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Everything posted by AlexTumber

  1. Hi Graham, There is an action on the request view itself to set the priority. The actions on a request are configurable by service. Is it possible that the 'escalate' action is disabled for the service your requests are being logged against? Regards, Alex
  2. Hi Gareth, We have the following change request scheduled to be completed in the next 90 day development window: As a Support Person I want to add a new contact in progressive capture (CH00136899) Regards, Alex
  3. Hi Gwynne, If you change the first letter of the variable to a capital this should then come through as uppercase. For example instead of {{.h_summary}} use {{.H_summary}} Regards, Alex
  4. Hi Ben, There is an option within the business process engine to automatically set the customer's site against the request. Maybe this is what you are looking for? Regards, Alex
  5. Hi Gwynne, To enable notifications to analysts after updates to requests via the portal you will need to enable the service manager application setting. This can be found by navigating to the service manager settings in the Hornbill Admin Tool. The setting is located on page 4 and is called guest.app.requests.notification.notificationType.portalUpdate. Regarding the fix to the request list, it is only possible when building a custom view to select teams that you are a member of. What was happening before is that if you created a view that included a service that you support but you were not a member of the team that the request was assigned to then you could not see it. This has now been fixed. Regards, Alex
  6. Hi Kelvin and Martyn, Currently there is no concept of an analyst having a 'default team' in service manager (as they may be part of more than one team). To that extent the business process engine does not know which team the request should be assigned to as it's not possible to assign a request to an owner with no team. If you change the 'Team' input variable to manual (M) you will be able to search for and select a team. Of course, if the analyst who raises the request is not a member of the team specified then the request will just be assigned to the team. If they are a member of the team specified then the request will be assigned to them (in that team). Regards, Alex
  7. Hi Gill, Thanks for your post. Just so I understand correctly, are you looking to search a specific request timeline rather than a list of the requests themselves? Alex
  8. Hi, I am looking to customise the email templates that are used in a Hornbill Business Process, however I don't know where to find them in the User App or the Admin Tool. I'd like to add company logo's, images and text and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction? Thanks, Alex
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