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Bob Dickinson

Hornbill Product Specialists
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Posts posted by Bob Dickinson

  1. Hi @Adrian Simpkins

    I would have a set up like the following:


    Firstly you will see a decision to check if the request has an owner or not. In answer to your first question, it will error if you try to send an email to a Request owner and the request doesn't have one. So that's why I would build in a decision to check this before trying to send it. If it DOESN'T have an owner, it gracefully moves to the next part of the flow. 

    The second part is a little more complicated. 
    When talking about a Team Manager I assume you mean setting an analysts role in a team as "Manager" in the Organisational Structure - as per the screenshot below:



    If so, then you need to firstly use a "Get Request Information -> Get Team information" node to gather these details



    The next step is another decision node to ensure that at least one member of that team has been set to "Manager". If they havn't then we want to go straight to "End" because again, we don't want it to error:



    Now we have the Managers ID. But we need their Email Address to send the notification to. So you need to inject the manager ID just collected into a "Get User Details" node which will gather all of their additional profile information, including their email



    And now you have the Managers email addres - you simply use an "Email External Addresses" node, and can insert the Managers Email address to the "External Addresses" section:



    I havn't tested this on my environment but this is the general logic that I believe you could use - so hopefully it all works when you give it try!

    Kind Regards


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  2. Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone

    Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. To set up the above:

    Step 1: Create the First Measure - % Of Incidents within SLA

    To do this, in the Admin tool. navigate to Applications --> Service Manager --> Advanced Analytics --> Measures - and then create a new measure as per the below screen\shots:





    And Click "Save"

    Step 2: Create the First Measure - % Of Service Requests within SLA

    Click the little arrow next to Save Button of the Measure that you have just created - and select "Save As" to make a copy of it - and give you new measure a name (something like "% of Service Requests within SLA")



    Once copied, change the bottom section as per the below screenshot:



    Click Save

    You now should have two newly created Measures

    Step 3: Select and Resample the Measures

    Now back on the measures screen, have a look at the two measures you have created and select the tickboxes next to them. 

    Then click the "resample" button - this will run the two measures and collect the data for them (it usually takes anything from 5-20 mins)



    Step 4: Create the Widget 

    In Adavanced Analytics -> Widgets, create a new widget (give it the name you require with the "Data Chart" type. 

    On the "Source" tab, you will need to set up as per the screenshot below. 
    (A "series" is effectively adding the measure. Firstly you add the first series - your Incident Measure, and give it a name like "Incidents". Once added, click the "Add Series" button again and select your newly created Service Request Measure, and give it a name like "Service Requests".)
    Once both are added, you should see both sets of Data appear on the chart:



    The final step is to make the widget look pretty - e.g. change it from a bar chart to line chart, add data labels etc. This is all performed on the "design" tab:



    Once complete, click save - and your widget is now available to be used on Dashboards etc.
    At the end of the month, the measures will automatically update with the previous months data - so you should not have to click the "resample data" button again, it should be automatic. 

    I hope this helps and the above steps help get you started here!

    Kind Regards


  3. Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone

    So this is possible through Advanced Analytics - you would need at least a separate chart for each time range (month/quarter/year) but after that you have various options. 
    The below is an example of the percent of both Incidents and Service Requests that met the resolution SLA each month. 
    But you could have a count instead, or you might have two lines - one for Incidents, and one for Service Requests (both on the same chart as a comparison)

    (Sorry It's not the best data set to show in an example! :unsure:)



    Is that the type of thing you are looking for?

    Kind Regards


  4. HI@David Longley

    I have attached a simple report which will show any text based feedback that has been provided based on survey answers. 

    • You can upload this, by creating a new report in Admin --> Applications --> Service Manager --> Reports, giving it a name, and then clicking the Green button in the top right corner
    • If you click on the "Select Filters" tab, you will see I have copied the text of my text based question as the criteria here. You will need to change this to match the text of the question that you are asking your customers
    • You may also want to put some more criteria in the filter (for example a date range)

    I hope this helps




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  5. Hi @Alberto M

    Thanks for letting us know. 
    Typically that information would be placed into the Hornbill attribute Job Title which appears on the first user tab. Our UI developers have been making some more changes to improve the layout of the User Tool and remove from view some of the attributes that are generally not used in relation to Basic Users. This information will still exist in the database again the users so it will not affect your nightly import - and it can still be viewed in other areas where required (e.g. reports, the Coworker screen in the User App, through Progressive Capture Customer selection if configured).

    Kind Regards


  6. Hi @HGrigsby @Chris Winship 

    The manager, and Custom Attributes have now been reintroduced for Basic Users (albeit in a redesigned view, with the manager now residing on the main tab, and the custom attributes in their own tab).

    @Alberto M In terms of the information you store for Basic Users under “A brief description of the job” - is this populated automatically from an automated feed from LDAP/Azure? If so, which attribute do you use? And do you ever need to manually amend this attribute for users through the Admin Tool?

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  7. Hi @HHH @LifeOfJonny

    Sorry for the delayed response on this one, we have been in discussion with our developers regarding it. 
    This is going to be amended this week so that if a via node that has multiple inputs, is connected to a decision node (regardless of the order you add the connectors), you will not recieve an error message like you do currently.

    Decision nodes are only really designed to accomodate 1 input typically (hence why when you are selecting the decision criteria, you often see some predefined outcomes/criteria in a dropdown list e.g the task outcomes if the decision is based on a task). To accomodate a decision node receiving multiple inputs however, you will ONLY be presented with the Custom Expresson option (looking at your screenshots above, this appears to be what you are doing anyway - but I just wanted to make it clear!). 

    We expect this change to be developed this week and hopefully make it's way to your live instances at some point next week.

    Kind Regards


    • Thanks 1
  8. Hi @AndyG

    Unfortunately there isn't a way to achieve this at present. This isn't a piece of information that is recorded, and as the SLA functionality and escalation actions occurs outside of the Business Process, there isn't currently a way that we have to write this information anywhere (for example, a Custom Field on the Request). 

    I will follow up internally to see if there is anything in the Pipeline to improve on this functionality - I believe it's been requested by a number of other users on the forums, so I will get the thoughts of the Service Manager Development team to see where we are with this requirement.

    Kind Regards

    Bob Dickinson

  9. Hi @Adam Toms

    No problem, I'm glad it helped. 
    Yes, SQL Joins are tricky if you have never done them before. It's one of the areas we are very aware of and we have some developments ongoing to make this process a lot more seemless/intuitive in the future, and prevent the need to know any SQL whatsoever. 

    But in the meantime, please let us know on the forums if you have any more issues or questions and we will help wherever we can.

    Kind Regards


    • Thanks 1
  10. Hi @Adam Toms

    Yes looking at the report there were a few issues with the JOIN (you were joining it on the Team ID, rather than the request ID) - and also you had a filter to only look for tickets that were currently assigned to Sec Ops (rather than looking for tickets that have EVER been assigned to Sec Ops). 

    I have cleaned it up a bit, and hopefully it's working a bit better now - it's attached to the bottom of this post. You might see the odd duplicate row for the same request ID. This indicates that the ticket was assigned to Sec Ops more than once in it's lifecycle. To make that slightly clearer, I've also add a column showing the Date/Time the assignment to Sec Ops occured. 

    Upload it as a new report and let me know if it now shows what you were expecting!

    Kind Regards



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    • Thanks 1
  11. Hi @Ann

    A few things here:

    1)  The reason you might be receieving incorrect results (and lots of them including all the tasks!) is because you have lots of unneeded tables being joined. For this one, you only need two tables joined together

    • Projects
    • Project Milestones

    2)  I am making an assumption here - but from your personal message you mentioned you were looking for Expired milestones between a set of dates. So my assumption is that you are only interested in the milestones that have not yet been completed. With this in mind, you would need to add an additional filter looking at the Milestone Status. You will see in my screenshot below, I have added in a filter that says only return results where the milestone status IS NOT "status.completed"

    3)  Finally, to answer you original question - yes you can select between a user prompted date range. As you can see from my screenshot, you simple choose

    • Due Date
    • Value is Between
    • User Prompted Value
    • And then the Between Date and Time selector



    This then results with a pop up like this:



    I have also uploaded an example report definition for you to upload and try on your own instance below

    Kind Regards





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  12. Hi @Ann

    This requires a strip down of all the joins you already have. In theory you only need 3 tables:

    • Projects (which contains the project titles)
    • Project Members (which contains the stakeholders and the roles - i.e. who is the Project Manager)
    • h_sys_accounts (which contains the User Friendly Names)

    I have joined these together and very importantly, added some criteria in the filter that ensures that ONLY the person with the role of Project Manager is returned - as per the screenshot. Without this, it would return the results of any project where the person you have entered in your promot is a stakeholder (e.g. a sponsor, member etc):


    Somethings you may want to consider:

    • Typing in the First Name/Last name is a bit troublesome because if you spell it wrong, you might not get the results you require - so maybe it would be better to present a dropdown using the simple list method covered in another of your forum posts (you could even use the same simple list)
    • OR perhaps because it is only bringing back one row per project - you don't need to specify the name of the project manager at all. Perhaps instead you could add some status filtering (e.g. return all open projects and their project managers)

    I have attached the definition of a new report I built that covers the above for you - but have retains the "First Name/Last Name" prompt you originally set up

    Kind Regards





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  13. Hi @Ann

    You can have a dropdown list - set up in the same way as I've described in this post: 

    You would give the list a separate name, and instead of adding users names, you would instead add the Project Titles (to both the Value and the Display sections of the list).
    The downside is that you would have to remember to manually add a new item to the list every time a new project was created for it to appear in this list. We don't have a way of dynamically populating this directly from Project Manager at the moment. 


    In terms of searching for a key word or string instead of the EXACT string - this is possible too. 
    You would need to change your criteria to match the below screenshot - you will notice that I have added a prompt and used the "value is Like" instead of equals


    When prompted, you will need to use include the % sign as a wildcard operator too
    For example, if you were search for all projects with the word Office somewhere in the title:

    • %office%  - This would return project names with the word "office" ANYWHERE in the project title
    • office% - This would return project names with the word "office" as the FIRST WORD in the project title
    • %office - This would return project names where the word "office" has something PRECEDING IT in the project title

    This will also work for multiple word strings e.g. %Office 365% 

    I have attached an example definition based on your report to show this in action

    Kind Regards






    • Like 1
  14. Hi @Ann

    The reason for this is because the h_sys_accounts table was joined on the Owner of the task rather than the Assignee of the task. 
    I have corrected this in the Join Criteria as follows:



    If you have any issues, I have also provided the amended definition of the report that you can upload onto your instance (I have removed any references to actual names) - so hopefully you'll see this is now working!

    Kind Regards



    • Like 1
  15. Hi @Ann

    Firstly, I don’t think you need quite so many tables in your report. A lot of them have been included when they aren’t actually required (for example you have tables relating to tags, milestones and time spent – when your report only appears to be related to tasks against your project). I think this might have been returning some incorrect results too, so I have trimmed this down a bit.

    I have two solutions for you. In order to achieve the method that you originally requested, you can join the h_sys_accounts table to the h_sys_tasks table using a CONCAT (concatenation) function. Doing this means that instead of selecting the assignee from the tasks table (which has the additional prefix of urn:sys:user: ), we instead type just the user ID instead which is a bit more user friendly. 

    To see an example of this, please upload the attached file  AG - Tasks assigned to an engineer - Manual Input to your instance and you can see what this looks like. 


    However, another potential way of doing this – is to present a DROPDOWN list of names rather than asking for an ID to be selected. 
    To do this:

    1)    Navigate to Admin  Applications  Project Manager  Simple Lists
    2)    Create a new simple list called something like “REPORT – Assignees”
    3)    In the simple list, create the users
    a.    In the VALUE section put the full ID of the user including “urn:sys:user:”
    b.    In the DISPLAY section put a user friendly name



    4)    When complete navigate back to your report and the User Prompt filter section
    5)    Instead of “Text Input Box” select “Simple List Control” and beneath it, select your newly created simple list



    6)    Now, when you run the report, you should see a nice dropdown of the user friendly names – so no need to type at all.




    There will be a task to potentially add all these names up front, and then maintain the list when new assignees join or leave the business – but it’s an additional option for you. 

    If you would like to try this, please create the Simple List as per steps 1-3 above, and then upload the attached report called 
    AG - Tasks assigned to an engineer - Simple List 
    (you may need to then perform steps 4 and 5 to get this working)

    Hope this helps,

    Kind Regards

    Bob Dickinson



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  16. Hi @Stephen.whittle 

    So if assuming that EVERY request is automatically assigned to an initial team (via the BPM) - is it fair to simplify your request to say that you are looking for a report that shows any request that has been assigned more than once?

    As Mary mentioned, this is all stored in a specific table. If you are having any trouble getting the data out you need - please let me know the specifics (date range, columns, grouping) you would expect to see in the report and I'll see if I can assist.

    Kind Regards


  17. Hi @Paul Alexander

    My starting point would be first not to use such a big data set. So perhaps change your logged date to something 01/07/2020 or even 01/08/2020 - so you have far fewer records returned. 
    Then start perhaps with just:

    * Request Type = Incident
    * Date Logged > 01/07/2020 00:00:00

    And see if the values match between Reporting and the Request List filter
    If they do, then begin adding on each extra piece of criteria one by one and comparing - and at least then we should be able to see what produces the significant request difference and go from there. 


    Kind Regards


  18. Hi @Jeremy

    The attachment title and info message that you specify are purely labels that appear during the Progressive Capture. Their content will not appear anywhere on a logged request (though that's potentially a nice feature request that I will pass on to the developers).

    There isn't actually much difference between the two labels in terms of functionality -  one appears on top of the other - and you could use Wiki Markup to format them differently to emphasise different points to the end user who is presented with the attachment form during the logging.



    Kind Regards


  19. Hi @Victoria Heeley

    This won't be possible in the format you have requested - we can't current do "Table" based reports in this way, nor does our standard functionality deal with percentages.

    I can possibly create a grouped report to show the count of tickets against the user, and then a Chart next to every user that will show the breakdown of SLA within fix/breached fix - would this suffice?

    If so, what is the date range and criteria here? 
    If it tickets resolved last month + the owner of the ticket when it was resolved?

    Kind regards


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