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Everything posted by samwoo

  1. Thanks @James Ainsworth - I will keep an eye out for any development in the future.
  2. Hello, When sending an email from within a request, it would be handy to keep what we have currently... as it is, but with the addition of a button that allows you to open the Popup Editor. The very same one that appears when you press ALT+ i. The only problem with pressing ALT + i to compose an email against a ticket is that it doesn''t populate the To / Cc fields automatically as well as the subject. Anyway if this were to be implemented it would need to do the following Toggleable functionality (not all customers will find a use for it) Email formatting (like above) Copy Template button when clicking from current functionality to Popup Editor. This will pre-populate the editor with the entire template that would have been used should the user send an email from within the ticket. If anything is inserted into the current functionality, and the user decides continue editting in the Popup Editor, then everything must be copied over. If an email from the Popup Editor is sent, the request timeline must be updated accordingly. If the user edits within the Popup Editor then decides to go back to the standard editor, then the formatting must remain if there is a matching wiki-markup for it. (probably overkill) Allow the possiblity of choosing a template or using the default one set against the service/catalog. Retain snippets Allow insert of Attachments from the Request itself, from any Linked Requests or allow the user to upload from a location. Thanks, Samuel
  3. Can I chip in and say that having the current "Stage Checkpoint" in a process would be useful. Thanks, Samuel
  4. Hi Victor, It sounds as if this can only be done via Database Direct... but if you actually mean the Reporting tool in the Service Manager area then i have my fingers crossed in hope that this will be possible. When I looked at the Entity Viewer it did state that the Operational State field is "currently hard-coded" (which i cant remember where i found this). So i'm hoping that this will change so we can use an actual value one day. Thanks for looking into this @Victory. Samuel
  5. Hi @Victor, Can you clarify how we can use a CASE statement in Service Manager Reporting? I need to convert the numbers for the Asset's Operational State into Text (as well as some other fields) and not having any luck Thanks, Samuel
  6. Thanks @ArmandoDM - much appreciated. I look forward to a response. Samuel
  7. Hello, I would like to add a URL to the Custom Buttons that will take users (for Change Requests) straight to the Software Versioning area under Asset Types, rather than having users to open Asset Types then click the + button. As part of the Change Requests this would make it faster to maintain and update Software assets when required. I tried Javascript to open the page, wait for it to load then click on the button after page load and discovered that Javascript cannot run code via a URL from a previous page after a page has loaded... and also discovered that Custom Buttons doesn't handle Javascript in the URL. Alternatively could there be a link to Software Versioning (whether they exist or not) directly from with the Requests Assets Region? I just wanted to make it easier for users raising / maintaining Change Requests to manage related assets, without them having to navigate through to different screens and back again to do one or more things. Thanks, Samuel
  8. +1 for a feature like this (expanded to other places in the system as well as the above)
  9. I've had my users mention this too. I had a play with the CSS in F12 mode on Internet Explorer 11 and this something that I think would work (but I think it's more complicated than doing just a CSS change on Hornbill's end) I think maybe the background colour of the search bar should be configurable if going down this route. Thanks, Samuel
  10. Hi @James Ainsworth, Thanks - I have logged a request with Hornbill Support. Samuel
  11. Hi, We potentially have a large problem with our Assets in Hornbill, those that were upload via CSV file. We have done the following where Validation is against the Serial Number twice, one for a larger CSV file and one for a smaller one (as below). Each time (as seen below) we have received errors, which we thought was good it means we can check these assets against the ones we are trying to upload. We have now identified that some assets that "failed to upload" were still uploaded despite failing validation. I can confirm that all three of these have the same Serial Number and IMEI Number (despite there being a variation in the name) they shouldn't have been uploaded multiple times. Please advise. Thanks, Samuel
  12. Thanks Trevor, This has now worked with 1 worker. It took a long time, but it isn't a problem as this runs about 5.30 every evening so we will stick to using 1 worker. Cheers, Samuel
  13. Thanks for this. It seemed to have worked for the first 687 records and now is throwing up a different error now, for each time it attempts: Maybe this is why the new users havent imported because they would likely to be further down the list. Thanks, Samuel
  14. Hi @TrevorKillick - thanks .BAT file ldap_import.exe -file=UsersWBC.json -workers 2 -logprefix=WBCUsers_ .CONF file { "APIKey": "###################################", "InstanceId": "###############", "UpdateUserType": true, "UserRoleAction": "Both", "LDAPServerConf": { "Server": "###############################", "UserName": "################", "Password": "#########", "Port": ###, "ConnectionType": "", "InsecureSkipVerify": false, "Scope": 1, "DerefAliases": 1, "SizeLimit": 0, "TimeLimit": 0, "TypesOnly": false, "Filter": "(&(objectClass=user)(&(!(sAMAccountName=*test*))(givenName=*)(!(company=###))(!(company=####))))", "DSN": "OU=Users,OU=Users & Desktops,OU=####,DC=wokingham,DC=gov,DC=uk", "Debug": false }, "UserMapping":{ "UserId":"[sAMAccountName]", "UserType":"basic", "Name":"[cn]", "Password":"", "FirstName":"[givenName]", "LastName":"[sn]", "JobTitle":"[title]", "Site":"", "Phone":"[telephoneNumber]", "Email":"[mail]", "Mobile":"[mobile]", "AbsenceMessage":"", "TimeZone":"", "Language":"", "DateTimeFormat":"", "DateFormat":"", "TimeFormat":"", "CurrencySymbol":"", "CountryCode":"", "UserDNCache":"[distinguishedName]" }, "UserAccountStatus":{ "Action":"Update", "Enabled": true, "Status":"active" }, "UserProfileMapping":{ "MiddleName":"", "JobDescription":"", "Manager":"[manager]", "WorkPhone":"", "Qualifications":"", "Interests":"", "Expertise":"", "Gender":"", "Dob":"", "Nationality":"", "Religion":"", "HomeTelephone":"", "SocialNetworkA":"", "SocialNetworkB":"", "SocialNetworkC":"", "SocialNetworkD":"", "SocialNetworkE":"", "SocialNetworkF":"", "SocialNetworkG":"", "SocialNetworkH":"", "PersonalInterests":"", "homeAddress":"", "PersonalBlog":"", "Attrib1":"", "Attrib2":"", "Attrib3":"", "Attrib4":"#################", "Attrib5":"", "Attrib6":"", "Attrib7":"#####", "Attrib8":"" }, "UserManagerMapping":{ "Action":"Both", "Enabled":true, "Attribute":"[manager]", "GetIDFromName":true, "Regex":"CN=(.*?)(?:,[A-Z]+=|$)", "Reverse":true, "ManagerSearchField":"h_name", "UseDNCacheFirst":false }, "LDAPAttributes":[ "cn", "sn", "sAMAccountName", "userPrincipalName", "givenName", "manager", "mail", "mobile", "telephonenumber", "mobile", "title", "company", "physicalDeliveryOfficeName", "thumbnailPhoto" ], "Roles":[ "Self Service User", "Basic User Role" ], "ImageLink":{ "Action":"Both" , "Enabled": true , "UploadType": "AD" , "ImageType": "jpg" , "URI": "[thumbnailPhoto]" }, "SiteLookup":{ "Action":"Both", "Enabled": true, "Attribute":"[physicalDeliveryOfficeName]" }, "OrgLookup":{ "Action":"Both", "Enabled":true, "Attribute":"###############", "Type":5, "Membership":"member", "TasksView":false, "TasksAction":false, "OnlyOneGroupAssignment":false } } Cheers, Samuel
  15. Hello, Last night the LDAP_Import has stopped importing new users from AD (strangely). I confirmed that the filters set against the LDAP_Import conf files can see the new users, yet the tool itself did import them. I then went to run the LDAP_Import ad-hoc and I got this in the output (and this LDAP_Import has been untouched since I first set it up to import AD Profile Pictures). But there was a message at the top saying that I wasn't using the latest version of the LDAP_Import tool... so I proceeded to download it and make the necessary tweaks to the .conf files. When running it this time, I get the following message: The LDAP_Import tool and relevant files hasn't been modified in any way for a very long time so it's odd why this has happened now. Please advise. Samuel
  16. Hello, I have a query from the Integrations Officer looking into Integrations: Please advise. Samuel
  17. Hello, I was wondering if we can have the "Add Connections" options hidden if there are no connections in a ticket. Can we also have it that when there are connections on the ticket, to limit the list of Connection Types to only those that are active against the ticket? For example the ticket I took this screenshot from only has a single connection of "Interested". Limitting the list would definitely make it easier to choose the Connection Type, particularly when one day this list could get huge if this feature isnt in place. This could be extended to other areas that uses this (if any) Thanks, Samuel
  18. Hi @James Ainsworth, I am not sure how I missed this... I believe we are still having problems with this issue. I have just done a count of all requests that are resolved / closed where the activity status is not completed or cancelled and it's returning 24,611 activities with closed or resolved requests (i haven't excluded expired ones, I don't know what the code is for that). Another issue How can we clear the number of activities showing up on the Home Icon? The Service Desk are refusing to look at their activities due to the shear volume of them (our fault really for creating too many of them in the early days). We were wondering if we can remove the count of activities from appearing in the Home Icon as we all mostly use the buttons on the right side to see any activities. We are happy to retain the count of unread Workspaces posts. Thanks, Samuel
  19. Hello, I might be going bonkers - is it possible to update any linked requests using ANY of the actions against a single request? For example - if i'm updating one request, i would like to be able to also update the linked requested using the same details (with it being obvious on the Linked Requests timeline where it came from)? I would like to be able to do this for the following with the option to mimic the action across ALL or selected Linked Requests: Putting linked requests on hold from a request Updating linked requests from a request Attaching files to linked requests (on selection) from a request Re-assigning linked requests from a request And so forth - for all the actions. Thanks, Samuel
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