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David Hall

Hornbill Developer
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Everything posted by David Hall

  1. Hi Dan, I don't believe there have been any changes made in this area. Provided you are logging an incident or service request and you have existing templates then they should be made available on the "Request Details" form within the progressive capture. When you manage the templates do you still see all of the templates that you created? Have you made any configuration changes around which progressive capture (PC) process is in use when logging the request? First step would be to check which PC process is in use when logging and check that it is using the "Request Details" form where the templates should be shown. Regards, Dave.
  2. Hi Tina, We have implemented a fix for this issue, it didn't make it into the next update due out but will be available in the following update. Regards, Dave.
  3. Hi Tina, For your future reference this has been raised as reference PM00142808 Regards, Dave.
  4. Hi Tina, Thanks for the post, I'll raise a problem record and will see about correcting it. Regards, Dave.
  5. Hi Chris, Currently there are no notifications based off of the change in priority in the Escalate tab. The escalate tab will allow the changing of the priority on the request and the addition of an entry into the request timeline recording the change so analysts can see this change in the timeline and the updated priority on the request/request list. Kind Regards, Dave.
  6. Hi Gary, I would suggest using the custom "Views" from the request list view. From the top right of the requests list, click "Views -> Add New", give it a name and then specify the customer in the criteria of the view. Full details of how to work with views can be found here https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Request_List_Views Hope that gets you the data you need and it should all then be sortable as needed. Regards, Dave.
  7. Hi Chris, Thanks for the post, as DeadMeatGF mentioned the date shown is essentially the same as saying the date has been reset when it has been taken off hold. A fix (reference PM00141616) has already been applied for the next update which will ensure that this field shows as empty in future. Kind Regards, Dave.
  8. Hi Gwynne, Unfortunately I cannot promise on the exact ETA of the update, however it is well into our internal beta testing process and we are working to make it available asap. Regards, Dave
  9. Hi Gwynne, Apologies for the confusion, the fix that you refer to above unfortunately did not fully work, so although it allowed you could select dates in the past, you could still not apply them due to other checks in the background. I revisited this issue last week and we now have a working fix which will be available in the next update. Kind Regards, Dave.
  10. Hi Ralf, Thanks for the post, as I understand it both on-hold and off-hold should be controlled by the same settings... does your analyst see any errors or are you missing the option to take requests off-hold "play" button from the interface? Regards, Dave.
  11. Hi, Thanks for the post, we recently identified this issue here and a fix has already been added which will be released in the next update. Regards, Dave.
  12. Hi Gwynne, Just a quick update to say that we have identified the issue and implemented a fix for it. We will push this out shortly in a forthcoming release. Regards, Dave.
  13. Hi Gwynne, Thanks for the post, I've replicated this here and have raised a problem (reference PM00141757) for our development to investigate further. Regards, Dave.
  14. Hi Kelvin, Thanks for the post, this issue was identified internally earlier this week and a fix has been completed ready to deployed very shortly (hopefully later today). Regards, Dave.
  15. Hi Gwynne, Thanks for the post, I've just replicated this issue here and have raised a problem for our development team to investigate further, the reference is PM00141648, Regards, Dave.
  16. Hi Colin, We have identified an issue with the most recent upgrade that seems to have been causing your issue, we are running this through our internal QA systems now and we will push an update out to you as soon as possible. Regards, Dave.
  17. Hi Samuel, Thanks for the post, I have just replicated this issue internally and have raised a high priority request for development to investigate the problem. For your reference the problem raised is reference PM00141632. Regards, Dave.
  18. Hi Derek, Within the service portal, when a request/incident is in a resolved state, the user can open the request details and will be given the opportunity to provide a star rating and comments as shown. Hope that helps, Regards, Dave.
  19. Hi Martyn, The "Raise Request" from an email works in the same way as when you click directly on the "Raise New" button (rather than choosing a specific request type from the Raise New menu button) both of which will run the progressive capture process defined in the application setting " app.itsm.progressiveCapture.newRequest " (Full details of which settings are used to determine the progressive capture process can be seen in point 5 on this wiki page https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Progressive_Capture_Workflow) Within the progressive capture (The default for "Raise New" is "new request") you can include the customised form "Analyst Request type" and during logging this will present the analyst with a choice of all of the request types that they have the roles to access. Regards, Dave.
  20. Just to follow up we have managed to get details of the error from your log files from our cloud team and we are investigating for you now. Regards, Dave.
  21. Thanks for the details, this is a more general error that covers a number of possible errors during the logging process. The exact details of the error should be shown within the server log files. If you are a Hornbill Administrator, you can log into the administration application as detailed here https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Administration Follow the navigation to "System -> Monitor -> Log Files" , click on EspServerService.log and then tick the "Error" option it should highlight any errors as you log a request. If you get errors during the logging of a request then please attach them and I'll investigate for you. If you have any questions/problems let me know. Regards, Dave.
  22. Hi colind, I'm not sure if there has been a problem with the image upload but I cannot see the details of the error you mention on the post. If you can post it up again I'll take a look. Regards, Dave.
  23. Hi Gareth, raised a problem reference PM00141237 for us to investigate. Regards, Dave.
  24. Hi Gareth, Thanks for the report, yes I can recreate the same problem here so I'll raise a problem so that we can investigate further. Regards, Dave.
  25. Hi Greg, Thanks for the post. The templates used when sending emails are controlled by service manager application settings within the admin tool. In the new admin tool they can be found under Service Manager -> Application settings. If you type app.email.template.request.* into the search field you will get a list of settings each of which will have an email template name set against it. With regards to the specific setting for sending emails from the request details (envelope), it uses the setting app.email.template.request.sendMessage which by default normally uses the email template named Request Message Hope that helps. Dave.
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