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Everything posted by samwoo

  1. Hello, How is the progress for getting the Knowledge Center showing in the Progressive Capture? Many thanks, Samuel
  2. Hi @James Ainsworth, Many thanks for the update. I will keep an eye out for this. Will this take users to a new page or show the popup on top of the request? Many thanks, Samuel
  3. Hi @Steve G, Apologies I think i clicked on the wrong download link in the first place, and many thanks for looking into the Location Type issue that we had. Many thanks, Samuel
  4. Hello, We have come across some issues with the Hornbill CSV Asset Importer: The latest version of the CSV Asset Importer doesn't have the .exe files in there. I had to use the previous version. The "Location Type" field we originally populated this with a value of "Physical" and it failed with an error. I found out that it should be " 0 " for Physical. When using this, it imports successfully but the "Location Type" field is left blank. Does this mean the "Location" needs to be populated as well? We are othewise really impressed with how easy it is to use this tool - thank you. Cheers, Samuel
  5. Oh i forgot to mention that if I put a Hookbin URL (which is like Requestbin which seems to be down at the moment) in the Webhook URL, it works by showing me the details of the Asset that was updated. (https://hookbin.com/bin/)
  6. Hello, Has anyone managed to get the Webhooks working with Microsoft Flow in Office 365? In Hornbill, as a test I am using the Event source Entity : Asset : Updated with the URL pointing to HTTP request in a custom flow on Office 365. In Microsoft Flow, I have an Action Trigger set up, which auto generates a HTTP POST URL after creation (which is what I copied to the Webhook event in Hornbill) I am assuming this is the correct Request Body JSON Schema to start with (in Microsoft Flow): { "type": "object", "properties": { "record": { "type": "object", "properties": { "h_pk_asset_id": { "type": "string" }, "h_last_updated": { "type": "string" }, "h_owned_by": { "type": "string" }, "h_owned_by_name": { "type": "string" } } } } } Following this Action Trigger, i have an action afterwards which should send an email to me with the above strings. Whenever I update an asset in Hornbill, i keep getting the Webhook's 401 error in the Hornbill event log which I am assuming is because I don't have Authentication to connect to the flow in Microsoft Flow from Hornbill. So I attempted to set up a Key to connect to the Office 365 and Microsoft Flow... but it wont let me connect to the Service (presumably because we have Multi-Factor Authentication set up, as well as Single-Sign on). Can someone advise on how I might be able to go about doing this? I might be getting the wrong end of the stick here. Many thanks, Samuel
  7. Hello, Sorry to revive such an old thread but I am needing to attach files to a new ticket that has been created via the Email Routing option... it's a very specific email that comes over with 3 files every night so would need these files to be attached to the call. There are no hidden attachments (signatures, images) in the email except for these 3 files. Can you advise if this is now possible to do? Or has development not started on this yet (understanding that other things can be a higher priority) Cheers, Samuel
  8. Hi @TrevorKillick, No worries at all - we have a change freeze in place mid-december to early January too, so completely understand that this may not be incorporated any time soon, but it gives the guy who does the New Starter Requests something to look forward to Many thanks for all your hard work, Samuel
  9. @Victor, Sorry to bother you again about this, my colleague who does the New Starter Requests was wondering if you might have an ETA on a fix? Is it someone that could be resolved fairly soon or is it a way off? thanks, Samuel
  10. What a fantastic idea!!! ++++++1 Like having an action set, where we can define actions that can occur when a sub-status is set
  11. +1 - would be a huge improvement... i wondered if there could be an additional option that will allow us to "Preview" what the bulletin looks like on any existing Portal.
  12. +1 good idea - i envisage there being an option that would prevent a bulletin from showing on the main list of services page at the top on the Self Service Portal, but will show within the service itself if one clicks into it.
  13. Thanks @Steve G! ++++1 Thankfully I haven't deployed it and it's currently in a testing phase with myself to discover what can or cant be done via Powershell (which is amazing in my view). I will take all your points in and ensure that I get this to be as secure as possible. I had a thought of the local machine sending a command to a remote "secure" machine which will run the Powershell Script on there - but I dont think this will handle lots of requests very well particularly if loads of users log in at the same time. The other option is to populate a CSV file when someone logs in (there may already be a file for this) and have the Powershell script run every 30 minutes or an hour on a secure machine which reads this file and updates Hornbill accordingly. The final solution would be to create this script which sits in a .exe file... All in all the script will run hidden from the user's view. Thanks, Samuel
  14. Thanks @Gerry!! I really appreciate that. So if it turns out the script is ok to use, I wouldn't want users to find that it doesn't work if they attempt to use it for themselves. Cheers, Samuel
  15. (I just noticed a mistake in the above script, I must have accidentally removed an "else" in the IF statement when I copied it to here... Can't edit my post now so )
  16. Hello, I was wondering if someone can have a look at the following script and let me know if I am overcomplicating things? I understand that using SQL is frowned upon in most cases... but since I dont have a full understanding of Integrations, and our Integrations Officer has left we are unable to proceed with using any proper methods... and I know Powershell to an extent which leads me to writing this. I am trying to create a powershell script that runs during logon (it works!) but i am updating the Computer Assets table using SQL. Can you advise me on what I should have done instead? Or is this actually ok? clear-host Import-Module "C:\users\samwoo\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\xmlmcmodule\xmlmcModule.psm1" Import-Module ActiveDirectory # Retrieve the Laptop ID $laptopID = $env:computername # Retrieve the current logged on user $currentUsername = $env:USERNAME # Get the current date and time in the right format $dateTimeNow = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" # UNUSED - Retrieve the model number ofthe laptop $laptopModel = ($model = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -Property Manufacturer, Model).model # Define instance connection details & API key for session authentication $hbInstance = "(INSTANCE)" $hbZone = "eur" $hbAPIKey = "(API KEY)" Set-Instance -Instance $hbInstance -Key $hbAPIKey -Zone $hbZone # Get the list of users in Hornbill $xmlmcOutput_userList = Invoke-XMLMC "data" "getUserList" # Narrow the list of users to those with the same username as the current logged in user # and retrieve the name of the user set in Hornbill $userDisplayName = ($xmlmcOutput_userList.Params.userInfo | Where-Object {$_.userid -eq $currentUsername}).name # Checks to see whether the user exists in Hornbill if ($userDisplayName -eq $null) { Write-Verbose "User does not exist in Hornbill!" exit } elseif (($userDisplayName | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1) { Write-Verbose "For some bizarre reason this user $currentUsername exists more than once in Hornbill!!" exit } else { $username = $userDisplayName + ":" + $currentUsername } # Update the laptop asset in Hornbill to input the name of the current user and they date / time they last logged in to it Add-Param "query" "UPDATE h_cmdb_assets_computer SET h_last_logged_on = '$dateTimeNow', h_last_logged_on_user = 'urn:sys:0:$username' where h_name like '%$laptopID' LIMIT 1" $xmlmcOutput_updateAsset = Invoke-XMLMC "data" "sqlQuery" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($xmlmcOutput_updateAsset.status -ne "ok") { # API call status not OK - return status and error to console "API Call Status : " + $xmlmcOutput_updateAsset.status "Error Returned : " + $xmlmcOutput_updateAsset.error } Remove-Module xmlmcModule Many thanks, Samuel
  17. Hi @Victor, Many thanks for this - I will keep an eye out for when it's fixed. I just wondered maybe if there should be a section for all pages on the Wiki where one can list known issues / errors with any part of Hornbill? This would then be maintained.
  18. Hi @SJEaton, I've not actually thought about it and I have made changes to some ProCaps while using this node so will assume that it still works as normal? I think as the as the question description remains the same then it works? If you add in new questions then it should still work provided the original question remains unchanged... UNLESS the system is smart enough to know that when renaming a question it's actually reflected in the BPM. (This may or may not be true, but from my perspective, it looks like it is) I cannot give a definite answer here but maybe @James Ainsworth and/or @Victor can provide some insights into how this works? Thanks, Samuel
  19. Hi @dwalby, I'm not able to assist much but we have the same setup as you, however we do not automate this process... but I would think you would need to use Orchestrator/Orchestration for this (we don't use this too...) https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Business_Process_Automation_%26_Orchestration Please correct me if i'm wrong someone. Many thanks, Samuel
  20. Hello, In our new Starter Process, we are creating users into Hornbill and complete two separate tasks where the Analyst populates the first task with the username of the New Starter in AD, and the second task with the Email Address of the New Starter in AD (on premise) (would be nice to have a single Human Task which can have multiple inputs!) This has been working flawlessly, except on some occasions (at least 10 we've found so far). We have the option Continue On Error ticked against the Integration Node, yet if the user already exists in Hornbill for one reason or another, the request still falls over. I have to manually remove the user from Hornbill then restart the BPM against the ticket to get it working and the ticket moving. Are we doing something wrong? Thanks, Samuel
  21. @James Ainsworth - is it possible to change the colours of the "unread" row? (if not can I request an enhancement) Maybe pre-specify a list of colours that work with the theme. The reason I am asking is that I've been telling people in my department about this and a lot of them are saying that they cannot see any yellow rows! After trying to figure out why, I eventually came to the conclusion that all users have different contrast / brightness settings on all their monitors (laptop's and freestanding ones). I did a test where on my laptop the yellow row is barely visible (i had to change the angle of the screen to see it), on my second monitor there is no yellow visible at all and on my third (slightly more advanced) monitor the yellow row is abundantly clear. Everyone is comfortable with their settings that most will likely be unwilling to change it for all their devices just to be able to view this yellow row. What do you think? Thanks, Samuel
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