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Everything posted by ArmandoDM

  1. @Awalker, @samwoo, the only way to pull the original name out of an asset is through a query on the h_sys_audit_trial table, which tracks the changes done to an asset. I will do my best to write a query that may help you Regards, Armando
  2. Hi @Awalker, a query to identify the duplicates is a good approach. As far the deletion of the duplicated, once you identify the duplicates, the best way is selecting the checkbox for the duplicated in the asset list page and then delete them in one go. In the screenshot is an example on how you may identify the duplicated with a query. I am assuming that there are assets with the same name in the same class, so with the second query you may get a comma separated list of IDs which correspond to the same asset. Hope this helps. Regards, Armando
  3. Hi @andrea_bariggi, I can see the screenshots. 1. even if the service Data Warehouse is not subscribed by "02008 - Unicredit ", you may still add it as connection. Any customer may be impacted or interested in a Change, for example, so he can be added as a connection 3. to have a list of subscribers for the open requests, you need to create a new report in Admin Tool. As first approach, you may link the tables h_itsm_request, h_itsm_services and h_itsm_servicesubscriptions to get the list of subcribers for the services related to open requests - see screenshot. Is this would you would like ?
  4. Hi @AndyColeman, the search issue might be due to an outdated index for the entities. Can you try to re-index the data, through the appropriate page in Admin tool (see screenshot) and try again? Due to the amount of entities to reindex, the reindexing process may take a while, so Its suggested that you don't start it in working hours. Maybe you may start when you finish working and then try again the search the morning after. Regards, Armando
  5. Hi @AndyColeman let me investigate more on this issue. I will get back to you Regards, Armando
  6. Hi Andrea, 1. in the Service View you may specify a list of subscribers. If no specified, then the service will be available to everyone. 2. you may select a number of subscribers and then add then in one go 3. not sure about this question. Do you need the list of subscribers for the service attached to the ticket? Regards, Armando
  7. Hi @Martyn Houghton we have a change scheduled for adding new variables to the snippets. I will mention the variables you suggest to be added as new variables. Regards, Armando
  8. Hi @HHH we do have a planned change in our backlog to allow for multiple people being added as Owners and Used By for an asset. See also this thread Regards Armando
  9. Hi @TrishaRush at the moment its not possible to add multiple "Used By" users on an asset. Nevertheless, we do have a planned change in our backlog to allow for multiple people being added as Owners and Used By. See also the following thread Regards Armando
  10. Good morning @AndyColeman, can you be more specific about the type of search you're running? Is it a global search or are you using a custom filter in the request list ? Can you give more details about the filters you're applying ? Regards, Armando
  11. @pproot once you click ok, do you click again on "Translation Mode" , to exit the translation mode ?
  12. @pproot I cannot replicate the issue you mention. If you logout and login again, you should see the translated label. also other users should be able to see it. Do you mind trying again , maybe clear the browser cache first ? Regards Armando
  13. @pproot the translation should be valid for any session and for any user. I will run a few tests to double check this for you. Armando
  14. Hi @pproot following @victor suggestion to update a property label, its not possible for the user to add additional attributes to the Physical Location section or other sections. Nevertheless, its possible to add additional attributes as part of our regular updates on assets, as mentioned in the following thread Regards, Armando
  15. Hello, the Supplier ID property is a free text property. It does not link to pre-defined suppliers and/or organizations. Regards, Armando
  16. Hi @pproot thank you for your post. The property Operational State is not among the properties that you can set custom values. The 3 values 'Operational'. 'Pre-Production' and 'Retired' are the only ones available. At the moment, only the asset Substate and the list of Vendor/Product/Version (for assets of class 'software') can be defined by the user. I will check if there is any change scheduled for making these properites user-defined and get back to you Regards, Armando
  17. Hi @samwoo I will check if there is any plan to introduce this feature, preventing users to assign new tickets to teams, and I will get back to you Regards, Armando
  18. Ciao Andrea, nessun problema. Purtroppo non puoi impostare una vista per contro di altri utenti. Quello che puoi fare e' creare un filtro sulla request list, condividerlo con altri utenti, e poi comunicargli per altre vie di selezionare il tuo filtro ed impostarlo come view di default. Ogni utente sceglie la sua vista di default. Se ognuno sceglie la sua vista, diversa per ogni utente, certo che potrebbero "disturbarsi" gli uni con gli altri. Purtroppo non puoi essere tu ad impostarla per loro. Grazie Armando
  19. Ciao Andrea, mi chiamo Armando e lavoro per Hornbill. Se ho capito bene, stai cercando di impostare una default view per altri users ? Se e' cosi, la default view puo' essere impostata soltanto per l'utente corrente, cioe' per te stesso, e non per altri users. Saluti, Armando
  20. Hi @samwoo at the moment we don't have an option to link an assetto multiple users. I will double check with the relevant people if there is any improvement planned on the assets Regards, Armando
  21. Hi @Ashleigh Foote, may I ask if the asset type related to this asset has both "company" and "site" visible ? There is a known issue about adding/updating the assets where company and site are not set both to visible, and we have a ticket open for that Regards, Armando
  22. Hi @derekgreen sorry my response was not complete. As Ehsan mentioned, usedByType can be 0/1 Thanks Armando
  23. Hi @derekgreen if you want to link the assets you upload to a user you need to populate, in the CSV file, the properties "usedById", "usedByName" and "usedByType". Regards, Armando
  24. Great. Thank you for the update @cchalmers Armando
  25. @Michael Sharp we have a ticket open to fix this issue, so it will be fixed in one of the upcoming updates. Regards, Armando
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