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Dan Munns

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Everything posted by Dan Munns

  1. I would also like the ability to change the icons a little more. Some of ours are a little small (6 across the bottom of a 50inch TV from across the room) and can be difficult to notice subtle changes to the icons. To be fair though I think I could attach it all to a flashing red light and klaxon and no one would bat an eye round here. Thanks for the info on the email counter! Edit: @Everton1878 sorry but where did you get the h_folder_id from? I can get the mailbox id from h_mbid under the h_msg_mailboxes table but can't find the folder ids. Sorry but SQL isn't my strong point. Thanks Edit 2: No worries, found it
  2. Hi all, I have just been making sure all my analysts have 'Full Access' rights to enable completion of other peoples tasks within the team and noticed the role 'Advanced Request Task Completer' is this different to 'All Access' or is something completely different? There is nothing on the wiki (that I can find) Thanks Dan
  3. @Everton1878 Just a cheeky question if I may? How did you configure the widget to show unread email? Would be a good counter to have on our wall board Thanks Dan
  4. Our template is set up like this: Hi {{.H_ownername}} Request {{.H_pk_reference}} has been updated on {{.H_datelastmodified}} The summary of the call is: {{.H_summary}} Please use the link below to log in and view the details of the request https://live.hornbill.com/INSTANCENAME/servicemanager/request/view/{{.H_pk_reference}}/ I can't find a "last updated" variable so provide a link instead
  5. I think this may all be in vain as I am sure that there is an issue with auto closing calls anyway where if the call is marked 'Not resolved' by the user in the portal it will still auto close after the allocated time anyway as the timers are different.
  6. @Gary@ADL Would that not create the task every time it looped back to the start of the parallel processing from the decision node?
  7. To be fair if the question may or may not be relevant you could just make it optional. All my questions are mandatory apart from ones which rely on other answers so.. Do you need a new extension number? [mandatory] Yes / No Extension group (if required) [not mandatory] Group 1, Group 2 etc If an answer produces a lot of other options then I add the secondary form in. Hope that makes sense.
  8. I do something similar using additional forms. So if they select an answer on the front form it will either show or hide another form later on. I would like the functionality to show hidden questions on the same form though.
  9. @Victor brining back memories of my military service there (no one ever called me Sir, thankfully)....not sure if a good or a bad thing though so much drinking...... So does that mean I am special then? Or does this mean I am now going to lose my access that no one else seems to have
  10. It must be Hornbill are required to manually authorise you then. @Victor any help??
  11. I log in with the same credentials I use here I think. Company email address for username [Edit:] It may be that it requires your email address to be setup as a named authorised person on Hornbills side.
  12. Hi @Melissa Gurney The 90 day road map is here: https://success.hornbill.com/hornbill/servicemanager/service/2/roadmap
  13. You can publish libraries to the portals now @Martyn Houghton You need to add the role "MyLibrary Portal" to the user and then share the library with the role. This will then add a "My Documents" at the top of the service portal. I couldn't find any documents about the change anywhere however and had to find it myself so there may be a way to add documents to a service (other than as FAQs) but if there is I haven't found it yet.
  14. @David Calder You can use a http:// image in the advanced settings Just be aware that if you make changes under Home>System>Manage Portals that it will NOT let you save the changes with a http:// image selected. I just add https:// and save and then change the settings back under advanced settings. The setting is: guest.anonymous.servicePortal.core.style.image.logo [EDIT:] Just FYI, I host most of our images on our iis server. The images won't show outside our domain but show fine internally.
  15. We would also be interested in an option to add the difference between time logged and time responded as we face the same dilemma. Our respond SLA will be 100% (good for us) but potentially untrue (not good for us) as the time between logging and selecting a priority is lost. Would like to see the option "Set log time as timer start time" or similar.
  16. Yet again @Victor I am in your debt. Thanks Dan
  17. @Victor Ok that makes some sense. Looks like I will be reading up on SQL in my time off (haha) Getting back to my original issue (today anyway) any help with the current week part?
  18. This syntax works for all the other widgets (thanks Victor) I believe you can bunch OR together but have to specify groups if using AND (SQL Newbie so I am sure I will be corrected shortly )
  19. Ok so I now have 2 pages of widgets for a wallboard screen. I am now trying to create a widget to show resolved calls per analyst per week. I can set it to show the last X days but as this is a rolling X days it isn't what I need. I need it just to show all calls resolved since the Monday to CURRENT_DAY but cant work it out. The CURRENT_WEEK bit is where I need a hand Any help @Victor? Might get you a step closer to the cuddly toy... (I am sure the TV will come eventually )
  20. @Lyonel yes that looks ok. That should run at 00 00 Monday - Friday. I tend to go with 23 59 or 00 01 for midnight though. Don't ask why, just old habits...
  21. @Victor it would appear I owe you a beer. I will add it to the tab.
  22. hi @Steven Boardman I have attached the SQL query. I am targeting only certain statuses and request types but I am very new to this whole SQL game so may have done something wrong. I did wonder if it was because we have done a clear down just before Christmas and when I spoke to Bob Dickinson he did mention that when I do the clear down for go live I need to ask someone at Hornbill to do something that the clear down app doesn't yet do so I wondered if it was anything to do with that? Thanks Dan
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