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  1. Hi @alextumber, That is great news, thank you for the prompt response. Graham
  2. Hi, At the moment, when we get to the Select Site page of the progressive capture the default tab is the "Customer Sites" tab. As we do not associate our customers with a particular site as they are likely to move between sites, is is possible to change the settings for this window so that "All Sites" is the default tab? I have had a look through the settings but cannot find anything that seems to relate to this. Thank your for any assistance you can provide. Graham Abraham
  3. Hi, Has anyone managed to get the auto-close node to work? I have it set up to close after 5 days however any calls that are Service Requests are not closing and just stay as Resolved. Any ideas? Thanks
  4. Hi @Ehsan, I have raised a support call as requested. Thanks Graham
  5. Hi @armandoDM, I have tried this in Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox and I am getting the same issues in both, as are other people in my department. As far as the settings in the admin tool, I have attached an image, but I have not changed any of these. Ive tried clearing the cache, closing the browser and restarting anything and no luck, I've also got my colleague to do the same. We have also tested it on a different machine and get the same results.
  6. Hi @Victor, I will give that a go, however this was happening yesterday and we installed the new update over night so I would have though that anything like that would have been cleared.
  7. Hi, I have set up the new feedback options in Admin, however when you go to add feedback to a job in the service portal the feedback window opens with no questions and no star rating fields. As far as I can tell its set up correctly, can anyone see any reasons why it would no be working? Thanks Graham
  8. Hi, As part of our BPM, when we resolve a call it sends an email to the customer to notify them. This email has links to the portal so that the customer can go in and update/leave feedback etc. Does anybody know of a way that we can get the BPM to recognise if the customer is a user account or a guest account and then send a different email template. This would mean that we can have customised links to either the service portal or the customer portal depending on the type of user. I have had a look at doing this with a decision but could not find a suitable parameter. Any ideas? Thanks Graham
  9. Thanks for all the help, it is now working!
  10. Thanks @samwoo appears to be working for Analyst calls so will have to wait for one to come through the portal to check that.
  11. Hi, As part of our business process we have a decision node the checks the source of the call and then branches off into two different streams. One is for calls that are raised through the portal and the other deals with all other calls, however the tree does not seem to be recognising the portal calls. Can anyone see an issue with the decision tree? Thanks Graham
  12. Hi, Our Service Desk technician has queried if it would be possible to add an open call counter to the Analyst stage of the Progressive Capture so that when she is looking at the list of people in the team that a job is being added to, she can see how many open calls each person has at that time and allows us to manage the distribution of calls. The number of calls open in brackets after the technicians name would be sufficient. Not sure if this is possible of if there is an easier way of doing this in the system already. We can look at the number of jobs assigned by using the views in the request list screen, but having it to hand when assigning a call would be useful. Thanks Graham
  13. I am also getting sporadic issues. Only seems to be with resolution. I was able to select the resolution category that I wanted however the system did not register my selection and when I went back to set it again I got a message saying that no categories were available. I then checked the services manager and the resolution category level showed "no categories available". Closing and reopening the system appears to have resolved it for now, but will become tedious if we have to restart each time we get this error.
  14. I have removed the request category and resolution category, as previously recommended, as a workaround and I am also now getting reports from users that when selecting the request category in the progressive capture stage that the categories do not appear at all. We have this set as a mandatory field which means that users are unable to raise calls, and in some cases have had to cancel and restart the process six times in order to be able to raise a call. Are there any other suggestions for workarounds or solutions available?
  15. Hi, Just as a quick update that issue still seems to occur sporadically. I have users reporting that they can resolve some calls with no issues and on others there are no categories available. Thanks Graham
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