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Bob Dickinson

Hornbill Product Specialists
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Posts posted by Bob Dickinson

  1. Hi @yelyah.nodrog

    If you change the frequency from Yearly to something far shorter (e.g. Weekly) do you get results? A yearly sample would only show stats from the last full year and before, so would not return stats for any tickets resolved in 2019. So this is also dependant on the user you are testing this with, and when they started resolving cals. 

    Sometimes to troubleshoot, you can also use Database Direct to run a select statement to ensure that the WHERE clause that is being used is valid and returning data. If you arn't comfortable doing this, send me the name of the Measure and I'll have a look for you.

    Kind Regards


  2. 2 hours ago, samwoo said:

    Hi @Bob Dickinson,

    Do you by any chance have a report which has a list of "Companies"/"Groups" on the left column, and which "Services" they are subscribed to on the right column? 

    It should also include "Companies"/"Groups" and Services which has no subscribers (open to all), and should only show for Services with a Catalog Status and is not hidden from the Portal.

    I have attempted such thing for an hour and gave up not being able to get it worker.  The logic part of my brain isn't working very well today 



    ps. Is there an area where we can all share / collaborate on useful Service Manager reports?

    Hi @samwoo

    This request is probably better suited in the Reporting area of the forum - we don't have a single repository as such, but its a useful place to search for others who have made reporting requests. 

    In regards to you request, can I ask the specific coponents you mean by "Companies/Groups"? Are these exteral organisations? Or Companies/Departments/Divisions/Teams etc?

    And in regards to the errors - I have just tried them, and they appear to be working when I upload them (just to confirm, the 3 you have highlighted are not actually reports, but workflow definitions so will only work if uploading in the relevant Business Process or Progressive Capture screen). If this is an issue, can you provide the steps you are taking to upload?

    Kind Regards


  3. On 7/10/2019 at 1:02 PM, Jeremy said:

    @Bob Dickinson this doesn't seem to work for us? But we have details in the users profiles....


    Hi @Jeremy

    Unfortunately I have found out today that the {{user.telephone}} option has not actually been added as a variable as I originally expected. I have asked for this to be added but I cannot give you a timeframe at present here. Also Department is not currently available. 

    Apologies for the confusion here

    Kind Regards


  4. 21 minutes ago, Ann-MarieHolloway said:

    However, when I attempt to click on the Wiki links I receive the message "

    Progressive Capture Designer)


    There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, or search the related logs, but you do not have permission to create this page.

    I'm sorry about that @Ann-MarieHolloway

    I've just updated all of the links in the post. Let me know if you have any more issues.

    Kind regards


  5. Insights19 Additional Resource Material for the “Masterclass in Business Process Design and Automation” presentation

     Following on from the pratical component of this presentation at Insights19, a few delegates have asked if we could make some of the example workflow available for download so they could upload to their instance and test themselves. This forum post has those workflows attached, as well as some additional information around the topics discussed. 

    Admin BPM Design Functionality
    (Wiki Info: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Business_Process_Designer)

    • Snap to Grid
      • To turn on Snap to Grid permanently, please turn on the following system setting in Admin --> Collaboration --> Settings --> admin.feature.workflow.showworkflowcanvasgrid
    • Stage Templates
    • Replace node
    • Add node between connected nodes
    • Stage Notes
    • BPM Category
    • BPM Security Controls
      • To enable BPM Security Controls, please turn on the following system setting in Admin --> System --> Settings --> Advanced --> security.bpm_access_controls.enabled

    Progressive Capture
    (Wiki Info: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Progressive_Capture_Designer)

    • Session variables for use in questions. The session variables available, and their correct format to use, are as follows:
      • {{user.fName}}
      • {{user.lName}}
      • {{user.accountRefUrn}}
      • {{user.currentTimeZoneOffset}}
      • {{user.userId}}
      • {{user.userName}}
      • {{user.jobTitle}}
      • {{user.mobile}}
      • {{user.email}}
      • {{user.telephone}}
    • Conditional Fields

    Service Request Process Features

    Incident Process Fetaures

    Other discussion points

    • Question from a delegate: "Can we view all of the existing Services and their linked Catalog Items, Progressive Captures and Business Processes?"
      • Yes, we have a useful report you can upload to your instance which provides exactly this info. I've attached it to this post named Active Services Report - download, and navigate to Admin --> Service Manager --> Reports --> Create a new report --> Click the Green Icon to upload the file --> Save the report .

    Active Services Report.txt Insights Progressive Capture.pcf.txt Insights Service Request Business Process.txt Insights Incident Business Process.txt

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 3
  6. Hi @SJEaton

    I believe they will all need at least one Service Manager role in order for their authorisation to be posted to the SM timeline - so you would typically also provide your Authorisers with "Self Service User" as well (which they potentially should have anyway in the context of a customer who can consume services, a bit like a basic user would have)

    Kind Regards


  7. Hi @Adrian Simpkins

    Unfortunately at present, if you have marked a resolution timer in the BPM, then it cannot be restarted even if you reopen the request. 

    I think what @Martyn Houghton is saying is that he is not actually marking the Resolution timer in the BPM until the analysts are absolutely sure that it’s resolved the issue. Instead, he is placing the call On Hold instead (which effectively is pausing the Resolution timer, but NOT marking it)

    I hope this explains the current way it works,

    Kind Regards

    Bob Dickinson

  8. Hi @Kelvin

    Unfortunately I'm not aware of a simple way we can get this information out of Hornbill. The timeline against a request is not easy to perform reports against so to be able to specify whether an update was made on a particular date by a particular person is not going to be achieveable through the tools we provide. It MIGHT be possible via a SQL statement but this wouldn't be dynamic (i.e. it wouldn't prompt you to enter a user and a date range for example). 

    Sorry I can't be of more assistance here

    Kind Regards


  9. Hi @Kelvin

    Sorry for the long time its taken to get back to you regarding this request. Is this still a requirement?
    If so, are you look for the functionality to be able to pick particular calendar date(s) and return any change requests that were raised within that timeframe?

    Kind Regards


  10. Hi @SJEaton

    Try this:


    Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at 21.25.39.png


    Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at 21.26.58.png

    A useful utility to generate regex for numeric ranges can be found here: http://gamon.webfactional.com/regexnumericrangegenerator/

    We don't have any formal documentation around useful regex on the Wiki but this is a good suggestion, so I'll ask internally if there is anything we can put together as a starting point. It would be also be very beneficial to see what other community users use as part of their configurations. For those reading this, please feel free to post here if anyone has regex that they regularly use that may be useful to others!

    Kind Regards


    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, Paul Alexander said:

    @Bob Dickinson

    In the future, would it be possible to only allow particular templates to be used depending on the service selected? I think this may be a better solution than limiting WHO can see the templates - so if the request is logged under Service A, and this template is in the list of available templates for this service, then it's visible. 

    If the template is NOT in the list of available templates for that service, then it's NOT visible.

    We have a number of different teams using Hornbill, and they all have tickets logged against their own specific service (HR, Health and Safety, Training Academy etc) and they all have their own email templates which are specific to their teams. Because of this we have a LOT of separate email templates which are used for particular requests and services etc, which aren't used anywhere else. So being able to show/hide available templates which are locked to their teams/services would make more sense to me......

    just a thought....



    Hi @Paul Alexander

    Thanks for the feedback - that certainly seems like a valid request, and I can see how this would work consistently with how other areas of a Service selection would work currently (for example you can set a default template per Service -> Request Type at present).
    We will certainly take this into account when making improvements in the future to this area - plus how Email Templates and Snippets can both be used most effectively for analysts. 


    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, samwoo said:


    Will we eventually be able to select what people can see in that list in the future?



    Hi @samwoo,

    I'm not aware of any short terms plans to allow the segregation and selection of items in this list of templates between different users - that may be one for @James Ainsworth to comment on in terms of how this would work alongside snippets in the Email function of Service Manager. At the moment, this has been introduced as an additional system setting to faciliate the manual sending of consistent templates at times where it can't or shouldn't be done automatically as part of a Business Process.

    Kind Regards


  13. Hi @Chris Thompson

    I appreciate reporting can be a bit tricky when you are having to join tables to get out particular information. We will soon be introducing our "In App Reporting" which will make the creation of these kinds of reports far easier in the future because we will have templates that have already been set up for this type of thing and you simply add the criteria you require to it. 

    But in the meantime, please have a look half way down this thread for some information on how to set up departmental associations to your reports:

    I hope this helps and gives you a bit of a starting block to work from. Please let me know if you have any issues or questions.

    Kind Regards


  14. @Paul Alexander @SJEaton @HHH @nasimg @Darren Rose

    Hi All,

    Whilst we still don't currently have snippet formatting, we do have another feature which may assist with some of the areas you are experiencing that require this. 
    There is a Service Manager system setting you can turn on called: app.email.request.operation.templateSelectable - this will allow you to choose from the list of Email Templates on your system - which can be formatted. You will also notice that the variables are resolved when selected so they can be used a bit like snippets in that sense. 



    Whilst this is not ideal (as this is a global setting so everyone will see the list, and only people with access to the email templates can amend), it may be useful in some of your cases. 

    I hope this helps,

    Kind Regards



  15. Hi Lauren

    If I have understood your requirement correctly, I believe you are able to do this by adding 2 "Series" to the widget. A series can be found at the bottom of the "SQL Group By" wiget (which I assume you are already using). So if you keep the same criteria you are currently using to get to total number of open tickets grouped by Owner, and add two series - one for Incidents (h_requesttype = 'Incident') and one for Service Requests (h_requesttype = 'Service Request'), this should split each individuals bar chart columns into 2, with the divide between the types

    So to set up the series:


    And the resulting chart looks like this:


    Is this what you are looking for?

  16. Hi @mojahidm

    Unfortunately you are correct - we don't currently have the option to create reports that have multiple grouping options such as the above - it would likely be 3 individual reports, one each for Logged, Resolved and Outstanding. 

    There may be a way to represent this as a widget (using SQL in the Custom Widget option) but this would not be available to be scheduled/sent out/generated into a CSV style format. 

    I will enquire if anything more can be done to combine groups of data such as above, but I am not aware of any immediate plans at present. An integration with something like Power BI may be the best option in the very short term (if multiple reports are not feasible).

    Kind Regards


  17. Hi @lee mcdermott

    Sorry for the delay. You could try the following which should bring back last months requests:

    h_datelogged >=  LAST_DAY(NOW() - INTERVAL 2 MONTH) + INTERVAL 1 DAY and h_datelogged <  LAST_DAY(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH)

    We don't have an official Hornbill reference to Date and Time functions as it typically standard SQL. There is a good guide here to some of the functions: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/date-and-time-functions.html

    Also, I have created a reference that I often use as a prompt when a useful statement appears:


    (n.b I'm sure there may be more efficient ways tp get the same results! But these have worked for me previously)

    Hope this helps


  18. Hi @Joanne

    The Assign to request creator option only works if you specify the Team in which that request should sit as well - because you can't have a request that is assigned to an indvidual or not a team. So you need to be careful here that if you do use it (and specify the team), that any potential request creator resides within that team - otherwise you will also have the error



    There is an alternative however - Ensure you have a Get Request Information task in your workflow, and for the assignment use the task - Assign to Owner (variable). You can then set the Owner Variable as the Request Creator (as per my screenshot below). 

    One important thing about this method - if the creator is a member of more than one support group, it will AUTOMATICALLY pick the one that is first in the list (i.e. the one they were first assigned to)

    I hope this helps!





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