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About andrea_bariggi

  • Birthday 15/06/2017

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  1. For example in the business process view I can copy / delete / rename the process ( file attached ) ....
  2. Good morning, also with the user admin, I don't can duplicate a ICBPI email template. I need to add a new template for IBM supplier as these existing but i don't have a button for duplicate the template. How can I do to create this ? I would create ICBPILoggedIncident IBM. Thank's in advance Regards Andrea
  3. Hi Armando, well done Thank you so much . Now the new services are ok Regrads Andrea
  4. Good Afternoon, I associated the service with the support team and I think to have done a good job. Unforunately when I record a new ticket using this service, in automatic the ticket doesn't go to support team. I must clic on assign button . I send you the print screen of my configuration of business process . Where is my error ? Regards Andrea
  5. Hi Armando, thanks for your answers . 1) ok the metodology but don't work well ( you can see the pictures, please ? ). For example in Data Warehouse service, I set only the subscriber 03104 - Deutsche Bank but when I record a ticket, I can insert the other subscriber , for example 02008 - Unicredit . This is not a problem because it's manual ancd volontary action but when i record a ticket initially is important to view the subscribers set . 2) ok 3) Yes, for all tickets opened I would like to have a list of subscribers inserted on. Regards Andrea
  6. Good afternoon, I have tre questions for the support forum. 1) It's possible to combine a service with the list of customers ? I should like view only who really use this service and not all customers. I have the correct list for every services. I should like start with a service and if correct, upload this logic for all services. 2) it's possibile insert the correct list or a numer of customers all in one time.? if you look the attach image , the customers was inserted one by one . 3) it's possible to extract this information,this list of customers inserted on the ticket on the report ? Thanks for your cooperation Regards Andrea
  7. Ok, well . Many thanks A.
  8. Hi Andrel, maybe we are. My colleague with android mobile phone has received the notification from hornbill app. Unfortunatelly i don't receive the notificationbut i have a question for you. If my user is not Type " user " but " basic " is a problem ? This is the difference beetween the users, my colleague in green underline receive the notification and my user in red underline don't receive . Usually I use the admin user for work . This because we have a problem with the number of license. kindly let me know. Thanks Andrea
  9. Hi Andrel, sorry for my late . last week I set the value as your indicated but the situation is not changed . Nothing sound or vibrate with the Hornbill app This is our variable setting. Thanks Andrea
  10. Hi Andrel, sure, is the same configuration . See screenshot attached. For the IOS operator system is all ok, the problem is only with Android system. Unfortunately here is the major is most used. Thanks Andrea
  11. Hi Andrel, thanks for your information. I installed app version 1.7.1 and registered to the system. The problem is partially resolved, infact the device is complete know now ( see the file attached ), but the notification dont' ring or vibrate yet . I miss something ? Thanks Regards Andrea
  12. When do you think to available the next mobile update ? Thanks A.
  13. After delete my device ( mobile phone ), I made a new register but the result I think is the same . Thanks Andrea
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