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Martyn Houghton

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Everything posted by Martyn Houghton

  1. @James Ainsworth Wondering there has been any further thought on this, as it would really help with ensuring all interested parties are kept updated with progress on a request. Cheers Martyn
  2. At the moment the keyboard Tab order on the 'New Contact' option under organisations is a bit odd. Tabbing from First Name takes you to the Global Search Text, then on to the Last name, then Global Search Action, then Email. This can be a bit of a pain when entering a number of new contacts and results in you having to use unnecessary keyboard/mouse operations. Would it be possible to have the tab order as Global Search Text, Global Search Action, First Name, Last Name, Email Address? Cheers Martyn
  3. @Daniel Dekel I was thinking about deleting (archiving) contacts, in bulk, but I worked out how to do that on the contacts screen, but thought it would be more precise to do it from the organisation screen, rather than returning a list of matching records in the contacts screen. Cheers Martyn
  4. When an organisation has more than 100 contacts, only the first 100 are displayed from the organisation screen. There is no option to filter or sort the list of returned contacts or undertake bulk operations by selecting multiple rows. I noticed this when doing some maintenance work on contacts for an organisation, where I would delete the contact, the number of contacts would go from 100 to 99 and then back to 100. Would it be possible to have a filter, sort and bulk update option on contacts from the organisation view? Cheers Martyn
  5. @Daniel Dekel Thanks for the additionail advice. I suspect we might have to look at hosting the files as a web page or importing them into Document Manager. Cheers Martyn
  6. @Daniel Dekel Yes indeed. I did search the Wiki bit did not see any reference to UNC, so presumes these links only applied to http URLs. I can indeed get them to appear as links now but having issues with the browser opening them, so not sure if that is my referencing or a browser security setting. I currently investigating this. There does seem to be some odd behavior when entering the links into comments on a post, compared to how it works when in a post, but again I got to try replicate that as well. We were also hoping to use the links in a custom field we have added to the organisation record, but I not sure Wiki Markup works on these type of fields. Cheers Martyn
  7. It would be really useful to be able to insert into posts, comments and timeline updates, UNC paths and be able to either manually mark them as links via the Wiki Markup or for them to be automatically be identified as clickable links. Cheers Martyn
  8. @Daniel Dekel Just to confirm the new setting option to turn this off is the "app.view.task.complete.auto-calculate-time-spent" one. Cheers Martyn
  9. @Gerry I have sent you details by email of which build updates and their duration on our instance, so hopefully that will help with the work you are doing under the hood now. If the build updates can be contained to short periods you are aiming for, then we can cope from a business perspective having the potential applications of updates applying during a quiet period on 24/7 operation is something we can live with. Cheers Martyn
  10. @TrevorKillick Thanks. So the session would have to time out based on the setting 'communications.sessionIdleTimeout' before the suspension would become active, however this will trigger a login via adfs SSO which would also stop the login at that point. Does the same apply to mobile app connections? When will the suspension of the accounts trigger the mobile app to no longer connect? Cheers Martyn
  11. We currently use single sign on via ADFS and LDAP Import to manage our authentication process into Hornbill. At the moment users will be stopped from logging in to Hornbill when there AD account is disabled, but if the user already has a connection open to Hornbill prior to the account being disabled they are able to continue to use the system. Is it currently possible via the LDAP Importer to update the Hornbill User's status to suspended based on the AD Disabled attribute and secondly if a Hornbill account is suspended when a user is logged in do they get logged out? Cheers Martyn
  12. At the moment you can control the time of day the Platform updates are applied to your Hornbill Instance via the parameter autoUpdate.maintenanceWindow in settings. However this is only the time of day and does not give the option to determine which day(s) of the week at all. Though most platform updates do not take very long at all, i.e. 9 seconds, some of the more complex and larger ones have taken a considerable amount of time to apply depending on the data volume, i.e. over an hour,. As we move towards 24/7 operation we would also want to be able to control the day(s) of the week when the maintenance window is available as well, to better schedule the suspension of the system, to have the smallest impact. Cheers Martyn
  13. @Darren Rose Good point in terms of including the chart as well, that way the team can also have a consistent personal chard dashboard as well. Cheers Martyn
  14. When creating either a personal or shared view in the Request List Views definition, it would also be useful to be able to specify what column to sort by and whether it is ascending or descending, which is then stored and applied when selecting the view. Cheers Martyn
  15. When using Request List Views and sharing them to your team/colleagues, it would be useful for conditions such as 'Owner' where you can insert a dynamic variable of the current analyst id rather than a literal value. This could also apply to other analyst id related fields such as Closed By, Created By, Resolved By etc. This way as a manager I can maintain a common set of views I share to my team but they will 'personalise' automatically to the analyst who is running them without them needing to create their own copy. Cheers Martyn
  16. We use a lot of simple list in our progressive captures, mainly for version number and other cross referees. At the moment you have to administer this with the client iteslf, however it would be really useful to have the ability to populate them by importing from a source files such as CSV, whether via the client itself or via a command line tool. The latter would allow scheduled process to update the content automatically. Cheers Martyn
  17. @HHH This is something we have also raised and is under consideration, however at the moment you have to do it to each Team, the subscriptions do not cascade/inherit at this time. Cheers Martyn
  18. Whilst work continues on the provision of a full text search facility for Service Manager timeline entries, is it also worth considering a second parallel search facility by implementing the use of 'tags' within in timeline updates, by perhaps extending the Wiki Markup to allow you to mark certain words, error messages as tags. The tags could then be held in a linked table to the request itself, which would be easier to search by than the whole timeline? You could also allow the manual entry of tags against the request, like you can do in Document Manager. You could subsequently then look at adding in 'intelligence' (i.e. pattern matching) to automatically add certain phrases or wording if they occur in a timeline update as a tag, i.e. if it find a match for 'ORA-?????' add it as tag. You could also then use the tags to provide links to possible related requests in the solution tab, based on occurrences of the tags in the current requests summary or description. Cheers Martyn
  19. In one of our progressive captures we branch based on Organisation ID. For this variable to be present in the progressive capture branch we have to include the Organization Details node, but when logging a request via the Customer Portal, this form is not being skipped like the preceding customer and service forms. I have checked it is not set to mandatory, so this appears to be controlled by Service Manager. Can the Organization Details form be set to skip? Cheers Martyn
  20. @trevorharris Thanks. So just to confirm if you want to draft something you have to do it within your documents and Library is only for published documents. Cheers Martyn
  21. Is there a way to move a document you have created in Document Manager from your documents into a Library, or move documents from one Library to another? Cheers Martyn
  22. @James Ainsworth Just wondering how the planned change for this is progressing? Cheers Martyn
  23. @David Hall Thanks for the update. If you need any further information from us, let me know. Cheers Martyn
  24. @SJEaton Under the Shared Mailbox in the Admin Tool, what 'Associated Roles' are shown? I am also presuming you have more than one Shared Mailbox as the 'From' option is showing. Cheers Martyn
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