Archived 2 accounts setup as "user" with rights on Service Desk app (2 guys left) - Created 2 new accounts setup as "user" with rights on Service Desk app (2 new guys started - replacing the 2 guys who left so exact same rights) - When the 2 new guys tried to log into Hornbill, they got the screenshot I attached earlier. During that period, I did not touch anything. However, this morning I demoted all archived users to "basic" as a workaround (I was not aware of the possibility to remove users from the subscription screen).
  10. Can't this be automated?? It seems like a lot of admin work to be done manually when it could probably be automated, no?
  11. Hi, when a user is archived, is the license still taken into consideration by the system? If so, it would explain this: Can anybody confirm / explain how this works? Many thanks
  12. @Gerry, thanks for your reply. I checked the setting you mentioned (that's a cool one by the way, I like it!). I believe everything is ok: Also, the account we use for Dashboards display on TV is unique and that is his sole purpose. No other rights but display dashboards and slideshows.
  13. @Ehsan, @Gerry, That is great news! Can't wait to try this new feature as it will make my life and my colleagues life so much easier
  14. @Martyn Houghton, @Ehsan, yes I am using chrome whereas all my colleagues are using IE.
  15. @Ehsan, Although the patch fixed the problem for me (as mentionned by Martyn), all my colleagues cannot see the "translated" text... Any idea why?
  16. @Daniel Dekel, the allow our analysts to assign activities / tasks to "Roles", I have to give them the system right "Accounts: manage roles". But this is little bit too strong to my liking as they will also be able to create assignment roles themselves! Is there another way you can think of? Something where analysts can still assign activities to assignment roles BUT not have access to the admin side of things?
  17. Hi @TrevorKillick, Now you're talking! Thanks very much for the update
  18. @Daniel Dekel, I just tried again this morning with my colleague. It seems to be working just fine now. Must have been a problem with cache probably. Apologies for that
  19. Yes @Daniel Dekel just added the new custom role and did not remove any previously setup roles.
  20. Hi @Daniel Dekel, I create a new role and added "manageRoles", but then my analyst lost the ability to edit the task?
  21. Sorry to jump om this topic, but I had a word with @Victor recently about delegation of tasks for analysts, as we have the same challenge. Last time I heard, he was looking into it. Maybe Victor can provide some news? If we could grant the rights for analysts to delegate tasks themselves, then you would be able to overcome your current challenge, no? I know it would work for us.
  22. @TrevorKillick, got a screenshot. Error occurred around 16:50 GMT
  23. Hi, I am looking at setting up a new assignment role to overcome a "problem" that we have in our organisation. Basically, we have teams (so far so good) amongst which some individuals have a particular skill set that allows them to perform certain specific tasks. The "problem" we have is when a request comes in and we need these people to help out, we want to be able to assign an activity to this group of people. But they belong to multiple teams... So I tried to create a new assignment role and added 2 members (for testing purposes). I then created an activity and it worked beautifully. Only key problem: users are not able to select "Role" in the drop down when assigning an activity. They only get "User" and "Group". Note that I am the super admin. Am I missing something? Is there a particular setting I missed? Any help would be appreciated.
  24. I have exactly the same error message too. Just need to wait until it happens again so that I can tell you a date and time.
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