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James Ainsworth

Hornbill Product Specialists
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Everything posted by James Ainsworth

  1. Hi Joyce, As mentioned by Lyonel, we don't currently track the user that created an FAQ. We will take this into consideration for a change to be raised in order to provide this. Regards, James
  2. On the Authorisation Node within your BPM workflow you can set the list of Authorisers by either selecting a user or using a variable. If one of the listed users has been been archived, deleted, or set to be a Basic user, this may cause the error that you are getting. If you are using variables to populate one or more authorisers and the variable is not being populated prior to the authorisation node, this too could cause the error that you are getting. Regards, James
  3. With a single branch node and one switch node you could do this, where if any of the categories match App1, App2, or App3 it will go to the Switch node that uses a variable to select the Progressive Capture to switch to. If no match it branches to the end.
  4. Hi @Alisha Rather than using a number of linked decision nodes, have you tried using the variable option on the Switch Capture? If your Request Category form comes before your Link node, you just need to have Progressive Captures that match the name, ID, or Code of the category. There may also need to be some consideration on how to handle categories that don't have a matching Progressive Capture. Regards, James
  5. Hi @nasimg The associated defect for this is in the developer queue. The turnaround that the development team provided for defect fixes is very good. The overall number of active defect records that are currently open is also minimal. While I can't give a time frame for when this will be available, I would like to think that it shouldn't be too long until it is completed. Regards, James
  6. Hi @Jeremy Thanks for your post. I haven't yet come up with an answer to why you are not receiving notifications. I am going to continue to test and let you know if I find anything. Regards, James
  7. Hi @Paul Smith Many of our changes are initiated from the customer forums. It is important for us to track these requests and the related forum posts. Once a change is in place we use the Connections feature to keep track of who is interested in the requirement. The number of Connections is one of the criteria that we use for prioritising a change (limiting it to one connection from each organisation). We also link the forum posts to the related change to allow us to come back and update the progress of the change. Provided that you are following this forum post, you will be notified here of any updates. James
  8. Hi @Paul Smith We do have a change that is planned which would allow you to define which columns are displayed in the portal request list. I already have you linked to this change. While it is not scheduled for development yet, it is fairly high up the list. I'll have a review of the change to see what more can be done. James
  9. Hi Chris, Thanks for your post. I've added you to the change. James
  10. Hi @Keith I just want to confirm if you are referring to this option where on a Site you can select a Company? You are wanting to select more than one company against a site? Regards, James
  11. Hi @lokent Apologies, this may have been overlooked as it might actually be a requirement for the main Activity Calendar and not Service Manager. This may however depend on how you see this working. Service Manager only has a Change Calendar at the moment, whereas the Core Collaboration has an Activity Calendar which is currently used for managing tasks and activities. The current focus of this calendar is to manage tasks assigned to yourself or to your managed staff. We haven't yet introduced team or shared calendars. Regards, James
  12. Thanks @lokent I'll pass this back to the development team to investigate. Regards, James
  13. Hi @Even Lie We believe that we have found an issue that might be causing this. Please keep an eye open in the Apple App Store for the next update which you should see in the next couple of days. Once the update is available and it is installed please do let us know if the issue you are experiencing continues. Regards, James
  14. Hi @David Wilson Something to try while this is being looked is that in our documentation there is also the use of the \b (word boundaries) option used within this string. I would have thought that your current expression would have been enough to catch the match, but maybe worth a try. James
  15. Hi @Dan Munns Thanks for your post and the feedback on the Service Portfolio. I do hope to continue with these small improvements to the Service Portfolio and I do like your idea. I'll keep this in mind for one of my next updates in this area. Regards, James
  16. Hi @dwalby We do have this as a change in our backlog already. I'll add you to the change and update this post as it progresses. Regards, James
  17. @lokent it would most likely be the ESPServerService log. Open this up, select the following filters. Then try uploading a picture.
  18. Managing Organisations in Customer Manager Hornbill Customer manage provides a collaborative environment for managing your business to business customer relationships. The Organisation records in Customer Manager offer the ability for users to collaborate on each individual organization. Posts and comments are collected in the Organisation Timeline to communicate and capture discussions about the organization. When it comes to documents, easily attach files against each organization to store anything from contracts, invoices, plans, or any document received from the organization. Using the Hornbill Document Manager easily link to shared documents from libraries. For ongoing management of your customer, plan and schedule tasks and activities, communicate by email directly from the organization record, and add members who are responsible for the customer.
  19. HI @lokent We are still investigating and trying to replicate the issue. If it is ok, while we are investigating, if I ask a few more questions. Do you know if it is only this one user that is experiencing this issue or has this been seen by other users too? If you have access to the logs in Hornbill administration, I was wondering if there was anything recorded when they attempt to add the picture. This may help us determine if it is an issue with the app or the platform on the instance. Regards, James
  20. The actual date stored in the database will be in GMT. What it is being displayed will depend on the profile settings for the user that is creating the report. If the user that is generating the report has their time zone on their Hornbill profile set to GMT, the dates in the report will be shown as GMT.
  21. I've not been able to find any issues with the dates. As mentioned, for me there was a difference with what was displayed in Administration and what was displayed in the client, but this was to do with the time zones. In administration when using either direct database or the reports, the date/time is masked with an offset based on the time zone set in the users profile when logged into Administration. Because I was viewing Administration and the Changes in the full client using different users that had different time zones set in their profiles, I was getting what appeared to be different times and dates. As soon as I was using all the same time zones it lined up correctly. Would this be the case with you where different timezones are being used?
  22. Thanks Joyce. On my own instance I did see a difference of a day between what was in the database and what was displayed on the calendar which I had taken to be due to my timezone. I will continue to investigate. James
  23. Hi Paul, I don't believe that there is a way that this can currently be done as described. Maybe there is a way that a follow up activity can be set/initiated in the BPM based on 2 or less stars to ask the customer. You might get more info this way. Personally, when I provide feedback on websites I prefer to just use the star rating and if asked for more detail there is nothing stopping me from me for just adding one character to the mandatory field to get past it.
  24. Hi Hayley, I've proposed a change to the Round Robin and Most Available BPM operations. At the moment both of these have an option to include or exclude Offline users. The Availability check is currently hard set, but I have asked if we could have a similar setting to the 'Include Offline Users' which would be to include 'On-holiday Users'. This does have an obvious implication that when they are on a proper holiday, they could still be assigned requests. The workaround to that would be to go in Administration and under Service Manager -> Configuration -> Service Desk you could set the user to not be included in assignments while on holiday. This change is not currently scheduled for development, but I will update this post when it does reach development.
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