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Hornbill Developer
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Everything posted by Miro

  1. @Alisha I think the fix for looped pro capture is already released. Could you confirm if it work?
  2. Hi @Alisha I was able to replicate it and fix should be released next week (there is a chance for this week but can't promise you for 100%). Regards, Miro
  3. Hi @Alisha, Have you tried this? [[mailto:address@domain.co.uk|Click to send email]] Regards, Miro
  4. Hi @Jeremy This feature has not been released yet to official (live) stream in client application, you can only see it in admin as it was needed to be ready before client app. Entire "feature" is at very early stage and we just started testing it. If all will be fine then next week we should release it to live but please keep in mind that this is still experimental. Regards, Miro
  5. Hi @Alisha Could you provide me replication steps how you are adding/displaying screenshots in pro capture? Regards, Miro
  6. hi @P. Nordqvist Sorry for answering so late, but did you figure out how to change column order? If not just simply move mouse over the column name and drag it left/right to desired position. Regards, Miro
  7. @Paul Smith it will be different problem then. I will check who can have a look at it.
  8. @Paul Smith is this form a "Customised form" or "Request Priority" form?
  9. Hi @dwalby, Still unable to replicate. I wonder if it would be possible to check if there are any errors in code when problem occurs. To do it you need to open "developer tools" (by pressing F12) and then go to console. Once you have it open then press F5 and start using portal. If problem happen again and there appear any errors would be great if you post it here. Best Regards, Miro
  10. Hi @dwalby, I'm trying to replicate your problem but without luck. What browser are you using? Regards, Miro
  11. Hi @SJEaton, It should be fixed now. Regards, Miro
  12. Hi @SJEaton Just last thing to confirm. Does it happen in Portal or Collaboration Core? Regards, Miro
  13. hi @SJEaton, Could you also check if that problem exist in activity form? Just create new activity and see start/due date. Regards, Miro
  14. hi @Keith, Just finished extending activity templates and once it pass testing is just a matter of days when it appear live. Best Regards, Miro
  15. @Dan Munns as far as I know it could be even tomorrow but as @Steven Boardman said all tests must be passed. I will make update here once it happen.
  16. Hi All, So after quick investigation I think I finally fixed the problem. It will remove any fields values that are hidden and have conditions defined. Otherwise field value will be still there (as for some reason some customers are using hidden fields to put values in custom forms). Regards, Miro
  17. Hi Samuel, Interesting request. So you need to make some constraints for date picker like not less than 5 work days ahead. I think we can add it to our work stack but can't tell you exact date. Regards, Miro
  18. @DeadMeatGF this is the way it works at the moment. There is currently no way of removing "grand children" when parent was removed. Is quite challenging but we are looking into it. Once the solution is found we will let you know.
  19. @DeadMeatGF value is comma separated so it looks like "drive,system,email".
  20. Hi @DeadMeatGF I think you should use "contains" operator instead of "==".
  21. Hi @Dan Munns, Replicated under Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and working on fix now. Kind Regards, Miro
  22. Hi @fisky Thank you for your post. There was a defect and it has been fixed so branch should start working fine from next release. Regards, Miro
  23. Hi @Dan Munns, After some investigation I fixed your flow. Here are steps I did: 1) "Hardware of Software" field need to be mandatory - as I understand there is no option without any selection. 2) It should be default branch and will be picked when no others are matching, so I changed it to NO MATCH 3) Is correct, 4) As "contain Hardware" will match in any case where Hardware was picked up, so I change it to "== Hardware" as we strictly need to mach in only that case. I attached fixed flow for you, so when you import it just check if all fields where you are using SimpleList are OK. Also if you don't mind have a look please at flow that I suggest as a more optimised solution here. Hope I answered all your questions. Regards, Miro stb-hwsw-purchase.fixed.pcf.txt suggested flow.pcf.txt
  24. Hi @Dan Munns, Thank you for your post. I started analysing your PCF and tomorrow will give you more feedback. Regards, Miro
  25. Hi @Bridget Sharman, Thank you for your post. This problem will be fixed in next platform release. Kind Regards, Miro
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